DELPHI-DPHEP Preserving DELPHI data access


There are four main areas to be respected when it comes to data preservation.

Bit preservation

DELPHI data is stored on EOS at CERN, a disk based mass storage system. Two additional copies are stored on tape on CTA.

Software preservation

The general strategy for preserving DELPHI data access is to keep the software stack alive as long as possible, as only this option really ensures the full usability of the data. This does not exclude other options, in particular the use of containers and virtualisations, as these allow to rerun using original executables without recompiling, which can be very useful for validation.
The main areas in this category are
  1. Data analysis framework
  2. Simulation
  3. Reconstruction
  4. Event display


The bulk of DELPHI related documentations is availabe in CDS at CERN. Only a small subset requires authentication, the bulk of it is open.

Analysis preservation

Preservation of analyses is a weak point as this was not on the radar of the collaboration while it was still running. Some bits have been preserved though. If DELPHI members still have their code and ideally their results (e.g. ntuples), please get in touch so that this can be preserved.

Software preservation status in 2023

Sources are in CERN gitlab, and binaries are on CVMFS. The run time environment has no CERN specific dependencies. It can be run on any desktop running a supported Linux distribution, which has CVMFS and EOS installed. Access to sources and data requires Kerberos authentication though. Both 32bit and 64bit binaries are provided, for those distributions where this is still possible. The default is 64bit now.

Data analysis frameworks



Event display

Changes since 2002

Many years after the end of the experiment IT services are changing, and the software stack has to adapt to that to ensure the continued accessibility of the DELPHI data. Changes in services include: At the same time new services have arrived which replace the functionality of these disappearing services.

Revised DELPHI software stack

Based on the software CD created in 2002 a new software environment has been created. It is the default since the switch of lxplus to CentOS7. The new software stack has no remaining dependencies on AFS, LSF or CASTOR. It works fine outside CERN as well. Currently, the following operating systems are supported: Setting up the software locally: Note that the AFS area are gone for good, thus the cvmfs installation is the only remaining stack. Since 20/05/2023 the default is 64bit, for all versions, which was already the case for newer vesions as of July 2022.

Using and testing

Please make use of pre-defined environment variables, specifically for compiler options. See here for more details.

Things to be done

Tasks still to be performed are tracked in the DPHEP JIRA task tracker. Input to any of the tickets is very welcome. Some remarks:


It is essential to perform more meaningful in depth tests of the stack. Any help on this is highly appreciated. In any case, if you use DELPHI software please do cross checks with old archived data, and report any problems to

List of recent changes:

Links and references

Last modified: Wed Jul 20 15:33:00 CET 2022