OPAL information

Document files for PR330

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

A Simultaneous Measurement of the QCD Colour Factors and the Strong Coupling

The OPAL Collaboration
11th January 2001
CERN-EP-2001-001, Eur. Phys. J. C20 (2001) 601-615

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pr330_journal.ps.gzFinal version as accepted by journalGzipped PS323 kb
pr330.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS322 kb
pr330_01.eps.gzFigure 01Gzipped PS9494
pr330_02.eps.gzFigure 02Gzipped PS9743
pr330_03.eps.gzFigure 03Gzipped PS7341
pr330_04.eps.gzFigure 04Gzipped PS7183
pr330_05.eps.gzFigure 05Gzipped PS7100
pr330_06.eps.gzFigure 06Gzipped PS7486
pr330_07.eps.gzFigure 07Gzipped PS107 kb
pr330_08.eps.gzFigure 08Gzipped PS18 kb
pr330_09.eps.gzFigure 09Gzipped PS35 kb