Working with the ATLAS cvs repository

1. General requirements

You need

Two access methods are currently supported: the kserver , and SSH.

To be a developer or contributor, you may need

2. kserver access

In order to use the kserver access,

On many machines, this ticket can be obtained via the klog command. At CERN, just say klog; outside, you may need to issue 'klog <user> -cell' instead. Depending on the installation, if klog does not give the desired result, you may wish to try klog.krb, kinit, or kauth instead. Now check whether you have what you need; again, on many machines, the tokens command does what you want:

pchmh% tokens

Tokens held by the Cache Manager:

User's (AFS ID 811) tokens for [Expires Jun 10 13:13]

User helge's tokens for [Expires Jun 10 13:13]

   --End of list--

You'll need an entry such as the one on the second line (the one for

Now specify the root of the cvs repository (for example by setting the CVSROOT environment variable) like this:

Note that it is unnecessary to specify a user name - the server system will get it from your Kerberos ticket. Now use cvs commands as usual, eg. 'cvs checkout', 'cvs commit', 'cvs update' etc.

3. SSH access

This access mechanism can be used if kserver does not work. In order to use SSH access,


Troubleshooting and Reporting Access Problems

If you have problems accessing the CVS Repository please go through the items below before making a problem report to the Savannah interface or the mailing list Please make it clear if you have problems getting started or you are an experienced users and believe there is a service problem.