
Radiation Hardness of FE ASICs

The VDC and DORIC chips have been prdouced in the AMS 0.8 micron Bi-CMOS process. This is not a qualified radiation hard process but only npn transistors have been used in a conservative design to maximise the radiation tolerance of the chips. The transistors are run at high values of beta to minimise the radiation induced changes in beta. A conservative design has been used in order to minimise sensitivity to any changes in beta.
A sample of 20 DORIC4s were irradiated with 3 10**14 n/cm**2 at the Ljubljana reactor. They all worked correctly after the irradiation. These 20 chips were then irradiated to a dose of 10 MRad with a Co source at Birmingham. The chips were powered during the Co irradiation and the currents monitored. There were no significant changes in current during irradiation. The chips all worked correctly after this irradiation and there was no measurable detiroration in performance.

A sample of 9 VDCs were irradiated with 3 10**14 n/cm**2 at the Ljubljana reactor. They all worked correctly after irradiation with no significant changes. They  have beeen radiated to 10 MRad with the Co source at Birmingham. 2 chips were mechanically damaged and on those chips only one channel works. On the other 7 chips both channels worked after the irradiation with no signifiant change in performance. The chips were powered during the gamma irradiation.

Test transistors were laid out in the VDC chip. The performance of irradiated and unirradiated single transistors has been measured . Accelerated ageing tests have also been performed on the irradiated DORIC4 and VDC chips. A paper (accepted for publication in NIM) on the radiation testing of DORIC4 and VDC is available here (pdf file).

New. A sample of 9 DORIC4A chips have been irradiated with 2 10**14 n/cm**2 and 50 MRad. They all work after these irradiations. More information is availablee here (pdf file)  .

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