DIRAC Collaboration meeting (CERN, 26 September 2011)



26 September, Monday, 9:30.
Bld. 585, room R-030.

01. Introduction.   C.Guaraldo
02. Status of pi+K- & K+pi- atoms, pi+pi- and pi-mu atoms.   V.Yazkov (PDF)
03. Possibility of pi+pi- atom energy splitting measurement & 
    the plan of work and publications in 2012 and 2013, 2014.   L.Nemenov (PDF)
04. Response of the new SFD: Simulation and experiment.   A.Benelli (PDF)
05. Yield of proton-antiproton pair measurement &
    prospects of K+K- pair yield.   P.Doskarova (PDF)
06. The magnet for the long-lived atom observation &
    new magnets for the energy splitting measurement.   S.Aogaki (PDF)  
07. Investigation of the magnet influence on  
    the distributions of pipi and ee pair relative momentum.   V.Yazkov (PDF)  
08. Test experiment at T10 of new IH elements & 
    a new IH with electronics proposed.   F.Takeutchi (PDF)
09. Institutes to sign the new ADDENDUM.   L.Nemenov
10. DIRAC homepage and new CERN standard CDS.   J.Schacher (PDF)
11. Presentation of DIRAC results at conferences.   J.Schacher (PDF)
12. AOB

Juerg Schacher [27/09/11]