HowTo 1. Create new data table. Create initial version for it.

This document demonstrates how to create data table corresponding to TIFG structure (from TileCal), fill it by two structure instances and create an initial version.

The process of new data table creation is supposed to be on responsibility of 'atlasdd' user account. So you should contact Vakho Tsulaia and/or Joe Boudreau in the case you want to create new data table or modify the existing one. So for now we suppose that TIFG data table has already been created and does not contain any data.

  1. Step 1.Desclare new TIFG node as a child of existing TileCal node.
    Go to web tool, provide username/password and follow Create new node link. Enter new node name and choose parent node from drop-down list. Then click Create.

  2. Step 2. Declare the new tag labeled 'TIFG-00' of TIFG node.
    Follow the link Create new tag. From drop-down list select TIFG and click Next. Enter new tag name TIFG-00 and click Create.

  3. Step 3. Assign 'TIFG-00' tag to its parent 'TileCal-00' tag.
    Follow the link Collect tags. Select TileCal from drop-down list and click Next, select TileCal-00 and click Next, update tag for TIFG node.

  4. Step 4. Put the numbers in TIFG data table.
    Modify ~tsulaia/public/ replacing the user name atlasdd_reader by atlasdd_writer and start SQLPLUS by sourcing this script. Insert two initial records in TIFG_DATA table with IDs 0 and 1.
    # insert into atlasdd.tifg_data values (0, 1, 8, 43.05);
    # insert into atlasdd.tifg_data values (1, 2, 8, 37.7);

  5. Step 5. Commit your modifications.
    # commit;

  6. Step 6. Exit sqlplus.
    # exit;

  7. Step 7. Assign two new TIFG records to TIFG-00 tag.
    Follow the link Collect leaf tags. Select the TIFG node from the list, then select TIFG-00 tag and click Collect. You will get the entire TIFG data table. Select records to be collected under TIFG-00 and click Collect Selected Records.
