DELPHI Data Format

DELPHI Physics Data Structures

The Data Format

All DELPHI data sets, from raw data to Extended Short DSTs are written in ZEBRA FZ exchange format. This allows members of the collaboration to transport data easily from one computing architecture to another without having to convert the data from one format to another.

From Raw data to processed DST's

There are five types of DELPHI data sets, all but one of which is derived from one or more of the other types of data sets. The types of DELPHI data sets and the point in the DELPHI data analysis and production stream where they are produced is as follows:
  1. RAW data , collected either by the DELPHI online system. or produced by DELSIM, the DELPHI detector simulation program contain the electronic data read out by the detector and, by size, are the largest of the DELPHI data sets
  2. Full DST data , produced by DELANA, , the DELPHI Data Reconstruction and Analysis Program from the DELPHI RAW data, contain information about reconstructed charged tracks and neutrals which may be used in physics analyses
  3. Short DST data , produced by DSTANA, the DST Analysis and fixing package, and written by PHDST, the DELPHI package for DST productions, from the DELPHI DSTs are a more compact data set which allow faster analysis of the physics data. These are used primarily by the hadronic teams in DELPHI
  4. Extended short DST data
  5. Long DST data , produced using the same software as the Short DST's, but contain the Full DST information (with fixes and particle identifications), followed by the Short DST structure. These are used primarily by the DELPHI leptonic teams.
The PostDST data are centraly produced on the Delhpi FARM. Nevertheless a private production of small Monte Carlo samples is organized on some central computers.