Minutes of Database, event, detector description session 10 May 2000 =============================== Database workplan - David Malon =============================== David Malon covered the near term priorities for the database work: - access to existing data - data access through the framework - detector description infrastructure - database support for testbeam - other activities - viability assessment of the baseline - accumulate experience - reassessment of ATLAS requirements - evaluate scalability/viability testing done by others - grid related milestones Concerning the viability assessment, the question was asked whether other persistency would be explored. David Malon replied that there was general agreement that this would be done, e.g. with Espresso and/or RootIO. David Quarrie added that the Gaudi framework has the possibility of a "democratic" store allowing different technologies to be used. This as well will be explored. ================================================================= Status of notes on identifiers and hits and digits - RD Schaffer ================================================================= RD covered a note which is defining a logical identification scheme for readout channels to be used for the software. A first version has been circulated to coordinators and db task leaders and has been discussed in the subsystems. A more complete version will be available and circulated before the end of June. A second note defining hits, digits, hits to digits transformation and pileup procedure intended to be used in Geant4 has been circulated. This note was largely incomplete - it contained the current definitions for Geant3 hits and digits. There has been some discussion, and a more complete note will be circulated by end of June. In the discussion, it was pointed out the approval of offline coordinators is probably sufficient for certification of the final version of the notes. Traudl indicated that it may not be correct to define the digits as what is coming out of the ROB's. This was to be discussed further in the simulation session. There was some discussion on whether the pileup procedure should be described in the note. It became clear that it is sufficiently non-trivial that it should be clearly described in the note. ============================================================= Detector description: status and next steps - Stan Bentvelsen ============================================================= Stan gave a status report and summaries of two recent XML workshops (at LBNL 8/05/00 and at CERN 14/04/00). He also summarized the status of AGDD. It was clear that a key missing element is a scheme to specify the logical identifier scheme in XML. This is needed to identify and use the objects created from the XML in the generic model. David Malon wanted to explore the possibility of specifying separately the logical model from the physical model in XML. There was also some dicussion on how to proceed. It was concluded that there should be some small projects which goes all the way from XML to a Geant4 simulation for a small slice of some detector(s). This should be done before others are requested to proceed with descriptions. (See next point.) =========================================== Reports from database subsytem coordinators =========================================== Steve Goldfarb summarized the work done for the Muons. In particular, he proposed to use the Muons for the above mention "test slice". This was further discussed in the simulation session the next day, concluding that there should be two projects, one for the muons and one for the inner detector, which goes all the way from XML to a Geant4 simulation for a small slice of some detector(s). This should begin immediately with something working before automn 2000. Tom LeConte summarized TileCal activities. ================================================== Status of Objectivity Infrastructure - RD Schaffer ================================================== RD discussed in a bit more detail how today one can work with Objy - adding persistent class definitions to federations. This will be evolved as described by David Malon's talk above.