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00001 #include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/RungeKuttaClassicalSolver.hh"
00002 #include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/RKIntegrator.hh"
00003 namespace Classical {
00004   //
00005   // This is the private innards of RungeKuttaSolver
00006   //
00007   class RungeKuttaSolver::Clockwork {
00008   public:
00009     Clockwork(Genfun::GENFUNCTION gH, const PhaseSpace & mphaseSpace):H(gH),phaseSpace(mphaseSpace){}
00010     Genfun::GENFUNCTION H;
00011     const Classical::PhaseSpace & phaseSpace;
00012     Genfun::RKIntegrator          integrator;
00013     std::vector<Genfun::Parameter*> startingQ;
00014     std::vector<Genfun::Parameter*> startingP;
00015     Genfun::EnergyFunction          *energy;
00016   };
00018   RungeKuttaSolver::RungeKuttaSolver(Genfun::GENFUNCTION gH, const PhaseSpace & mphaseSpace):c(new Clockwork(gH,mphaseSpace)){
00019     //
00020     // Dimension (of coords, or phase space)
00021     //
00022     const unsigned int DIM=c->phaseSpace.dim();
00023     //
00024     // Equations of motion via hamilton's equations: 
00025     //
00026     const Classical::PhaseSpace::Component & X=c->phaseSpace.coordinates();
00027     const Classical::PhaseSpace::Component & P=c->phaseSpace.momenta();
00029     for (unsigned int i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
00030       Genfun::GENFUNCTION DXDT  =  c->H.partial(P[i].index());
00031       c->startingQ.push_back(c->integrator.addDiffEquation(&DXDT,"X",c->phaseSpace.startValue(X[i])));
00032     }
00033     for (unsigned int i=0;i<DIM;i++) {
00034       Genfun::GENFUNCTION DPDT  = -c->H.partial(X[i].index());
00035       c->startingP.push_back(c->integrator.addDiffEquation(&DPDT,"P",c->phaseSpace.startValue(P[i])));
00036     }
00037     c->energy=NULL;
00039   }
00040   RungeKuttaSolver::~RungeKuttaSolver(){
00041     delete c->energy;
00042     delete c;
00043   }
00045   Genfun::GENFUNCTION RungeKuttaSolver::equationOf(const Genfun::Variable & v) const {
00046     return *c->integrator.getFunction(v.index());
00047   }
00048   Genfun::GENFUNCTION RungeKuttaSolver::hamiltonian() const {
00049     return c->H;
00050   }
00051   const Classical::PhaseSpace & RungeKuttaSolver::phaseSpace() const {
00052     return c->phaseSpace;
00053   }
00054   Genfun::GENFUNCTION RungeKuttaSolver::energy() const {
00055     if (!c->energy) c->energy=new Genfun::EnergyFunction(*this);
00056     return *c->energy;
00057   }
00059   Genfun::Parameter *RungeKuttaSolver::createControlParameter(const std::string & variableName,
00060                                                                       double defStartingValue,
00061                                                                       double startingValueMin,
00062                                                                       double startingValueMax) const {
00063     return c->integrator.createControlParameter(variableName, defStartingValue, startingValueMin, startingValueMax) ;
00064   }
00066   Genfun::Parameter *RungeKuttaSolver::takeQ0(unsigned int index) {
00067     return c->startingQ[index];
00068   }
00069   Genfun::Parameter *RungeKuttaSolver::takeP0(unsigned int index) {
00070     return c->startingP[index];
00071   }
00073 }

Generated on 15 Nov 2012 for CLHEP by  doxygen 1.4.7