CLHEP VERSION Reference Documentation
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00001 #ifndef HEP_ZMXPV_H
00002 #define HEP_ZMXPV_H
00004 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00005 //
00006 //  ZMxpv.h     ZMexception's ZMthrown by classes in the PhysicsVectors
00007 //              package.  To avoid name clashes, these start with ZMxpv.
00008 //
00010 //
00011 //  With no special defines, this file will produce code for pure CLHEP 
00012 //  building -- no ZOOM Exceptions are involved.
00013 //
00014 //  To force a build using ZOOM Exceptions where the ZMthrow macros appear,
00015 //  compile with ENABLE_ZOOM_EXCEPTIONS defined.
00016 //
00017 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
00019 //#undef  ENABLE_ZOOM_EXCEPTIONS        // For CLHEP builds 
00020 //#define ENABLE_ZOOM_EXCEPTIONS        // For ZOOM  builds
00022 // There should be some external way to control this.  We haven't found it yet.
00023 // Right now, this must be changed by hand when going between CLHEP and ZOOM.
00026   // Member functions of the Vector classes are capable of ZMthrow-ing the
00027   // following ZMexception's:
00028   //
00029   //    ZMxPhysicsVectors       Severe  Parent exception of all ZMexceptions
00030   //                                    particular to classes in the package.
00031   //
00032   //    ZMxpvInfiniteVector     Error
00033   //                                    Mathematical operation will lead
00034   //                                    to infinity or NAN in a component
00035   //                                    of a result vector.
00036   //    ZMxpvZeroVector         Error
00037   //                                    A zero vector was used to specify
00038   //                                    a direction based on vector.unit().
00039   //    ZMxpvTachyonic          Error
00040   //                                    A relativistic kinematic function was
00041   //                                    taken, involving a vector representing
00042   //                                    a speed at or beyond that of light (=1).
00043   //    ZMxpvSpacelike          Error
00044   //                                    A spacelike 4-vector was used in a
00045   //                                    context where its restMass or gamma
00046   //                                    needs to be computed:  The result is
00047   //                                    formally imaginary (a zero result is
00048   //                                    supplied).
00049   //    ZMxpvInfinity           Error
00050   //                                    Mathematical operation will lead
00051   //                                    to infinity as a Scalar result.
00052   //    ZMxpvNegativeMass       Error
00053   //                                    Kinematic operation, e.g. invariant
00054   //                                    mass, rendered meaningless by an input
00055   //                                    with negative time component.
00056   //    ZMxpvVectorInputFails   Error
00057   //                                    Input to a SpaceVector or Lorentz
00058   //                                    Vector failed due to bad format or EOF.
00059   //    ZMxpvParallelCols       Error
00060   //                                    Purportedly orthogonal col's supplied
00061   //                                    to form a Rotation are exactly
00062   //                                    parallel instead.
00063   //    ZMxpvImproperRotation   Error
00064   //                                    Orthogonal col's supplied form a
00065   //                                    refection (determinant -1) more
00066   //                                    nearly than rather than a rotation.
00067   //    ZMxpvImproperTransformation Error
00068   //                                    Orthogonalized rows supplied form a
00069   //                                    tachyonic boost, a reflection, or
00070   //                                    a combination of those flaws,
00071   //                                    more nearly than a proper Lorentz
00072   //                                    transformation.
00073   //    ZMxpvFixedAxis          Error
00074   //                                    Attempt to change a RotationX,
00075   //                                    RotationY, or RotationZ in such a way
00076   //                                    that the axis might no longer be X,
00077   //                                    Y, or Z respectively.
00078   //    ZMxpvIndexRange         Error
00079   //                                    When using the syntax of v(i) to get
00080   //                                    a vector component, i is out of range.
00081   //    ZMxpvNotOrthogonal      Warning
00082   //                                    Purportedly orthogonal col's supplied
00083   //                                    to form a Rotation or LT are not
00084   //                                    orthogonal within the tolerance.
00085   //    ZMxpvNotSymplectic      Warning
00086   //                                    A row supplied to form a Lorentz
00087   //                                    transformation has a value of restmass
00088   //                                    incorrect by more than the tolerance:
00089   //                                    It should be -1 for rows 1-3,
00090   //                                    +1 for row 4.
00091   //    ZMxpvAmbiguousAngle     Warning
00092   //                                    Method involves taking an angle against
00093   //                                    a reference vector of zero length, or
00094   //                                    phi in polar coordinates of a vector
00095   //                                    along the Z axis.
00096   //    ZMxpvNegativeR          Warning
00097   //                                    R of a supplied vector is negative.
00098   //                                    The mathematical operation done is
00099   //                                    still formally valid.
00100   //    ZMxpvUnusualTheta       Warning
00101   //                                    Theta supplied to construct or set
00102   //                                    a vector is outside the range [0,PI].
00103   //                                    The mathematical operation done is
00104   //                                    still formally valid.  But note that
00105   //                                    when sin(theta) < 0, phi becomes an
00106   //                                    angle against the -X axis.
00107   //______________________________________________________________________
00111 //  This is the CLHEP version.  When compiled for CLHEP, the basic CLHEP 
00112 //  Vector classes will not (at least for now) depend on ZOOM Exceptions.  
00113 //  Though this header lists the various sorts of Exceptions that could be 
00114 //  thrown, ZMthrow.h in the pure CLHEP context will make ZMthrowC  
00115 //  do what CLHEP has always done:  whine to cerr about the problem 
00116 //  and continue.
00117 //  ZMthrowA will whine to cerr and throw an exception; by catching the
00118 //  exception as a std::exception, the outside code can call e.what() to 
00119 //  find the message string.
00120 //
00121 //      If CLHEP ever embraces the ZOOM Exceptions mechanism, we will simply
00122 //      modify this file.
00124 #include <string>
00125 #include <exception>
00127 #define ZMthrowA(A) do { std::cerr << << " thrown:\n"     \
00128              <<   A.what() << "\n"                                         \
00129              << "at line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << "\n"; \
00130   throw A;} while (0)
00132 #define ZMthrowC(A) do { std::cerr << << ":\n"                    \
00133              <<   A.what() << "\n"                                         \
00134              << "at line " << __LINE__ << " in file " << __FILE__ << "\n"; \
00135   } while (0)
00137 class CLHEP_vector_exception : public std::exception {
00138 public:
00139     CLHEP_vector_exception ( const std::string & s1 ) throw();
00140     virtual const char* what() const throw();
00141     virtual const char* name() const throw() = 0; 
00142     virtual ~CLHEP_vector_exception() throw() {} 
00143   private:                                                              
00144     std::string message;  
00145 };
00147 #define CLHEP_vector_exception_header(NAME)                             \
00148   class NAME : public CLHEP_vector_exception {                          \
00149   public:                                                               \
00150     NAME ( const std::string & s ) throw();                             \
00151     virtual const char* name() const throw();                           \
00152     virtual ~NAME() throw() {}                                          \
00153   };
00156 // The following exceptions might be encountered via ZMtrhowA
00158 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxPhysicsVectors )
00159 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvSpacelike )
00160 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvNegativeMass )
00161 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvVectorInputFails )
00162 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvIndexRange )
00163 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvFixedAxis )
00165 // The following are sometimes ZMthrowA and sometimes ZMthrowC
00167 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvTachyonic )
00168 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvZeroVector )
00169 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvImproperTransformation )
00170 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvInfiniteVector )
00171 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvInfinity )
00172 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvImproperRotation )
00173 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvAmbiguousAngle )
00175 // THe following won't throw; they are encountered via ZMthrowC
00177 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvNegativeR )
00178 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvUnusualTheta )
00179 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvParallelCols )
00180 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvNotOrthogonal )
00181 CLHEP_vector_exception_header( ZMxpvNotSymplectic )
00183 #endif // endif for ifndef ENABLE_ZOOM_EXCEPTIONS 
00185 // =============================================================
00186 // =============================================================
00187 // =============================================================
00191 //  This is the ZOOM version.  When compiled for ZOOM, even the basic CLHEP 
00192 //  Vector classes will depend on ZOOM Exceptions.  
00193 //  Though in the CLHEP context methods use ZMthrowA and ZMthrowC, these
00194 //  in the ZOOM context become ZMthrow.
00195 //
00196 //  Either this file or ZMxpvCLHEP.h is copied to become ZMxpv.h, depending 
00197 //  on whether this is a ZOOM or a CLHEP build.  
00198 //
00200 #ifndef ZMEXCEPTIONS_H
00201   #include "Exceptions/ZMexception.h"
00202   #include "Exceptions/ZMthrow.h"
00203 #endif
00204 using namespace zmex;
00206 namespace zmpv  {
00208 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMexception, ZMxPhysicsVectors);
00209 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvInfiniteVector);
00210 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvZeroVector);
00211 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvTachyonic);
00212 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvSpacelike);
00213 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvInfinity);
00214 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvNegativeMass);
00215 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvAmbiguousAngle);
00216 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvNegativeR);
00217 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvUnusualTheta);
00218 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvVectorInputFails);
00219 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvParallelCols);
00220 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvImproperRotation);
00221 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvImproperTransformation);
00222 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvIndexRange);
00223 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvNotOrthogonal);
00224 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvNotSymplectic);
00225 ZMexStandardDefinition (ZMxPhysicsVectors, ZMxpvFixedAxis);
00227 #define ZMthrowA(A) ZMthrow(A)
00228 #define ZMthrowC(A) ZMthrow(A)
00230 }  // namespace zmpv
00234 #endif // HEP_ZMXPV_H

Generated on 2 Dec 2014 for CLHEP by  doxygen 1.6.1