This is the historic website of the "CERN Web Office", the first CERN Web support unit created in the 1990s.
The content is no longer maintained and may be obsolete. Please visit for current CERN information.

CERN Guidelines
Publishing on the Web

These Guidelines are aimed to help the authors and readers of the World Wide Web at CERN.

They are the result of consultation between all the Divisional Webmasters; they incorporate the views and experience of many, and also draw on experience at other HEP laboratories.

Rather than drawing up a strict set of rules, we have preferred to indicate why Guidelines are important and why they should be respected. In the spirit of the SLAC recommendation: "Given the choice between anarchy on the Web and some form of regulation, we opt for minimal regulation."

At the same time, we have no illusion that any set of Guidelines will be followed unless such behaviour leads to some benefit for the user. These benefits we consider to be of two kinds:

The present pages are both an introduction and a reference. They should be read in a particular sequence before they are taken as reference.

In addition, there are references to existing templates for pages and descriptions of utilities and services at the disposal of the Web authors.

Hopefully the experienced author will find that our Guidelines correspond to his/her practice.

Scope -- Rationale -- Overview -- Templates -- Glossary -- (Hint for printing)

For comments and changes send email to Divisional Webmasters Group
Copyright CERN -- DWG -- modified 1998.04.30