File : cal_WA-X5B_9605.txt ------------------------------------------------------ Testbeam May, 1996 in West Area, X5B from : May, 17. 96 to : May, 22. 96 ------------------------------------------------------ Tracker, CDS-3, =S3 : 26.0 e/ADC (960708) Tracker, DBDS-26, =26 : on VA3 now, 13 e/ADC (960531) Tracker, Norton X : 31.0 e/ADC (960531) Tracker, F : 26.6 e/ADC (960412) Dot-sample, CDS-2 : calibration with Si-diode Dot-sample, CDS-8 : calibration with Si-diode Dot-sample, CDS-4 : calibration with Si-diode Dot-sample, CDS-1 : calibration with Si-diode Dot-sample, NDF-005-2 : calibration with Si-diode AC-Silicon Pad, : - dme/960412/960531/960708