Minutes of the Power Supplies Working Group 27-05-97

Presents: Philippe Farthouat (TRT), Nachman Lupu (TGC), Piotr Malecki (SCT), Jim Pilcher (Tiles), Hiroshi Sakamoto (TGC), Richard Schweitzer (CERN ECP-ESS), Francois Vazeille (Tiles), Brig Williams (TRT and FE coordination)

Most of the sub-systems plan to put their front-end power supplies in the cavern. There are 2 problems: the stray magnetic field which is between 300 and 1000 Gauss and the radiation level (a few 100 Rads and a few 1011 N.cm-2 per year). For both problems a number of actions have to be taken:

1. Get the proper level of radiation and the exact magnetic field at the place where the PS should be. (Atlas technical coordination).

2. Try existing PS in magnetic field. ECP-ESS group volunteered to help in this field (if they can solve their man-power problem).

3. Collect information from KEK and L3 who have working PS in 300 Gauss.(Brig)

4. In the case the power supplies are specially designed, list all the components used and see whether it's possible to have uniformisation. Then identified working elements in the expected radiation environment.

It was concluded that one should be in a position before the end of the year to say whether or not one can have the PS in the cavern.