

The File Transfer Monitor node queries the FTS database currently performs 3 things.

  1. A web page summary is created at hourly, daily and weekly intervals. This is performed by the glite-transfer-monitor-report package.
  2. Two summary files are created of recent transfers from the database. This is performed by the glite-transfer-monitor-gridview package.
  3. These summary files are published into gridview via the gridview packages. This is done by the gridview-wsclient-fts package.

Other packages are gridview-wsclient-common which are required by gridview-wsclient-fts and glite-transfer-schema which contains the schema additions for the FTS database.

The whole lot is configured by glite-yaim-fts and the ftm2 target. Oracle instantclient has to be installed on the node.

Please see also:


Links to the service documentation:

gLite R3.2 sl5_x86_64


Please check the Configuration and Intallation Guide for gLite R3.2

You use can this Yum repo file to install glite-FTM in gLite R3.2.

End of Standard UpdatesEnd of Security Updates
30/04/2012 30/11/2012

Released Versions

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
There are no published versions for this service.

Versions released on the old site

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
3.2.1-2.sl5 21/07/2010 Normal Details RPM list

gLite R3.1 sl4_i386


Please check the Configuration and Intallation Guide for gLite R3.1

You use can this Yum repo file to install glite-FTM in gLite R3.1.

End of Standard UpdatesEnd of Security Updates
07/07/2011 07/10/2011

Released Versions

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
There are no published versions for this service.

Versions released on the old site

The versions released on the old side have not been migrated to the new one for glite-FTM R3.1 sl4_i386. You can find them in the sevice page of the old site.