CLHEP Reference Documentation
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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 // $Id:,v 1.2 2003/08/13 20:00:14 garren Exp $
00003 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00004 //
00005 // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
00006 //
00007 // This is the implementation of that portion of the HepLorentzVector class
00008 // which was in the original CLHEP and which does not force loading of either
00009 // or
00010 //
00012 #ifdef GNUPRAGMA
00013 #pragma implementation
00014 #endif
00016 #include "CLHEP/Vector/defs.h"
00017 #include "CLHEP/Vector/LorentzVector.h"
00018 #include "CLHEP/Vector/ZMxpv.h"
00020 #include <iostream>
00022 namespace CLHEP  {
00024 double HepLorentzVector::operator () (int i) const {
00025   switch(i) {
00026   case X:
00027   case Y:
00028   case Z:
00029     return pp(i);
00030   case T:
00031     return e();
00032   default:
00033     std::cerr << "HepLorentzVector subscripting: bad index (" << i << ")"
00034                  << std::endl;
00035   }
00036   return 0.;
00037 }  
00039 double & HepLorentzVector::operator () (int i) {
00040   static double dummy;
00041   switch(i) {
00042   case X:
00043   case Y:
00044   case Z:
00045     return pp(i);
00046   case T:
00047     return ee;
00048   default:
00049     std::cerr
00050       << "HepLorentzVector subscripting: bad index (" << i << ")"
00051       << std::endl;
00052     return dummy;
00053   }
00054 }
00056 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::boost
00057                                 (double bx, double by, double bz){
00058   double b2 = bx*bx + by*by + bz*bz;
00059   register double gamma = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - b2);
00060   register double bp = bx*x() + by*y() + bz*z();
00061   register double gamma2 = b2 > 0 ? (gamma - 1.0)/b2 : 0.0;
00063   setX(x() + gamma2*bp*bx + gamma*bx*t());
00064   setY(y() + gamma2*bp*by + gamma*by*t());
00065   setZ(z() + gamma2*bp*bz + gamma*bz*t());
00066   setT(gamma*(t() + bp));
00067   return *this;
00068 }
00070 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::rotateX(double a) {
00071   pp.rotateX(a); 
00072   return *this; 
00073 }
00074 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::rotateY(double a) { 
00075   pp.rotateY(a); 
00076   return *this; 
00077 }
00078 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::rotateZ(double a) { 
00079   pp.rotateZ(a); 
00080   return *this; 
00081 }
00083 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::rotateUz(const Hep3Vector &v) {
00084   pp.rotateUz(v);
00085   return *this;
00086 }
00088 std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const HepLorentzVector & v)
00089 {
00090   return os << "(" << v.x() << "," << v.y() << "," << v.z()
00091             << ";" << v.t() << ")";
00092 }
00094 std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & is, HepLorentzVector & v) {
00096 // Required format is ( a, b, c; d ) that is, four numbers, preceded by
00097 // (, followed by ), components of the spatial vector separated by commas,
00098 // time component separated by semicolon. The four numbers are taken
00099 // as x, y, z, t.
00101   double x, y, z, t;
00102   char c;
00104   is >> std::ws >> c;
00105     // ws is defined to invoke eatwhite(istream & )
00106     // see (Stroustrup gray book) page 333 and 345.
00107   if ( || c != '(' ) {
00108     std::cerr << "Could not find required opening parenthesis "
00109               << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
00110     return is;
00111   }
00113   is >> x >> std::ws >> c;
00114   if ( || c != ',' ) {
00115     std::cerr << "Could not find x value and required trailing comma "
00116               << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl; 
00117     return is;
00118   }
00120   is >> y >> std::ws >> c;
00121   if ( || c != ',' ) {
00122     std::cerr << "Could not find y value and required trailing comma "
00123               <<  "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
00124     return is;
00125   }
00127   is >> z >> std::ws >> c;
00128   if ( || c != ';' ) {
00129     std::cerr << "Could not find z value and required trailing semicolon "
00130                  <<  "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
00131     return is;
00132   }
00134   is >> t >> std::ws >> c;
00135   if ( || c != ')' ) {
00136     std::cerr << "Could not find t value and required close parenthesis "
00137                  << "in input of a HepLorentzVector" << std::endl;
00138     return is;
00139   }
00141   v.setX(x);
00142   v.setY(y);
00143   v.setZ(z);
00144   v.setT(t);
00145   return is;
00146 }
00148 // The following were added when ZOOM classes were merged in:
00150 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::operator /= (double c) {
00151   if (c == 0) {
00152     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvInfiniteVector(
00153       "Attempt to do LorentzVector /= 0 -- \n"
00154       "division by zero would produce infinite or NAN components"));
00155   }
00156   double oneOverC = 1.0/c;
00157   pp *= oneOverC;
00158   ee *= oneOverC;
00159   return *this;
00160 } /* w /= c */
00162 HepLorentzVector operator / (const HepLorentzVector & w, double c) {
00163 if (c == 0) {
00164     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvInfiniteVector(
00165       "Attempt to do LorentzVector / 0 -- \n"
00166       "division by zero would produce infinite or NAN components"));
00167   }
00168   double oneOverC = 1.0/c;
00169   return HepLorentzVector (w.getV() * oneOverC,
00170                         w.getT() * oneOverC);
00171 } /* LV = w / c */
00173 Hep3Vector HepLorentzVector::boostVector() const {
00174   if (ee == 0) {
00175     if (pp.mag2() == 0) {
00176       return Hep3Vector(0,0,0);
00177     } else {
00178     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvInfiniteVector(
00179       "boostVector computed for LorentzVector with t=0 -- infinite result"));
00180     return pp/ee;
00181     }
00182   }
00183   if (restMass2() <= 0) {
00184     ZMthrowC (ZMxpvTachyonic(
00185       "boostVector computed for a non-timelike LorentzVector "));
00186         // result will make analytic sense but is physically meaningless
00187   }
00188   return pp * (1./ee);
00189 } /* boostVector */
00192 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::boostX (double beta){
00193   register double b2 = beta*beta;
00194   if (b2 >= 1) {
00195     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvTachyonic(
00196       "boost along X with beta >= 1 (speed of light) -- no boost done"));
00197   } else {
00198     register double gamma = sqrt(1./(1-b2));
00199     register double tt = ee;
00200     ee = gamma*(ee + beta*pp.getX());
00201     pp.setX(gamma*(pp.getX() + beta*tt));
00202   }
00203   return *this;
00204 } /* boostX */
00206 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::boostY (double beta){
00207   register double b2 = beta*beta;
00208   if (b2 >= 1) {
00209     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvTachyonic(
00210       "boost along Y with beta >= 1 (speed of light) -- \nno boost done"));
00211   } else {
00212     register double gamma = sqrt(1./(1-b2));
00213     register double tt = ee;
00214     ee = gamma*(ee + beta*pp.getY());
00215     pp.setY(gamma*(pp.getY() + beta*tt));
00216   }
00217   return *this;
00218 } /* boostY */
00220 HepLorentzVector & HepLorentzVector::boostZ (double beta){
00221   register double b2 = beta*beta;
00222   if (b2 >= 1) {
00223     ZMthrowA (ZMxpvTachyonic(
00224       "boost along Z with beta >= 1 (speed of light) -- \nno boost done"));
00225   } else {
00226     register double gamma = sqrt(1./(1-b2));
00227     register double tt = ee;
00228     ee = gamma*(ee + beta*pp.getZ());
00229     pp.setZ(gamma*(pp.getZ() + beta*tt));
00230   }
00231   return *this;
00232 } /* boostZ */
00234 double HepLorentzVector::setTolerance ( double tol ) {
00235 // Set the tolerance for two LorentzVectors to be considered near each other
00236   double oldTolerance (tolerance);
00237   tolerance = tol;
00238   return oldTolerance;
00239 }
00241 double HepLorentzVector::getTolerance ( ) {
00242 // Get the tolerance for two LorentzVectors to be considered near each other
00243   return tolerance;
00244 }
00246 double HepLorentzVector::tolerance = 
00247                                 Hep3Vector::ToleranceTicks * 2.22045e-16;
00248 double HepLorentzVector::metric = 1.0;
00251 }  // namespace CLHEP

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