Russian Regional Center activity

We have started our activities at the beginning of April 1999. The draft
of Russian Regional Center (RRC) was reported in MONARC meeting in April

In May the coordination council was organized. The chairman of council
Academician S.Belyaev, Kurchatov Institute. The council includes about
10 institutions, which
participate in the LHC program.

Presently, RRC project is being prepared. As the first step, we create a
of the distributed regional center. Currently the prototype includes
four nodes:

        - JINR, Dubna
        - INP MSU, Moscow
        - ITEP, Moscow
        - IHEP, Protvino

The main goal of this prototype is to  create basic components and to
test their 
interaction. These main components are:

       - Network infrastructure
       - Servers and computing farms
       - Mass storage systems
       - High speed network link to CERN
       - LHC and other software

Plans and Problems.

During 1999-2000, we plan to increase the power of all components of RRC
by an
order of magnitude. The most difficult problem is a low bandwidth of the
CERN-Russia link.

The list of slides is here:

1-st slide:

o Scientific Committee on Russian regional Center (RC) for LHC 
o Conception of Russian RC
o Technical Proposal for Russian RC
o Coordination of activities of institutes-participants of Russian 

2-nd slide is here

3-rd slide is here

4-th slide is here

5-th slide:
JINR Activities in Russian RC for LHC Experiments

o PC-farm: 16PCs(16000MIPS, 100Gb), Linux RedHat-6.0, LHC++ software
o Sun-cluster(CMS): Solaris, LHC++ software
o Improvement of computer link Dubna-Moscow up to 34(155)Mbit/sec
o Testing of ALS (Automatic Tape Library) for using with remote PC
o Testing HP SPP-UX 5.20 for using LHC++ software
o PC-Workstations: Windows NT 4.0, LHC++ software

6-th slide:
o PC-farm: Linux, LHC++ software
o DEC(Compaq) Alpha - cluster: True64 UNIX, LHC++ software
o DLT robot

2nd September 1999