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Document files for PR416

Last update: 17 May 2021 04:15

QCD coherence and correlations of particles with restricted momenta in hadronic Z decays

The OPAL Collaboration
3rd March 2006
CERN-PH-EP/2006-003, Phys. Letts. B.638 (2006) 30-38

FilenameContentFormat Filesize
pr416_journal.ps.gzFinal version as accepted by journalGzipped PS150 kb
pr416_journal.pdfFinal version as accepted by journalPortable document format (PDF)375 kb
pr416.ps.gzComplete documentGzipped PS147 kb
pr416_01.ps.gzFigure 01Gzipped PS8120
pr416_02.ps.gzFigure 02Gzipped PS8283
pr416_03.ps.gzFigure 03Gzipped PS10 kb
pr416_04.ps.gzFigure 04Gzipped PS14 kb