DELPHI Event Server

The DELPHI Event Server has undergone dramatic changes. As there is no longer any manpower available to support the WWW version, a lighter version of DES has been made available. It is a script called des.
Please log on to LXPLUS or DXPLUS to run it

This is the online help, as can be obtained with the command des -help:

The Delphi Event Server (DES) picks and processes real data events. 
It runs in one of these six modes:

- LIST:      des -m list -e 84078:10815 [-e 88588:2459]
                 lists the Raw data tape that contains 
                 event 10815 from run 84078

- PICK:      des -m pick -e 84078:10815 [-e 88588:2459]
                 picks the event from the raw data tape
                 and returns the raw data output

- DELANA:    des -m delana -e 84078:10815 [-e 88588:2459]
                 picks the event from the raw data tape,
                 processes it through the corresponding
                 DELANA version and returns that DELANA output.
- DSTANA:    des -m dstana -e 84078:10815 [-e 88588:2459]
                 picks the event from the raw data tape,
                 processes it through DELANA and DSTANA,
                 and returns the DSTANA output

- WIRED:     des -m wired -e 84078:10815 [-e 88588:2459]
                 picks the event from the ShortDST file,
                 and creates a webpage to view it, using WIRED

  For these modes, you can process more than one event per request
  by specifying multiple "-e run:evt" options.

- MULTI:     des -m multi -f inputfile [-evl]
                 picks the DST events listed in the inputfile.
                 The format of the input file should be:

                      FATMEN = XSDST97_E3
                        76045    364
                        77904   4419
                        77951   4278

                 or, alternatively,

                       VSN = EK1564, NUMBER =  21
                          42093     21 
                          42113    240 
                          42132     17 
                          42132    152 
                       VSN = EK1796, NUMBER =   1
                         -20403    130 
                         -20403    211 

                 If your inputfile is an EVENTLIST file produced
                 by PHDST, you can specify the "-evl" option. 
                 This speeds up processing considerably!

             NB: this option works for Monte Carlo events as well 
                 as for real events.

The Event Server launches a batch job to the batch cluster.  When
this job finishes, it will store the output in your AFS $SCRATCH
directory. A notification mail will be sent to you.

Since the Event Server submits a batch job to the public batch
cluster, you have to log on to a public interactive cluster
(LXPLUS, DXPLUS or HPPLUS) to run it.

To obtain "expert help", run "des -help expert"

questions, comments, complaints: