Summary of DELANA processings in 1996 and 1997

DELANA processings in 1996 and 1997


Below is a summary of the main Delana processings made during 1996 and 1997.
Early incomplete processings of the data for a given year are mentioned only briefly.
No attempt is made to document the numerous processings of calibration data (STP selected events and Z0 data) use to prepare full reprocessings or to test code developments.
It helps to distinguish three versions of the tracking code used in DELANA during 1996 and 1997:

Reprocessings of LEP100 data.

The processings of the LEP100 data listed below, using the NBT version, the best knowledge of detector calibrations and alignment, and with scalings of detector error matrices inside Delana, replace all previous processings.

Processings of 96 data.

During the data taking of 96, a new processing of the data was started whenever there was a significant update of the detector calibration or alignment. This resulted in several incomplete processings, the last of which was: The first complete processing of 96 data is the E processing, still using the OLD version of the code, starting in September and running until the end of the data taking. This also used an early version of the VD alignment and other detector calibrations.
After the LEP100 reprocessings (see above) the 96 data were rerun (96F) using the NBT version of the code. The main updates for this F processing compared with the E processing were:

Processings of 97 data.

As in 96, several early reprocessings were driven by updates in detector calibrations and alignment. The C processing was started 8 Aug and continued through the '130 GeV' data taking until 20 Oct. It thus represents the only processing of the '130 GeV' data made in 97, but is incomplete as regards the 183 GeV data. Note that early runs of the C processing (--> 14 Aug) did not use the correct calibration for the STIC energy, which was corrected for the remainder of the processing. Full details and corrections have been given in the news. Test processings using the NFT version of the code were also made :
The 97D version of Delana became available 13 Oct 1997.
Main updates compared to the 97C processing were as follows: Note that VFT was written to the DST in 97D but not included in the tracks.
With this D version the following processings were performed:
At the end of 1997, the first full reprocessing using the NFT version of the tracking code was made, using the VFT points in the tracks. In addition, there were the following updates with respect to the D processing: Processings made were: Both the above processings suffer from a shift of 1 strip in the alignment of the VFT mini-strip planes in Rphi. The VFT alignment is fixed by a shift of the TER inside Delana. A small offset in the HPC z coordinate, affecting part of the 183 GeV data in the E processing will be fixed in the E2 processing of DSTANA.

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Last update Jan 19 1998