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00001 #include "CLHEP/GenericFunctions/ClebschGordanCoefficientSet.hh"
00002 #include <iostream>
00003 #include <cmath>
00004 #include <stdexcept>
00005 inline double factorial (int N) {
00006   double retVal(1.0);
00007   for (int i=2;i<=N;i++) retVal*=i;
00008   return retVal;
00009 }
00012 namespace Genfun {                                 
00013   double ClebschGordanCoefficientSet::calcCoefficient(int l1, int l2, int L, int xm1, int xm2, int M)  {
00015     if (xm1+xm2!=M) return 0;
00016     double F1=sqrt((2*L+1)*factorial(L+l1-l2)*factorial(L-l1+l2)*factorial(l1+l2-L)/factorial(l1+l2+L+1));
00017     double F2=sqrt(factorial(L+M)*factorial(L-M)*factorial(l1-xm1)*factorial(l1+xm1)*factorial(l2-xm2)
00018                    *factorial(l2+xm2));
00019     double F3=0.0;
00020     int max=0;
00021     max = std::max(max,l2+xm2);
00022     max = std::max(max,l1-xm1);
00023     max = std::max(max,l1+l2-L);
00024     //    max = std::max(max,l2-L-xm1);
00025     //  max = std::max(max,l1+xm2-L);
00026     for (int k=0;k<=max;k++) {
00027       double term = factorial(k);
00028       bool skipTerm=false;
00029       {
00030         int T=l1 + l2 -L -k;
00031         if (T>=0) term *= factorial(T); else skipTerm=true;
00032       }
00033       if (!skipTerm)
00034         {
00035           int T=l1-xm1-k;
00036           if (T>=0) term *= factorial(T); else skipTerm=true;
00037         }
00038       if (!skipTerm)
00039         {
00040           int T=l2+xm2-k;
00041           if (T>=0) term *= factorial(T); else skipTerm=true;
00042         }
00043       if (!skipTerm)
00044         {
00045           int T=L-l2+xm1+k;
00046           if (T>=0) term *= factorial(T); else skipTerm=true;
00047         }
00048       if (!skipTerm)
00049         {
00050           int T=L-l1-xm2+k;
00051           if (T>=0) term *= factorial(T); else skipTerm=true;
00052         }
00053       if (!skipTerm) F3+= ((k%2) ? -1:1)/term;
00054     }
00057     return F1*F2*F3;
00058   }
00059 }

Generated on 2 Dec 2014 for CLHEP by  doxygen 1.6.1