Example of ATLASWatchMan Steering File

The steering file below is an example; it was used to automatically generate this Analysis Code.

In this steering file we asks for an analysis code which perform:

  • event selection for 5 analyses, each one with its own cuts;
  • custom object slection and overlap removal for 3 analyses out of five;
  • perform cuts with user-defined formulas;
  • fill branches with UserData, with custom user-defined formulas;
  • dump several information from various POOL files containers;

  • ...and we list the datasets we want to run upon, in order to make the package automatically generate the script to run the analysis code over them.


# @file:    run/ATLASWatchMan_AnalysisSteeringFile_benchmarkChannels.py
# @author:  Riccardo-Maria BIANCHI <rbianchi@cern.ch>
# @author:  Renaud BRUNELIERE <bruneli@cern.ch>
# @purpose: a working example of the ATLASWatchMan Steering File

#                                                                          #
#      --- ATLASWatchMan ---                                               #    
#                                                                          #
#    Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by                                            #
#                                                                          #
#        Riccardo-Maria BIANCHI                                            #
#                                                                          #
#          Renaud BRUNELIERE                                               #
#                                                                          #
#    (Freiburg University, Germany)                                        #  
#                                                                          #
#    For comments and questions:   rbianchi@cern.ch, bruneli@cern.ch       #
#                                                                          #

import GaudiKernel.SystemOfUnits as Units
import ROOT

### User Global Options
outputFileName = "OutputD3PD.root"     # Output ROOT file name
treeName = "D3PDTree"
printLevel = 5                   # Printing level for the output analysis code: 0=Debug, 5=Minimal Info:fiufiu: 
printLevelGen = 4                # Printing level for the generation of the analysis code: 0=Debug, 5=Minimal Info
outputLevelAthena = 'INFO'       # Printing level while running the generated analysis code with Athena
applyObjSelection   = True       # Do we apply objects selection ?
applyOverlapRemoval = True       # Do we apply overlap removal ?
runOnAtlfast1       = False      # Do we run on Atlfast1 file ?
doSkimmingGlobal    = True       # Do we skim events? If True only those passing at least one channel are kept. True by default.
doEventSelectionEvenIfNotSkimming = True # Do we want to perform Event Selection even if we do not apply Skimming? Not by default

### User Channels/Analyses definitions
# you can specify channels to analyze and cuts for each channel.
channels = {
            '3j1lepMediumCutsMTBigger100GeV':{'channel': 'ljjj',
                                              'cuts': {1: {'label': 'leptonPtCutsExclusive',
                                                             'value': [20*Units.GeV]
                                                       2: {'label': 'electronPtVeto',
                                                             'range': [10*Units.GeV,20*Units.GeV]
                                                       3: {'label': 'muonPtVeto',
                                                             'range': [10*Units.GeV,20*Units.GeV]
                                                       4: {'label': 'jetPtCuts',
                                                             'value': [100*Units.GeV, 40*Units.GeV, 40*Units.GeV],
                                                       5: {'label': 'missingEtCut',
                                                             'value': 80*Units.GeV,
                                                       6: {'label': 'METFractionMeffCut',
                                                             'value': 0.25
                                                       7: {'label': 'sphericityCutCSC',
                                                             'value': 0.2,
                                                       8: {'label': 'jet_metDPhiCuts',
                                                             'value': [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                                       9: {'label': 'transverseMassCut',
                                                             'value': 100*Units.GeV,
                                                             'compare': '<='
                                              'customCuts':{'muon':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                                            'electron':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                                            'photon':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},
                                                            'tau':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},
            '3j1lepMediumCutsMTSmaller100GeV':{'channel': 'ljjj',
                                               'cuts': {1: {'label': 'leptonPtCutsExclusive',
                                                              'value': [20*Units.GeV]
                                                        2: {'label': 'electronPtVeto',
                                                              'range': [10*Units.GeV,20*Units.GeV]
                                                        3: {'label': 'muonPtVeto',
                                                              'range': [10*Units.GeV,20*Units.GeV]
                                                        4: {'label': 'jetPtCuts',
                                                              'value': [100*Units.GeV, 40*Units.GeV, 40*Units.GeV],
                                                        5: {'label': 'missingEtCut',
                                                              'value': 80*Units.GeV,
                                                        6: {'label': 'METFractionMeffCut',
                                                              'value': 0.25
                                                        7: {'label': 'sphericityCutCSC',
                                                              'value': 0.2,
                                                        8: {'label': 'jet_metDPhiCuts',
                                                                'value': [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                                        9: {'label': 'transverseMassCut',
                                                              'value': 100*Units.GeV,
                                                              'compare': '>'
                                              'customCuts':{'muon':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                                            'electron':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                                            'photon':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},
                                                            'tau':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},

            '4j0lepCSC':{'channel': 'jjjj',
                          'cuts':{1: { 'label': 'jetPtCuts',
                                         'value': [100*Units.GeV, 50*Units.GeV, 50*Units.GeV, 50*Units.GeV],
                                         'custom': 'N',
                                  2: {'label': 'missingEtCut',
                                        'value': 100*Units.GeV,
                                  3: { 'label': 'METFractionMeffCut',
                                        'value': 0.2
                                  4: {'label': 'sphericityCutCSC',
                                        'value': 0.2,
                                  5: {'label': 'jet_metDPhiCuts',
                                        'value': [0.2, 0.2, 0.2],
                                  6:{'label': 'electronPtVeto',
                                  7:{'label': 'muonPtVeto',
                                  8: {'label': 'MeffCut',
                                        'value': 800*Units.GeV,
                                        'custom': 'Y',
                                        'formula': 'meff'
                          'customCuts':{'muon':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                        'electron':{'ptMin': 20.*Units.GeV},
                                        'photon':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},
                                        'tau':{'applyOverlapRemoval': False},
            '1lep': {'channel': 'l',
                      'cuts': {1: {'label': 'leptonPtCuts',
                                     'value': [20*Units.GeV],
                     'customCuts': {'muon':{'ptMin': 5.*Units.GeV},
                                    'electron':{'ptMin': 5.*Units.GeV},
            'TestOnlyJets': {'channel': 'jjj',
                             'cuts': { 1:{'label': 'electronPtVeto',
                                            'range': [20.*Units.GeV, 50.*Units.GeV],
                                            'compare': ['<=','>='],

             } #End of 'channels' dict

#List of AOD/DPD Collections you want to use in your analysis either :
# -> during event selection
# -> to dump information in your output D3PD
#Options are:
# - Use the 'select':True flag to go through object selection
# - The 'type' and 'name' flags are only needed if the collection has not been previously declared

collections = {'electron':{'select':True},
               'truth_jet':{'select': True},
               'track': {'type':'Rec::TrackParticleContainer','name':'TrackParticleCandidate','select': False},
               'truth': {'select': False},
               'gen': {'select': False},

##--- D3PD branches. here you can define extra branches you want to fill.
#Default are branches from channels you have defined (e.g.met, jet, muon, ...)

userD3PDBranchesToFill = {
                          'meffCSC4j0lep' : {'label': 'meff4j', 'type': 'float', 'formula': 'meff'},
                          'sphericityCSC' : {'label': 'sphCSC', 'type': 'float', 'formula': 'sphericity'},
                          'TM_CSC' : {'label': 'TM_CSC', 'type': 'float', 'formula': 'transverseMass'},

#Those branches are the ones dumped in the output D3PD
#By default, the following variables are already predefined :
# - 4-momenta, charge, channel of ['electron','muon','photon','tau','jet','truth_jet']
# - Et, Phi of ['met','truth_met']
#If you want to add a new output variable, you have to specify :
# - 'type' of the stored-variable
# - 'method' which is called to get the variable value from object
# - Be careful, collection should be already defined in collections dict

dumpContainers = {'met':{},
                  'muon': {},

#--- Datasets to run upon
gridUserName = 'Riccardo-MariaBianchi'
ATLASRelease = '14.2.20'
testMode = 'Y' # run the job on the Grid only on one file of the dataset

# *** Skimming ***
# For each dataset you can set or not skimming of events when writing out the output D3PD.
# If 'True' only events passing all the cuts for at least one channel are kept.
# If not specified, the default 'True' value is taken, so by default Skimming IS applied.
# Ex:  'T1_14TeV': {'name':'valid3.005200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.e322_a68',
#                   'doSkimming': False}   # --> Here we want to keep all events
#Please Notice: 'cloud', 'disk', 'numsubjobs' keys are now used only by Ganga grid jobs. 
#               'name' is the only key needed by Panda job. (It's used by Ganga job as well, of course)
datasetsGrid = {
                'T1_Atlfast2': {'name': 'mc08.105200.T1_McAtNlo_Jimmy.recon.AOD.e357_a68',
                                'doSkimming': False},
                'WenuNp5_Atlfast2': {'name':'mc08.107685.AlpgenJimmyWenuNp5_pt20.recon.AOD.e368_a68',
                                     'doSkimming': False},

datasetLocal = {} # ??? To be implemented! (Ric.)

checkTrigger = False
triggerName  = ["L1_J70_XE30", "L1_J70", "L1_XE30"]

##--- User-Defined Formula
userFormula = {
meff = 0.
for i,jet in enumerate(candidates['jet']):
    meff += candidates['jet'][i].pt()
meff += candidates['met'].et()
return meff

#Just a test!
if True:
    print 'OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
    cutPassed = False 
    #you have to put this 'False' state somewhere in your user-defined formula
    #A cut is considered 'passed' until cutPassed is not set to 'False'
return 1

-- RiccardoMariaBianchi - 11 Mar 2009

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