

The Site Central Authorization Service (SCAS) will make authorization and mapping decision centrally. It uses HTTPS authentication to authenticate a client (as regular user or pilot job user) and present user credentials. The return message will contain a deny of permit decision, and when permitted Unix UID, primary GID and secondary GIDs will be returned. The primary client tool is gLExec, but the client is actually an LCMAPS plugin, so other tools like all the pre-WS GT4 gatekeepers, gridftpd and gsi-opensshd tools can also utilize this client server interaction.


Links to the service documentation:

gLite R3.2 sl5_x86_64


Please check the Configuration and Intallation Guide for gLite R3.2

You use can this Yum repo file to install glite-SCAS in gLite R3.2.

End of Standard UpdatesEnd of Security Updates
31/10/2011 30/04/2012

Released Versions

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
There are no published versions for this service.

Versions released on the old site

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
3.2.2-0 08/02/2010 Normal Details RPM list
3.2.1-0 07/01/2010 Normal Details RPM list

gLite R3.1 sl4_i386


Please check the Configuration and Intallation Guide for gLite R3.1

You use can this Yum repo file to install glite-SCAS in gLite R3.1.

End of Standard UpdatesEnd of Security Updates
14/10/2010 31/01/2011

Released Versions

VersionDatePriorityDetailsList of RPMs
There are no published versions for this service.

Versions released on the old site

The versions released on the old side have not been migrated to the new one for glite-SCAS R3.1 sl4_i386. You can find them in the sevice page of the old site.