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00001 // -*- C++ -*-
00002 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
00003 //
00004 // This file is a part of the CLHEP - a Class Library for High Energy Physics.
00005 // 
00006 // 
00007 // Copyright Cornell University 1993, 1996, All Rights Reserved.
00008 // 
00009 // This software written by Nobu Katayama and Mike Smyth, Cornell University.
00010 // 
00011 // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00012 // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
00013 // are met:
00014 // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00015 //    notice and author attribution, this list of conditions and the
00016 //    following disclaimer. 
00017 // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00018 //    notice and author attribution, this list of conditions and the
00019 //    following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
00020 //    provided with the distribution.
00021 // 3. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
00022 //    may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
00023 //    without specific prior written permission.
00024 // 
00025 // Creation of derivative forms of this software for commercial
00026 // utilization may be subject to restriction; written permission may be
00027 // obtained from Cornell University.
00028 // 
00030 // of example, but not limitation, CORNELL MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR
00033 // COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS, OR OTHER RIGHTS.  Cornell University shall not be
00034 // held liable for any liability with respect to any claim by the user or any
00035 // other party arising from use of the program.
00036 //
00037 // This is the definition of special linear algebra functions for the
00038 // HepMatrix class.
00039 //
00040 // Many of these algorithms are taken from Golub and Van Loan.
00041 //
00043 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h"
00044 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h"
00045 #include "CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h"
00047 namespace CLHEP {
00049 static inline int sign(double x) { return (x>0 ? 1: -1);}
00051 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00053    The following contains stuff to try to do basic things with matrixes.
00054    The functions are:
00056    back_solve         - Solves R*x = b where R is upper triangular.
00057                         Also has a variation that solves a number of equations
00058                         of this form in one step, where b is a matrix with
00059                         each column a different vector. See also solve.
00060    col_givens         - Does a column Givens update.
00061    col_house          - Does a column Householder update.
00062    condition          - Find the conditon number of a symmetric matrix.
00063    diag_step          - Implicit symmetric QR step with Wilkinson Shift
00064    diagonalize        - Diagonalize a symmetric matrix.
00065    givens             - algorithm 5.1.5 in Golub and Van Loan
00066    house              - Returns a Householder vector to zero elements.
00067    house_with_update  - Finds and does Householder reflection on matrix.
00068    qr_inverse         - Finds the inverse of a matrix.  Note, often what you
00069                         really want is solve or backsolve, they can be much
00070                         quicker than inverse in many calculations.
00071    min_line_dist      - Takes a set of lines and returns the point nearest to
00072                         all the lines in the least squares sense.
00073    qr_decomp          - Does a QR decomposition of a matrix.
00074    row_givens         - Does a row Givens update.
00075    row_house          - Does a row Householder update.
00076    qr_solve           - Works like backsolve, except matrix does not need
00077                         to be upper triangular. For nonsquare matrix, it
00078                         solves in the least square sense.
00079    tridiagonal        - Does a Householder tridiagonalization of a symmetric
00080                         matrix.
00081    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00083 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00084    back_solve Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 2/9/93
00086    This solves the system R*x=b where R is upper triangular.  Since b
00087    is most likely not interesting after this step, x is returned in b.
00088    This is algorithm 3.1.2 in Golub & Van Loan
00089    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00091 void back_solve(const HepMatrix &R, HepVector *b)
00092 {
00093    (*b)(b->num_row()) /= R(b->num_row(),b->num_row());
00094    int n = R.num_col();
00095    int nb = b->num_row();
00096    HepMatrix::mIter br = b->m.begin() + b->num_row() - 2;
00097    HepMatrix::mcIter Rrr = R.m.begin() + (nb-2) * (n+1);
00098    for (int r=b->num_row()-1;r>=1;--r) {
00099       HepMatrix::mIter bc = br+1;
00100       HepMatrix::mcIter Rrc = Rrr+1;
00101       for (int c=r+1;c<=b->num_row();c++) {
00102          (*br)-=(*(Rrc++))*(*(bc++));
00103       }
00104       (*br)/=(*Rrr);
00105       if(r>1) {
00106          br--;
00107          Rrr -= n+1;
00108       }
00109    }
00110 }
00112 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00113    Variation that solves a set of equations R*x=b in one step, where b
00114    is a Matrix with columns each a different vector.  Solution is again
00115    returned in b.
00116    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00118 void back_solve(const HepMatrix &R, HepMatrix *b)
00119 {
00120    int n = R.num_col();
00121    int nb = b->num_row();
00122    int nc = b->num_col();
00123    HepMatrix::mIter bbi = b->m.begin() + (nb - 2) * nc;
00124    for (int i=1;i<=b->num_col();i++) {
00125       (*b)(b->num_row(),i) /= R(b->num_row(),b->num_row());
00126       HepMatrix::mcIter Rrr = R.m.begin() + (nb-2) * (n+1);
00127       HepMatrix::mIter bri = bbi;
00128       for (int r=b->num_row()-1;r>=1;--r) {
00129          HepMatrix::mIter bci = bri + nc;
00130          HepMatrix::mcIter Rrc = Rrr+1;
00131          for (int c=r+1;c<=b->num_row();c++) {
00132             (*bri)-= (*(Rrc++)) * (*bci);
00133             if(c<b->num_row()) bci += nc;
00134          }
00135          (*bri)/= (*Rrr);
00136          if(r>1) {
00137             Rrr -= (n+1);
00138             bri -= nc;
00139          }
00140       }
00141       bbi++;
00142    }
00143 }
00145 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00146    col_givens Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00148    This does the same thing as row_givens, except it works for columns.
00149    It replaces A with A*G.
00150    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00152 void col_givens(HepMatrix *A, double c,double s,
00153                 int k1, int k2, int row_min, int row_max) {
00154    if (row_max<=0) row_max = A->num_row();
00155    int n = A->num_col();
00156    HepMatrix::mIter Ajk1 = A->m.begin() + (row_min - 1) * n + k1 - 1;
00157    HepMatrix::mIter Ajk2 = A->m.begin() + (row_min - 1) * n + k2 - 1;
00158    for (int j=row_min;j<=row_max;j++) {
00159       double tau1=(*Ajk1); double tau2=(*Ajk2);
00160       (*Ajk1)=c*tau1-s*tau2;(*Ajk2)=s*tau1+c*tau2;
00161       if(j<row_max) {
00162          Ajk1 += n;
00163          Ajk2 += n;
00164       }
00165    }
00166 }
00168 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00169    col_house Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00171    This replaces A with A*P where P=I-2v*v.T/(v.T*v).  If row and col are
00172    not one, then it only acts on the subpart of A, from A(row,col) to 
00173    A(A.num_row(),A.num_row()).  For use with house, can pass V as a matrix.
00174    Then row_start and col_start describe where the vector lies.  It is
00175    assumed to run from V(row_start,col_start) to 
00176    V(row_start+A.num_row()-row,col_start).
00177    Since typically row_house comes after house, and v.normsq is calculated
00178    in house, it is passed as a arguement.  Also supplied without vnormsq.
00179    This does a column Householder update.
00180    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00182 void col_house(HepMatrix *a,const HepMatrix &v,double vnormsq,
00183                int row, int col, int row_start,int col_start) {
00184    double beta=-2/vnormsq;
00186    // This is a fast way of calculating w=beta*A.sub(row,n,col,n)*v
00188    HepVector w(a->num_col()-col+1,0);
00189 /* not tested */
00190    HepMatrix::mIter wptr = w.m.begin();
00191    int n = a->num_col();
00192    int nv = v.num_col();
00193    HepMatrix::mIter acrb = a->m.begin() + (col-1) * n + (row-1);
00194    int c;
00195    for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00196       HepMatrix::mcIter vp = v.m.begin() + (row_start-1) * nv + (col_start-1);
00197       HepMatrix::mcIter acr = acrb;
00198       for (int r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00199          (*wptr)+=(*(acr++))*(*vp);
00200          vp += nv;
00201       }
00202       wptr++;
00203       if(c<a->num_col()) acrb += n;
00204    }
00205    w*=beta;
00207    // Fast way of calculating A.sub=A.sub+w*v.T()
00209    HepMatrix::mIter arcb = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * n + col-1;
00210    wptr = w.m.begin();
00211    for (int r=row; r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00212       HepMatrix::mIter arc = arcb;
00213       HepMatrix::mcIter vp = v.m.begin() + (row_start-1) * nv + col_start;
00214       for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00215          (*(arc++))+=(*vp)*(*wptr);
00216          vp += nv;
00217       }
00218       wptr++;
00219       if(r<a->num_row()) arcb += n;
00220    }
00221 }
00223 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00224    condition Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00226    This finds the condition number of SymMatrix.
00227    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00229 double condition(const HepSymMatrix &m)
00230 {
00231    HepSymMatrix mcopy=m;
00232    diagonalize(&mcopy);
00233    double max,min;
00234    max=min=fabs(mcopy(1,1));
00236    int n = mcopy.num_row();
00237    HepMatrix::mIter mii = mcopy.m.begin() + 2;
00238    for (int i=2; i<=n; i++) {
00239       if (max<fabs(*mii)) max=fabs(*mii);
00240       if (min>fabs(*mii)) min=fabs(*mii);
00241       if(i<n) mii += i+1;
00242    } 
00243    return max/min;
00244 }
00246 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00247    diag_step Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00249    This does a Implicit symmetric QR step with Wilkinson Shift.  See 
00250    algorithm 8.2.2 in Golub and Van Loan. begin and end mark the submatrix
00251    of t to do the QR step on, the matrix runs from t(begin,begin) to 
00252    t(end,end).  Can include Matrix *U to be updated so that told = U*t*U.T();
00253    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00255 void diag_step(HepSymMatrix *t,int begin,int end)
00256 {
00257    double d=(t->fast(end-1,end-1)-t->fast(end,end))/2;
00258    double mu=t->fast(end,end)-t->fast(end,end-1)*t->fast(end,end-1)/
00259          (d+sign(d)*sqrt(d*d+ t->fast(end,end-1)*t->fast(end,end-1)));
00260    double x=t->fast(begin,begin)-mu;
00261    double z=t->fast(begin+1,begin);
00262    HepMatrix::mIter tkk = t->m.begin() + (begin+2)*(begin-1)/2;
00263    HepMatrix::mIter tkp1k = tkk + begin;
00264    HepMatrix::mIter tkp2k = tkk + 2 * begin + 1;
00265    for (int k=begin;k<=end-1;k++) {
00266       double c,s;
00267       givens(x,z,&c,&s);
00269       // This is the result of G.T*t*G, making use of the special structure
00270       // of t and G. Note that since t is symmetric, only the lower half
00271       // needs to be updated.  Equations were gotten from maple.
00273       if (k!=begin)
00274       {
00275          *(tkk-1)= *(tkk-1)*c-(*(tkp1k-1))*s;
00276          *(tkp1k-1)=0;
00277       }
00278       double ap=(*tkk);
00279       double bp=(*tkp1k);
00280       double aq=(*tkp1k+1);
00281       (*tkk)=ap*c*c-2*c*bp*s+aq*s*s;
00282       (*tkp1k)=c*ap*s+bp*c*c-bp*s*s-s*aq*c;
00283       (*(tkp1k+1))=ap*s*s+2*c*bp*s+aq*c*c;
00284       if (k<end-1)
00285       {
00286          double bq=(*(tkp2k+1));
00287          (*tkp2k)=-bq*s;
00288          (*(tkp2k+1))=bq*c;
00289          x=(*tkp1k);
00290          z=(*tkp2k);
00291          tkk += k+1;
00292          tkp1k += k+2;
00293       }
00294       if(k<end-2) tkp2k += k+3;
00295    }
00296 }
00298 void diag_step(HepSymMatrix *t,HepMatrix *u,int begin,int end)
00299 {
00300    double d=(t->fast(end-1,end-1)-t->fast(end,end))/2;
00301    double mu=t->fast(end,end)-t->fast(end,end-1)*t->fast(end,end-1)/
00302          (d+sign(d)*sqrt(d*d+ t->fast(end,end-1)*t->fast(end,end-1)));
00303    double x=t->fast(begin,begin)-mu;
00304    double z=t->fast(begin+1,begin);
00305    HepMatrix::mIter tkk = t->m.begin() + (begin+2)*(begin-1)/2;
00306    HepMatrix::mIter tkp1k = tkk + begin;
00307    HepMatrix::mIter tkp2k = tkk + 2 * begin + 1;
00308    for (int k=begin;k<=end-1;k++) {
00309       double c,s;
00310       givens(x,z,&c,&s);
00311       col_givens(u,c,s,k,k+1);
00313       // This is the result of G.T*t*G, making use of the special structure
00314       // of t and G. Note that since t is symmetric, only the lower half
00315       // needs to be updated.  Equations were gotten from maple.
00317       if (k!=begin) {
00318          *(tkk-1)= (*(tkk-1))*c-(*(tkp1k-1))*s;
00319          *(tkp1k-1)=0;
00320       }
00321       double ap=(*tkk);
00322       double bp=(*tkp1k);
00323       double aq=(*(tkp1k+1));
00324       (*tkk)=ap*c*c-2*c*bp*s+aq*s*s;
00325       (*tkp1k)=c*ap*s+bp*c*c-bp*s*s-s*aq*c;
00326       (*(tkp1k+1))=ap*s*s+2*c*bp*s+aq*c*c;
00327       if (k<end-1) {
00328          double bq=(*(tkp2k+1));
00329          (*tkp2k)=-bq*s;
00330          (*(tkp2k+1))=bq*c;
00331          x=(*tkp1k);
00332          z=(*(tkp2k));
00333          tkk += k+1;
00334          tkp1k += k+2;
00335       }
00336       if(k<end-2) tkp2k += k+3;
00337    }
00338 }
00340 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00341    diagonalize Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00343    This subroutine diagonalizes a symmatrix using algorithm 8.2.3 in Golub &
00344    Van Loan.  It returns the matrix U so that sold = U*sdiag*U.T
00345    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00346 HepMatrix diagonalize(HepSymMatrix *s)
00347 {
00348    const double tolerance = 1e-12;
00349    HepMatrix u= tridiagonal(s);
00350    int begin=1;
00351    int end=s->num_row();
00352    while(begin!=end)
00353    {
00354       HepMatrix::mIter sii = s->m.begin() + (begin+2)*(begin-1)/2;
00355       HepMatrix::mIter sip1i = sii + begin;
00356       for (int i=begin;i<=end-1;i++) {
00357          if (fabs(*sip1i)<=
00358             tolerance*(fabs(*sii)+fabs(*(sip1i+1)))) {
00359             (*sip1i)=0;
00360          }
00361          if(i<end-1) {
00362             sii += i+1;
00363             sip1i += i+2;
00364          }
00365       }
00366       while(begin<end && s->fast(begin+1,begin) ==0) begin++;
00367       while(end>begin && s->fast(end,end-1) ==0) end--;
00368       if (begin!=end)
00369          diag_step(s,&u,begin,end);
00370    }
00371    return u;
00372 }
00374 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00375    house Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00377    This return a Householder Vector to zero the elements in column col, 
00378    from row+1 to a.num_row().
00379    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00381 HepVector house(const HepSymMatrix &a,int row,int col)
00382 {
00383    HepVector v(a.num_row()-row+1);
00384 /* not tested */
00385    HepMatrix::mIter vp = v.m.begin();
00386    HepMatrix::mcIter aci = a.m.begin() + col * (col - 1) / 2 + row - 1;
00387    int i;
00388    for (i=row;i<=col;i++) {
00389       (*(vp++))=(*(aci++));
00390    }
00391    for (;i<=a.num_row();i++) {
00392       (*(vp++))=(*aci);
00393       aci += i;
00394    }
00395    v(1)+=sign(a(row,col))*v.norm();
00396    return v;
00397 }
00399 HepVector house(const HepMatrix &a,int row,int col)
00400 {
00401    HepVector v(a.num_row()-row+1);
00402 /* not tested */
00403    int n = a.num_col();
00404    HepMatrix::mcIter aic = a.m.begin() + (row - 1) * n + (col - 1) ;
00405    HepMatrix::mIter vp = v.m.begin();
00406    for (int i=row;i<=a.num_row();i++) {
00407       (*(vp++))=(*aic);
00408       aic += n;
00409    }
00410    v(1)+=sign(a(row,col))*v.norm();
00411    return v;
00412 }
00414 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00415    house_with_update Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00417    This returns the householder vector as in house, and it also changes
00418    A to be PA. (It is slightly more efficient than calling house, followed
00419    by calling row_house).  If you include the optional Matrix *house_vector,
00420    then the householder vector is stored in house_vector(row,col) to
00421    house_vector(a->num_row(),col).
00422    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00424 void house_with_update(HepMatrix *a,int row,int col)
00425 {
00426    HepVector v(a->num_row()-row+1);
00427 /* not tested */
00428    HepMatrix::mIter vp = v.m.begin();
00429    int n = a->num_col();
00430    HepMatrix::mIter arc = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * n + (col-1);
00431    int r;
00432    for (r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00433       (*(vp++))=(*arc);
00434       if(r<a->num_row()) arc += n;
00435    }
00436    double normsq=v.normsq();
00437    double norm=sqrt(normsq);
00438    normsq-=v(1)*v(1);
00439    v(1)+=sign((*a)(row,col))*norm;
00440    normsq+=v(1)*v(1);
00441    (*a)(row,col)=-sign((*a)(row,col))*norm;
00442    if (row<a->num_row()) {
00443       arc = a->m.begin() + row * n + (col-1);
00444       for (r=row+1;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00445          (*arc)=0;
00446          if(r<a->num_row()) arc += n;
00447       }
00448       row_house(a,v,normsq,row,col+1);
00449    }
00450 }
00452 void house_with_update(HepMatrix *a,HepMatrix *v,int row,int col)
00453 {
00454    double normsq=0;
00455    int nv = v->num_col();
00456    int na = a->num_col();
00457    HepMatrix::mIter vrc = v->m.begin() + (row-1) * nv + (col-1);
00458    HepMatrix::mIter arc = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * na + (col-1);
00459    int r;
00460    for (r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00461       (*vrc)=(*arc);
00462       normsq+=(*vrc)*(*vrc);
00463       if(r<a->num_row()) {
00464          vrc += nv;
00465          arc += na;
00466       }
00467    }
00468    double norm=sqrt(normsq);
00469    vrc = v->m.begin() + (row-1) * nv + (col-1);
00470    normsq-=(*vrc)*(*vrc);
00471    (*vrc)+=sign((*a)(row,col))*norm;
00472    normsq+=(*vrc)*(*vrc);
00473    (*a)(row,col)=-sign((*a)(row,col))*norm;
00474    if (row<a->num_row()) {
00475       arc = a->m.begin() + row * na + (col-1);
00476       for (r=row+1;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00477          (*arc)=0;
00478          if(r<a->num_row()) arc += na;
00479       }
00480       row_house(a,*v,normsq,row,col+1,row,col);
00481    }
00482 }
00483 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00484    house_with_update2 Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00486    This is a variation of house_with_update for use with tridiagonalization.
00487    It only updates column number col in a SymMatrix.
00488    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00490 void house_with_update2(HepSymMatrix *a,HepMatrix *v,int row,int col)
00491 {
00492    double normsq=0;
00493    int nv = v->num_col();
00494    HepMatrix::mIter vrc = v->m.begin() + (row-1) * nv + (col-1);
00495    HepMatrix::mIter arc = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * row / 2 + (col-1);
00496    int r;
00497    for (r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++)
00498    {
00499       (*vrc)=(*arc);
00500       normsq+=(*vrc)*(*vrc);
00501       if(r<a->num_row()) {
00502          arc += r;
00503          vrc += nv;
00504       }
00505    }
00506    double norm=sqrt(normsq);
00507    vrc = v->m.begin() + (row-1) * nv + (col-1);
00508    arc = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * row / 2 + (col-1);
00509    (*vrc)+=sign(*arc)*norm;
00510    (*arc)=-sign(*arc)*norm;
00511    arc += row;
00512    for (r=row+1;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00513       (*arc)=0;
00514       if(r<a->num_row()) arc += r;
00515    }
00516 }
00518 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00519    inverse Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 2/9/93
00521    This calculates the inverse of a square matrix.  Note that this is 
00522    often not what you really want to do.  Often, you really want solve or
00523    backsolve, which can be faster at calculating (e.g. you want the inverse
00524    to calculate A^-1*c where c is a vector.  Then this is just solve(A,c))
00526    If A is not need after the calculation, you can call this with *A.  A will
00527    be destroyed, but the inverse will be calculated quicker.
00528    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00530 HepMatrix qr_inverse(const HepMatrix &A)
00531 {
00532    HepMatrix Atemp=A;
00533    return qr_inverse(&Atemp);
00534 }
00536 HepMatrix qr_inverse(HepMatrix *A)
00537 {
00538    if (A->num_row()!=A->num_col()) {
00539       HepGenMatrix::error("qr_inverse: The matrix is not square.");
00540    }
00541    HepMatrix QT=qr_decomp(A).T();
00542    back_solve(*A,&QT);
00543    return QT;
00544 }
00546 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00547    Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 5/26/93
00549    This takes a set of lines described by Xi=Ai*t+Bi and finds the point P
00550    that is closest to the lines in the least squares sense.  n is the
00551    number of lines, and A and B are pointers to arrays of the Vectors Ai
00552    and Bi.  The array runs from 0 to n-1.
00553    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00555 HepVector min_line_dist(const HepVector *const A, const HepVector *const B,
00556                          int n)
00557 {
00558    // For (P-(A t +B))^2 minimum, we have tmin=dot(A,P-B)/A.normsq().  So
00559    // To minimize distance, we want sum_i (P-(Ai tmini +Bi))^2 minimum.  This
00560    // is solved by having 
00561    // (sum_i k Ai*Ai.T +1) P - (sum_i k dot(Ai,Bi) Ai + Bi) = 0
00562    // where k=1-2/Ai.normsq
00563    const double small = 1e-10;  // Small number
00564    HepSymMatrix C(3,0),I(3,1);
00565    HepVector D(3,0);
00566    double t;
00567    for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
00568    {
00569       if (fabs(t=A[i].normsq())<small) {
00570          C += I;
00571          D += B[i];
00572       } else {
00573          C += vT_times_v(A[i])*(1-2/t)+I;
00574          D += dot(A[i],B[i])*(1-2/t)*A[i]+B[i];
00575       }
00576    }
00577    return qr_solve(C,D);
00578 }
00580 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00581    qr_decomp Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00583    This does a Householder QR decomposition of the passed matrix.  The
00584    matrix does not have to be square, but the number of rows needs to be
00585    >= number of columns.   If A is a mxn matrix, Q is mxn and R is nxn.
00586    R is returned in the upper left part of A.  qr_decomp with a second
00587    matrix changes A to R, and returns a set of householder vectors.
00589    Algorithm is from Golub and Van Loan 5.15.
00590    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00592 HepMatrix qr_decomp(HepMatrix *A)
00593 {
00594    HepMatrix hsm(A->num_row(),A->num_col());
00595    qr_decomp(A,&hsm);
00596    // Try to make Q diagonal
00597    //  HepMatrix Q(A->num_row(),A->num_col(),1);
00598    HepMatrix Q(A->num_row(),A->num_row(),1);
00599    for (int j=hsm.num_col();j>=1;--j)
00600       row_house(&Q,hsm,j,j,j,j);
00601    return Q;
00602 }
00604 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00605    row_givens Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00607    This algorithm performs a Givens rotation on the left.  Given c and s
00608    and k1 and k2, this is like forming G= identity except for row k1 and 
00609    k2 where G(k1,k1)=c, G(k1,k2)=s, G(k2,k1)=-s, G(k2,k2)=c.  It replaces
00610    A with G.T()*A.  A variation allows you to express col_min and col_max,
00611    and then only the submatrix of A from (1,col_min) to (num_row(),col_max)
00612    are updated.  This is algorithm 5.1.6 in Golub and Van Loan.
00613    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00615 void row_givens(HepMatrix *A, double c,double s,
00616                 int k1, int k2, int col_min, int col_max) {
00617    /* not tested */
00618    if (col_max==0) col_max = A->num_col();
00619    int n = A->num_col();
00620    HepMatrix::mIter Ak1j = A->m.begin() + (k1-1) * n + (col_min-1);
00621    HepMatrix::mIter Ak2j = A->m.begin() + (k2-1) * n + (col_min-1);
00622    for (int j=col_min;j<=col_max;j++) {
00623       double tau1=(*Ak1j); double tau2=(*Ak2j);
00624       (*(Ak1j++))=c*tau1-s*tau2;(*(Ak2j++))=s*tau1+c*tau2;
00625    }
00626 }
00628 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00629    row_house Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00631    This replaces A with P*A where P=I-2v*v.T/(v.T*v).  If row and col are
00632    not one, then it only acts on the subpart of A, from A(row,col) to 
00633    A(A.num_row(),A.num_row()).  For use with house, can pass V as a matrix.
00634    Then row_start and col_start describe where the vector lies.  It is
00635    assumed to run from V(row_start,col_start) to 
00636    V(row_start+A.num_row()-row,col_start).
00637    Since typically row_house comes after house, and v.normsq is calculated
00638    in house, it is passed as a arguement.  Also supplied without vnormsq.
00639    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00641 void row_house(HepMatrix *a,const HepVector &v,double vnormsq,
00642                int row, int col) {
00643    double beta=-2/vnormsq;
00645    // This is a fast way of calculating w=beta*A.sub(row,n,col,n).T()*v
00647    HepVector w(a->num_col()-col+1,0);
00648 /* not tested */
00649    int na = a->num_col();
00650    HepMatrix::mIter wptr = w.m.begin();
00651    HepMatrix::mIter arcb = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * na + (col-1);
00652    int c;
00653    for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00654       HepMatrix::mcIter vp = v.m.begin();
00655       HepMatrix::mIter arc = arcb;
00656       for (int r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00657          (*wptr)+=(*arc)*(*(vp++));
00658          if(r<a->num_row()) arc += na;
00659       }
00660       wptr++;
00661       arcb++;
00662    }
00663    w*=beta;
00665    // Fast way of calculating A.sub=A.sub+v*w.T()
00667    arcb = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * na + (col-1);
00668    HepMatrix::mcIter vp = v.m.begin();
00669    for (int r=row; r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00670       HepMatrix::mIter wptr = w.m.begin();
00671       HepMatrix::mIter arc = arcb;
00672       for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00673          (*(arc++))+=(*vp)*(*(wptr++));
00674       }
00675       vp++;
00676       if(r<a->num_row()) arcb += na;
00677    }
00678 }
00680 void row_house(HepMatrix *a,const HepMatrix &v,double vnormsq,
00681                int row, int col, int row_start, int col_start) {
00682    double beta=-2/vnormsq;
00684    // This is a fast way of calculating w=beta*A.sub(row,n,col,n).T()*v
00685    HepVector w(a->num_col()-col+1,0);
00686    int na = a->num_col();
00687    int nv = v.num_col();
00688    HepMatrix::mIter wptr = w.m.begin();
00689    HepMatrix::mIter arcb = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * na + (col-1);
00690    HepMatrix::mcIter vpcb = v.m.begin() + (row_start-1) * nv + (col_start-1);
00691    int c;
00692    for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00693       HepMatrix::mIter arc = arcb;
00694       HepMatrix::mcIter vpc = vpcb;
00695       for (int r=row;r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00696          (*wptr)+=(*arc)*(*vpc);
00697          if(r<a->num_row()) {
00698            arc += na;
00699            vpc += nv;
00700          }
00701       }
00702       wptr++;
00703       arcb++;
00704    }
00705    w*=beta;
00707    arcb = a->m.begin() + (row-1) * na + (col-1);
00708    HepMatrix::mcIter vpc = v.m.begin() + (row_start-1) * nv + (col_start-1);
00709    for (int r=row; r<=a->num_row();r++) {
00710       HepMatrix::mIter arc = arcb;
00711       HepMatrix::mIter wptr = w.m.begin();
00712       for (c=col;c<=a->num_col();c++) {
00713          (*(arc++))+=(*vpc)*(*(wptr++));
00714       }
00715       if(r<a->num_row()) {
00716         arcb += na;
00717         vpc += nv;
00718       }
00719    }
00720 }
00722 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00723    solve Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 2/9/93
00725    This solves the system A*x=b where A is not upper triangular, but it
00726    must have full rank. If A is not square, then this is solved in the least
00727    squares sense. Has a variation that works for b a matrix with each column 
00728    being a different vector.  If A is not needed after this call, you can 
00729    call solve with *A.  This will destroy A, but it will run faster.
00730    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00732 HepVector qr_solve(const HepMatrix &A, const HepVector &b)
00733 {
00734    HepMatrix temp = A;
00735    return qr_solve(&temp,b);
00736 }
00738 HepVector qr_solve(HepMatrix *A,const HepVector &b)
00739 {
00740    HepMatrix Q=qr_decomp(A);
00741    // Quick way to to Q.T*b.
00742    HepVector b2(Q.num_col(),0);
00743    HepMatrix::mIter b2r = b2.m.begin();
00744    HepMatrix::mIter Qr = Q.m.begin();
00745    int n = Q.num_col();
00746    for (int r=1;r<=b2.num_row();r++) {
00747       HepMatrix::mcIter bc = b.m.begin();
00748       HepMatrix::mIter Qcr = Qr;
00749       for (int c=1;c<=b.num_row();c++) {
00750          *b2r += (*Qcr) * (*(bc++));
00751          if(c<b.num_row()) Qcr += n;
00752       }
00753       b2r++;
00754       Qr++;
00755    }
00756    back_solve(*A,&b2);
00757    return b2;
00758 }
00760 HepMatrix qr_solve(const HepMatrix &A, const HepMatrix &b)
00761 {
00762    HepMatrix temp = A;
00763    return qr_solve(&temp,b);
00764 }
00766 HepMatrix qr_solve(HepMatrix *A,const HepMatrix &b)
00767 {
00768    HepMatrix Q=qr_decomp(A);
00769    // Quick way to to Q.T*b.
00770    HepMatrix b2(Q.num_col(),b.num_col(),0);
00771    int nb = b.num_col();
00772    int nq = Q.num_col();
00773    HepMatrix::mcIter b1i = b.m.begin();
00774    HepMatrix::mIter b21i = b2.m.begin();
00775    for (int i=1;i<=b.num_col();i++) {
00776       HepMatrix::mIter Q1r = Q.m.begin();
00777       HepMatrix::mIter b2ri = b21i;
00778       for (int r=1;r<=b2.num_row();r++) {
00779          HepMatrix::mIter Qcr = Q1r;
00780          HepMatrix::mcIter bci = b1i;
00781          for (int c=1;c<=b.num_row();c++) {
00782             *b2ri += (*Qcr) * (*bci);
00783             if(c<b.num_row()) {
00784                Qcr += nq;
00785                bci += nb;
00786             }
00787          }
00788          Q1r++;
00789          if(r<b2.num_row()) b2ri += nb;
00790       }
00791       b1i++;
00792       b21i++;
00793    }
00794    back_solve(*A,&b2);
00795    return b2;
00796 }
00798 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
00799    tridiagonal Version: 1.00 Date Last Changed: 1/28/93
00801    This does a Householder tridiagonalization.  It takes a symmetric matrix
00802    A and changes it to A=U*T*U.T.
00803    ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
00805 void tridiagonal(HepSymMatrix *a,HepMatrix *hsm)
00806 {
00807    int nh = hsm->num_col();
00808    for (int k=1;k<=a->num_col()-2;k++) {
00810       // If this row is already in tridiagonal form, we can skip the
00811       // transformation.
00813       double scale=0;
00814       HepMatrix::mIter ajk = a->m.begin() + k * (k+5) / 2;
00815       int j;
00816       for (j=k+2;j<=a->num_row();j++) {
00817          scale+=fabs(*ajk);
00818          if(j<a->num_row()) ajk += j;
00819       }
00820       if (scale ==0) {
00821          HepMatrix::mIter hsmjkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00822          for (j=k+1;j<=hsm->num_row();j++) {
00823             *hsmjkp = 0;
00824             if(j<hsm->num_row()) hsmjkp += nh;
00825          }
00826       } else {
00827          house_with_update2(a,hsm,k+1,k);
00828          double normsq=0;
00829          HepMatrix::mIter hsmrptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00830          int rptr;
00831          for (rptr=k+1;rptr<=hsm->num_row();rptr++) {
00832             normsq+=(*hsmrptrkp)*(*hsmrptrkp);
00833             if(rptr<hsm->num_row()) hsmrptrkp += nh;
00834          }
00835          HepVector p(a->num_row()-k,0);
00836          rptr=k+1;
00837          HepMatrix::mIter pr = p.m.begin();
00838          int r;
00839          for (r=1;r<=p.num_row();r++) {
00840             HepMatrix::mIter hsmcptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00841             int cptr;
00842             for (cptr=k+1;cptr<=rptr;cptr++) {
00843                (*pr)+=a->fast(rptr,cptr)*(*hsmcptrkp);
00844                if(cptr<a->num_col()) hsmcptrkp += nh;
00845             }
00846             for (;cptr<=a->num_col();cptr++) {
00847                (*pr)+=a->fast(cptr,rptr)*(*hsmcptrkp);
00848                if(cptr<a->num_col()) hsmcptrkp += nh;
00849             }
00850             (*pr)*=2/normsq;
00851             rptr++;
00852             pr++;
00853          }
00854          double pdotv=0;
00855          pr = p.m.begin();
00856          hsmrptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00857          for (r=1;r<=p.num_row();r++) {
00858             pdotv+=(*(pr++))*(*hsmrptrkp);
00859             if(r<p.num_row()) hsmrptrkp += nh;
00860          }
00861          pr = p.m.begin();
00862          hsmrptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00863          for (r=1;r<=p.num_row();r++) {
00864             (*(pr++))-=pdotv*(*hsmrptrkp)/normsq;
00865             if(r<p.num_row()) hsmrptrkp += nh;
00866          }
00867          rptr=k+1;
00868          pr = p.m.begin();
00869          hsmrptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00870          for (r=1;r<=p.num_row();r++) {
00871             int cptr=k+1;
00872             HepMatrix::mIter pc = p.m.begin();
00873             HepMatrix::mIter hsmcptrkp = hsm->m.begin() + k * (nh+1) - 1;
00874             for (int c=1;c<=r;c++) {
00875                a->fast(rptr,cptr)-= (*hsmrptrkp)*(*(pc++))+(*pr)*(*hsmcptrkp);
00876                cptr++;
00877                if(c<r) hsmcptrkp += nh;
00878             }
00879             pr++;
00880             rptr++;
00881             if(r<p.num_row()) hsmrptrkp += nh;
00882          }
00883       }
00884    }
00885 }
00887 HepMatrix tridiagonal(HepSymMatrix *a)
00888 {
00889    HepMatrix U(a->num_row(),a->num_col(),1);
00890    if (a->num_col()>2)
00891    {
00892       HepMatrix hsm(a->num_col(),a->num_col()-2,0);
00893       tridiagonal(a,&hsm);
00894       for (int j=hsm.num_col();j>=1;--j) {
00895          row_house(&U,hsm,j,j,j,j);
00896       }
00897    }
00898    return U;
00899 }
00901 void col_house(HepMatrix *a,const HepMatrix &v,int row,int col,
00902                int row_start,int col_start)
00903 {
00904    double normsq=0;
00905    for (int i=row_start;i<=row_start+a->num_row()-row;i++)
00906       normsq+=v(i,col)*v(i,col);
00907    col_house(a,v,normsq,row,col,row_start,col_start);
00908 }
00910 void givens(double a, double b, double *c, double *s) 
00911 {
00912    if (b ==0) { *c=1; *s=0; }
00913    else {
00914       if (fabs(b)>fabs(a)) {
00915          double tau=-a/b;
00916          *s=1/sqrt(1+tau*tau);
00917          *c=(*s)*tau;
00918       } else {
00919          double tau=-b/a;
00920          *c=1/sqrt(1+tau*tau);
00921          *s=(*c)*tau;
00922       }
00923    }
00924 }
00926 void qr_decomp(HepMatrix *A,HepMatrix *hsm)
00927 {
00928    for (int i=1;i<=A->num_col();i++)
00929       house_with_update(A,hsm,i,i);
00930 }
00932 void row_house(HepMatrix *a,const HepMatrix &v,int row,int col,
00933                int row_start,int col_start)
00934 {
00935    double normsq=0;
00936    int end = row_start+a->num_row()-row;
00937    for (int i=row_start; i<=end; i++)
00938       normsq += v(i,col)*v(i,col);
00939    // If v is 0, then we can skip doing row_house.  
00940    if (normsq !=0)
00941       row_house(a,v,normsq,row,col,row_start,col_start);
00942 }
00944 }  // namespace CLHEP

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