glite-VOBOX - Updated to version 3.2.13-1

Normal priority update
Released on Update 36 (14/03/2012)

Description (See the patch #5266)

For version 2.0.2 all the lcg-vobox code has been completely overhauled to deal with various issues:

  • The proxy renewal mini DB can get corrupted by a race condition, requiring it to be removed and the proxies to be re-registered. The new vobox-proxy command automatically converts any existing DB into a set of human-readable files in a "data" subdirectory.
  • The voms-proxy-init command can hang indefinitely, which has caused registered proxies to expire on various occasions at various sites. The new code has a timeout + retry loop around the command. (bug #77598)
  • The myproxy-get-delegation command can fail when the Globus or MyProxy port range is defined. The new code ensures those variables are unset.
  • The new "voname-box-proxyrenewal" service has more robust start and stop behavior. (bug #36766, bug #47204)
  • The daemon runs under an "sgm" account, so it can accidentally be killed by that user. However, currently only root can restart the "voname-box-proxyrenewal" service. The new code allows the sgm user to restart the service as well.

Other changes include:

  • Allow the proxy to be registered with a delegation lifetime different from the 12-hour default.
  • Allow requests for multiple VOMS attributes.
  • Take the VO from the user's proxy by default.
  • The interactive mode has been removed.
  • Man pages added for all components.
  • Dependency on lcg-proxy-renew package removed.

The components in the new rpm are compatible with existing versions, allowing some improvements to apply immediately and others later:

  • An upgrade would already lead to use of the new vobox-proxy client.
  • A restart of the "voname-box-proxyrenewal" service would cause the new vobox-renewd daemon to be used.
  • A reconfiguration by YAIM enables the new "voname-box-proxyrenewal" service.
  • To fix bug #47204 completely, the admin needs to run these commands after YAIM:

    chkconfig --del xyz-box-proxyrenewal 

    chkconfig --add xyz-box-proxyrenewal

    where "xyz" denotes the name of the relevant VO.

Dependent Patches

#5251 lcg-vobox 2.0.2

Fixed Bugs

#47204 VObox proxy renewal can block system boot
#36766 Bug in init scripts provided by lcg-vobox
#77598 VOBOX proxy renewal can hang on voms-proxy-init

Updated Rpms (See the full list)

NameVersionFull Rpm NameDescription
glite-VOBOX 3.2.13-1 glite-VOBOX-3.2.13-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm Cloned from glite-VOBOX_R_3_2_12
lcg-vobox 2.0.2-1 lcg-vobox-2.0.2-1.noarch.rpm VOBOX proxy renewal and agent service

Service reconfiguration after update

Service must be reconfigured.

Service restart after update

Service must be restarted.