OPAL information

OPAL Physics Notes

Physics notes describe preliminary OPAL results which are usually superseded by publications. The results must be referred to as 'OPAL preliminary'. If you want to have access to preliminary results from before 1998 please contact the OPAL physics coordinators (opal-physics-coordinators@cern.ch).

2003 (PN516-PNxxx)
2002 (PN495-PN515)
2001 (PN469-PN494)
2000 (PN468-PN422)
1999 (PN421-PN371)
1998 (PN370-PN329)
1997 (PN328-PN268)
1996 (PN267-PN204)
1995 (PN203-PN162)
1994 (PN161-PN115)
1993 (PN114-PN089)
1992 (PN088-PN051)
1991 (PN050-PN022)
1990 (PN021-PN002)