Sitges, cel i calitges          Sitges, sky and hazy heat,
mar al peu      the sea at our feet and
clavell al niu      carnations in the mist,
blanc d'Espanya      the dazzling whiteness
que enlluerna      of Spanish walls,
les espurnes de l'estiu      showering glitters of summer sparks
     Josep Carner
     "Madrigal a Sitges"

Contributions to the Proceedings


Contributions to the conference have been classified into the following 4 main categories. The links below lead to more detailed classifications, listings and eventually to Acrobat Format (PDF) files containing the abstracts and papers. Copies of the complete proceedings are available in book form and on CD-ROM from the publisher.

Invited papers

Contributed papers


Author Index

List of participants

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9th September, 1996