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CosmoLep 2 (1998)

Minutes of the CosmoLep Meeting, 10 June 1998

Presents: I. Ajinenko (Delphi), V. Avati (CosmoLep), A. Ball (Opal), B.  Betev(L3), V. Canale (Delphi), S.  Czellar (Delphi), L.  Dick (CosmoLep), K. Eggert (CosmoLep), F. Franco (Cosmolep), H. Herr (Delphi), Z. Krumstein (Delphi), O. Ioutchenko (Delphi), P. Le Coultre (L3), V. Nomokonov (Delphi), R.  Orava (Delphi), R.  Ostonen (L3), J. Schieck (Opal), J. Strom (CosmoLep), G. Valenti (Delphi), J. Valiviita (Delphi), H. Wachsmuth (Aleph)

The four LEP experiments showed their interest in a common CosmoLep experiment. First discussions took place how to put the experiments in coincidence using a GPS timing system for later synchronization. Individual triggers on cosmic ray muons and muon bundles were discussed. They should either run in parallel with normal LEP data taking using a dedicated trigger and read-out system or they should use the beam free time during LEP set-up between the runs. The discussion will continue during the next CosmoLep meeting.

DELPHI (V. Canale):

relevant detectors : -chambers, TOF system, hadron calorimeter and central TPC

constraints on individual trigger (parallel or independent LEP runs) were discussed.

possibility to run between the LEP runs with multimuon trigger using the hadron calorimeter. TPC will be needed for exact momentum determination.

OPAL (A. Ball ):

use of the anode wire signals from the capacitively read streamer cells (present Opal Monitor System) of the HCAL system

the use of the muon system would require a new read-out and hence more effort

Opal could participate on a general coincidence measurement but would not have sufficient precise muon momentum determination.

ALEPH (H. Wachsmuth):

trigger+read-out already working (288 signals)

GPS is installed, still is not in the data stream

to use the muon chamber a new DAQ (CosmoAleph) is needed

sensitive time 120 nsec (between runs up to 1 sec)

data available in archive

L3 (P. Le Coultre)

L3-C is planning a precise cosmic muon experiment running parallel to L3 (see

There is in principle no problem to integrate L3-C into a common CosmoLep coincidence, since they are already equipped with a timing reference GPS.

NEXT MEETING: 8 JULY , 15.00 room 1-1-25

Preliminary Agenda

Valentina AVATI
Tue Jul 14 12:28:19 MET DST 1998