--+!! AnalyticalModelToys


In this new twiki page what is going to be shown is the toy generation from analytical lifetime and invariant mass models. Along with this study for porting the Br signal mass model, and it's performance when applied on toy MC

Signal mass model

For the toy study and the sPlot a key ingredient is the invariant mass models used to fit the mass of the B-meson. Up to today a single Gaussian model has been used with all it's parameters free. Since, this model forces many toys to fail and thus an unstable procedure, a more elaborate signal model is required. The decision was made to use the signal model from the 2015/2016 Br analysis which is fully understood and tested in various configurations.

Br-analysis model description

The model used in the 15/16 Br analysis is a double Gaussian model. The model has two independent means and sigmas and a fraction for the relative proportion. The values of the previously listed parameters were frozen for the full range fit according to the values obtained when applying the independent two Gaussian fit on signal MC toys.

Parameter name value
Mean-1 5357.7 +/- 1.5 MeV
Mean-2 5257.0 +/- 18.3 MeV
Sigma-1 83.0 +/- 1.9 MeV
Sigma-2 193.8 +/- 10.5 MeV
fraction of Gauss 1 0.88 +/- 0.02

the values listed above are the average values from all the fits on the signal MC toys.

Fast test on signal MC

The Br model has been also fitted and compared with the up to today used model. The two signal models where applied on the signal only MC. However, since the signal MC is very high statistics a 10% of events has been sampled from the full data set to apply the model. The main reason for sampling less events is to avoid structures due to high statistics. The result along with the fit log from this exercise can be found in the following table

Model Parameter name Initial values Final result Plot
Single Gaussian mean 5300 MeV 5346.27 +/- 1.52 MeV
sigma 160 MeV 103.66 +/- 1.07 MeV
#Events 4672 4672 +/- 68.35
Double Gaussian mean1 5366 MeV 5356.7 +/- 1.8 MeV
mean2 5366 MeV 5257.54 +/- 16.21 MeV
sigma1 60.0 MeV 84.18 +/- 2.15 MeV
sigma2 160.0 MeV 173.65 +/- 9.52 MeV
fraction of Gauss 1 0.5 0.87 +/- 0.03
#Events 4672 4672 +/- 68.35

Outcome of signal only fit

It's clear when looking at the two fits that the double Gaussian model with the independent means reproduces our data better. Additionally we can see although this is a fit on a single sub-set of the full signal MC the result of the fit is comparable with the average values used in the Br analysis. Those two argument lead to the decision that we need to use a more elaborate model in our toy study for the fit estimator. Additionally the choice of the Br model for the signal is expected to solve the problem of toys failing the sPlot procedure, but this needs still to be tested.

Application of new signal model in the full mass range on data

The next step is to use the signal model with the standard background models (Chebychev 1st order + Exponential). The full model was applied on the analysis invariant mass range (4766,5966MeV) and in the BDT that is planned to be used for the lifetime analysis (0.365,1). With this exercise the validation of the full model on data is going to happen along that we will determine the number of events that is going to be needed for generating toys with the bootstrap method.

Model Parameter name Initial values Final result Plot
O(1) Chebychev + Exponential + Double Gaussian mean 1 5357.7 MeV 5357.7 MeV (*)
mean 2 5257.0 MeV 5257.0 MeV (*)
sigma 1 83.0 MeV 83.0 MeV (*)
sigma 2 193.8 MeV 193.8 MeV (*)
fraction on Gauss 1 0.88 0.88 (*)
Chebychev slope -0.05 0.996 +/- 0.0005
Exponential constant 500 141.9 +/- 0.57
#Gaussian events 50 49.93 +/- 29.18
#Chebychev events 150 36.12 +/- 6.03
#Exponential events 50 148.77 +/- 0.45

* Those values are frozen for the reason explained above.

Outcome of data fit with new signal model

The fit to the analysis data set converges. Additionally the performance of the new model is acceptable given that no significant fluctuations are being observed in the pull plot provided at the bottom of the plot. This is clearly a positive sign towards using this model for the toy generation and in the sPlot procedure.

Toy generation

In this section what is going to be discussed initially is the generation of toy samples both in mass and decay time with the use of an analytical model. Along the study the side-quests are going to be to test the correlation of the mass and proper time, prepare reliable models for a potential 2D likelihood fit and test the multiple peak structure if more background events are available. The first side-quest is an important assumption of the sPlot technique that needs to be tested. The second provides a fall back solution in case the numerical approach of the chi2-like variable is not going to converge. The last side-quest is actually the most important currently because this will show us a potential improvement in the current approach for determining the fit estimator. If this improvement is shown to be significant we expect a speed-up in the progress of the analysis.

Model description (both in mass and proper time)

In this sub-section we are going to discuss the models that are used and tested for the toy generation. There are two components in our fit, the mass and the proper time which need to be fitted simultaneously to determine the shape of the mass and proper time models. The models that we are planning to use are the following:

Component Mass model Decay time model
Combinatorial background Chebychev O(1) Smeared exponential with a Gaussian
Same sign same vertex (SSSV) background Exponential Smeared exponential with a Gaussian
Bs-signal Double gaussian with shape parameters frozen to MC values Exponential and error function smeared with a Gaussian

The models shown in the table are motivated from past analysis for the proper decay time as well as from the CMS analysis on the effective lifetime. Additionally Alex has already used those models to generate toys and therefore their properties are understood in a significant level.

Data sets for fitting

In parallel with determining the models for fitting the different models, the selection of the dataset needs to be discussed. The testing of the signal model is straight forward since the full signal MC was generated independently for the Bs and Bd model that normally are present on data and therefore can be immediately applied. For the background what is available is the bbmmX continuum background MC which contains two components the SSSV and Combinatorial background, that have to separated. In the following sections the fit on the background and the signal MC independently is going to be shown for the validation of the models. As a reminder in both MC full samples the BDT cut of the analysis is applied so that the resulted PDF fits are going to represent the type of data that we require.

Background model fitting

As discussed in the introduction of this section the separating of the background MC into it's two components is required. For this reason Fabio has been contacted who was the main analyzer of the Br 15/16 analysis, to ask about the method to reliably separate the two components. Luckily enough the full continuum background sample contains a branch in it's ttree indicating from which decay each event is originating. After the BDT cut of the analysis the following values have been found in the sample:

Index Value Component assigned to Index Value Component assigned to Index Value Component assigned to
0 combinatorial Combinatorial 10 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu:gamma]]gamma] SSSV 20 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D*_s+[gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]]]gamma] SSSV 30 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu:gamma]]gamma] SSSV
1 B_s0[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 11 B_s0[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 21 B*-[B-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:rho0[mu+:mu-]]gamma] SSSV 31 B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]] SSSV
2 B*0_bar[B0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D+[mu+:nu_mu]]gamma] SSSV 12 B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]] SSSV 22 B0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D+[mu+:nu_mu]] SSSV 32 missing particles ?
3 B0[D-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]mu+:nu_mu:gamma] SSSV 13 B0[D-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 23 B+[mu+:nu_mu:rho0[mu+:mu-]] SSSV 33 unmatched ?
4 B_s0[D*_s-[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]gamma]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 14 B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]] SSSV 24 B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D_s+[tau+[nu_tau_bar:mu+:nu_mu]nu_tau]] SSSV 34 B0[D-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma]mu+:nu_mu:gamma] SSSV
5 B_s0[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]mu+:nu_mu:gamma] SSSV 15 B_s0[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma]mu+:nu_mu:gamma] SSSV 25 B+[D0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:pi+]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 35 B+[mu+:nu_mu:rho0[mu+:mu-:gamma]] SSSV
6 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]]gamma] SSSV 16 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu:gamma]]gamma] SSSV 26 B_s0[D*_s-[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]pi0[gamma:gamma]]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 36 B*_c-[B_c-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:J/psi[mu+:mu-:gamma]]gamma] SSSV
7 B*_c-[B_c-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:J/psi[mu+:mu-]]gamma] SSSV 17 B*0_bar[B0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:D+[mu+:nu_mu]]gamma] SSSV 27 B_s0[D*_s-[D_s-[nu_mu_bar:mu-]gamma]mu+:nu_mu:gamma] SSSV 37 B+[D0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:K+]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV
8 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]]gamma] SSSV 18 B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D*_s+[gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]]] SSSV 28 B_s0[D_s-[nu_tau_bar:tau-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:nu_tau]]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 38 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:D*_s+[gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu:gamma]]]gamma] SSSV
9 B0[D-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:pi0[gamma:gamma]]mu+:nu_mu] SSSV 19 B*_s0_bar[B_s0_bar[nu_mu_bar:mu-:gamma:D*_s+[gamma:D_s+[mu+:nu_mu]]]gamma] SSSV 29 B_c-[nu_mu_bar:mu-:J/psi[mu+:mu-:gamma]] SSSV

Except the two decays that are highlighted with a question mark all the other decays are clear to which component the belong two. Therefore with the use of the value of the decay branch as discrimination the two MC samples were separated. The separation (after the BDT cut) resulted to the following amount of events for each sample.

Sample Number of entries
Combinatorial 367
SSSV 203

For the decays that are shown in the previous table as missing particles or unmatched we have found that those are 8 in number. The values of lifetime and mass are listed in the following table:

Index Decay string Mass value Proper time value
4122932 missing particles 5596.18 MeV 1.1717 ps
4133617 unmatched 5642.43 MeV 0.378554 ps
4438624 unmatched 4949.11 MeV 1.50203 ps
4492579 unmatched 5846.34 MeV 2.87935 ps
4919003 unmatched 5065.8 MeV 7.0801 ps
5220625 unmatched 5093.74 MeV 2.59245 ps
5270671 missing particles 5148.9 MeV 2.65543 ps

The fit on those two samples has been performed with various configuration to check if there are any significant effects that are being forgotten. The main goal (just to not forget) is to perform a simple fit on both the mass and the proper time in order to extract "sensible" 2D model that will allow us to generate toys from analytical models. In case the 2D fit is going to be used for determining the lifetime value in our sample this model will be refined and improved. In order to validate the fit we have performed the following sequential fits. Initially we fitted the decay time and the invariant mass independently and afterwards with the values from the independent fits we initiated the 2D fit. The configuration can be summarized in the following table.

Background source Individual fits plot 2D fit plot

By looking and examining the fit logs as well as the shapes of the PDFs projected on the dataset we can see that the models chosen for the two background components are fitting our sample with a good accuracy. For this reason we concluded that the parameterization chosen is sufficiently good and that means we are going to use it as a first order shape fit to generate toys with.

Signal fitting

As shown above the same procedure has been applied for the signal distribution. Initially an independent fit has been performed in mass and lifetime with the model described above, followed by a 2D fit initiated with the result of the individual fits. The results of this fitting procedure can be seen below

Signal dataset Individual fit plot 2D fit plot
sigMC IndepFitExtNonExtOnSignalMassAndLifetime.png
Individual fits in mass and lifetime with extended and non-extedned terms for the signal model
Fit did not converge

Debugging of 2D fit

In the section above it has been shown what is the result of the 2D fit when applying the same methodology as the background fit, with the models that apply on signal. The result is that although the individual fits converge properly when initiating the 2D fit with the result of the individual the fit gets confused. For this reason investigating the parameters and the models used has been started with the following conclusions. Initially we looked at the construction of the lifetime model since this is the model that seems to be mostly affected from the 2D fit. The first feature to be checked is if the convolution is performed properly. What has been observed is that due to the PDF not being exactly 0 at the upper edge a bump has been created which is artificial. The solution to the problem is to create the PDF in the longer range and then fit only the range of interest. This "work around" has been proven successful since the PDF in lifetime now looks more consistent with what someone would expect.

signalLifetimeModel WrongConvolution.png
Initially convoluted function
signalLifetimeModel CorrectedConvolution.png
Solution applied to the problem

The next step is to check the behavior of the individual fits. We are showing here how the fit is initiated and how the fit converges with the two fit logs quoted in the comment section. With the red line we see the starting point of the fit and witht he blue the fit result. From a closer look in the fit log it seems that the lifetime model struggles more to find convergence in comparsion with the mass fit. However both fits are converging correctly.

signalMassLifetimeModels IndividualFitsStartEndPoints.png
Individual mass lifetime fits MassLog Time Log

Following the check of the individual steps, is the construction of the 2D fit model. For this we are using the RooFit integrated class called RooProdPdf. With the RooProdPdf you are able to plot the projections of the PDFs in the two variables as long as the two PDFs can be factored out. Which is exactly what is happening in the case of the mass and time PDFs. In addition with the use of the createNLL method of the abstract RooAbsPdf class we can derive the -log(LL) value of our PDFs for our given datasets which is also shown below. It can be seen in the table that although the 2 models (2D and indiv) do not distinguish at all in terms of functional forms, the values of the NLL do. Naively someone can expect since the two models are independent the massNLL * timeNLL = combNLL. This is clearly not the case in our situation raising the question about the construction of the 2D PDF from the individual ones.

mass nLL value time nLL value 2D model nLL value Plot
286331.110938 81570.593384 573149.460308
signalMassLifetimeModels IndivFitResultAnd2DStartingPoint.png
2D pdf construction for initial point

Since, all the input parts have been validated a break down of the lifetime model has been started. For this reason a simpler model with a smaller fitting range has been employed. For the lifetime we chose to use a simple error function exponential that is going to fit the range [3,8] ps with a 2D fit to check a few properties of the RooProdPdf. The first thing that has been observed is that still the product of the NLL values is different than the NLL value of the 2D model. The factor that they differ is about the same order as for the full model O(e-5). The next step is that the fitter converges properly to an expected result, without any issue.

mass nLL value time nLL value (erf+exp) comb nLL value Plot
286331.110939 21702.010750 125278.786254
singalMassLifetimeModels 2DFitWithErfExpLifeModel.png
2D fit with simple lifetime model (Erf+Exp) in smaller range FitLog

Since a huge amount of fits were performed for different configurations the following set of slides has been created with the references on the fit logs in this site. The set can be found Fits in 2D for mass and lifeitme

Analytical toy validation

At this stage the result of the independent fit is being used in order to generate toys and check their validity in compare with the bootstraps. For this reason a sub set of the validation plots for the bootstrap toys has been produced with the same statistics.

Bin content and error distribution on sPlot toys

After generating 1000 of toys from the analytical mass and proper time models. The sPlot procedure has been applied with a single gaussian model for the signal representation in mass. Essentially the whole procedure remains the same the only difference is initial pool of toys is coming from the analytical models rather than bootstraps.

Bin content distributions Error distributions Reference plots
sPlotToysA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus binContentDist.png
Bin content distribution on 8 ct bins 1000 toys
sPlotToysA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus errorDist.png
Error distribution on 8 ct bins 1000 toys
BinContentBootstrap ErrorBootstraps

Overlaying analytical toy distributions with bootstrapped reference distributions

Eyeballing the distributions from the previous section shows that at comparable statistics the two procedures yield similar results. However, both samples since they are generated with similar statistics are prompt to statistical fluctuations. Since for the analytical toys the plan is to use ~10x more statistics, a large samples has been created and then re-scaled to the required statistics to compare with the reference plots from the bootstrap procedure. There are two sets of plots below the first set contains the information of the bin distributions including the toys that have no statistics in those bins. (therefore a large peak at 0). The second set discards those bins increasing the sensitivity to the shape.

Includin 0 content toys Bin 0 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7
Discarding 0 content toys Bin 0 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7

* Red is the rescaled 10k sample and blue the unscaled 1k reference bootstrap sample

Summary plots per bin (bin content, custom tagging toy separation)

After validating the same performance in terms of shapes the next step is to produce the multi canvas with the likelihood tagging algorithm for all the bins to look at the separation of the peaks.

Bin 0 Bin 1 Bin 2 Bin 3 Bin 4 Bin 5 Bin 6 Bin 7
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin0.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 0
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin1.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 1
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin2.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 2
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin3.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 3
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin4.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 4
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin5.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 5
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin6.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 6
sPlotToyA BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus mltCanvas bin7.png
Multi-canvas for ct bin 7

the analytical toys up to know show similar behavior as for the bootstrap. The only gain is that less fits are failing with the old model as well as that the generation number now is arbitrary. We can choose as many toys as we want and this is yielding to the next step of performing a large campaign of 10000 toys to be used in the RMS studies.

Generation step by step plotting

The production procedure of toys has a very standarized pattern that is being followed in both generation methods. The steps with the plots refering to the number of generated events are shown below. The main reason we look at the number of generated events in each flavour is because the discrepancy in the bin content distributions occurs from the different mixing of the number of events for each component.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Poisson for number of Events at truth level Number of events fitted in mass fit Number of signal events in weighted histogram

in the mass fit we see there is a discrepancy between the number of signal events and number of sssv background which might explain the discrepancy also seen in the total number of signal events in the sPlot projection.

Analytical toys vs full MC comparison

To test that the generation of the analytical toys is correct, what happened was that a full 10k production was launched. Then the resulted datasets where summed and averaged and the average histogram has been produced. The full MC was scaled to the analysis number of events and both histograms were overlayed to determine if the analytical toys generate the full MC truthfully.

truthToys BDT0.365 averageHistogramOver10kToysVsScaledFullMCSamples.png
Full MC and analytical toys comparsions, generating 10k analytical toys

Bootstrap toys testing

It can be seen that in the distribution of the number of events (specially for the signal) it's being under-estimated from the bootstrap toys. This might be due to two effects. The first effect is because the mass model is not accurate enough, specially for the correlations between the signal and the background. In this a bias on the lifetime might be introduced which is also affecting the studies we perfromed with the analytical fitters. The oddity of this study is that the analytical toys seem to not be affected by the same issue. The main reason is due to the fact that the analytical models are ment to be generated from the PDFs used. In this case that yields to making those toys too "perfect" in compare to the bootstraps. The second main reason for the discrepancy is related to the first one but instead of having to do with the PDF describing the data it's related to the data itself. The background MC is mostly limited by the statistics. For this reason low stat regions (specially for the SSSV-which is falling exponentially) are being oversampled. This results a constant bias that is affecting the bootstrap toys. To test the existance of those low stat regions, toys from the analytical models have been created with the same statistics as the bbmmX MC. Those toys act as reference samples where applying the bootstrap methods new toys can be generated that are then fitted in mas as done with the bbmmX ones. This will show whether what is observed on the existing toys generated from the bbmmX are due to a statistical fluctuation or due an intrinsic bias of the sample.

Improvements on analytical fit in mass

For testing if the analytical model used in mass is not accurate enough, several configurations have been applied in order to see if this brings an improvement on the not missing signal events. The configurations are the following:

Index Configuration name Con values
0 No constrain None
1 Constrain on signal mean mean = 5366.9 +/- 10 MeV
2 Constrain on exp. const. exp.const = 83.4866 +/- 5.86
3 Constrain on comb. slope comb. slope = -0.366314 +/- 0.087405
4 Freezing signal shape mean = 5347.04 MeV sigma = 102.74 MeV
5 Constrain on exp. const. and frozen signal shape exp.const = 83.4866 +/- 5.86 mean = 5347.04 MeV sigma = 102.74 MeV

The resulting yield distributions orginating from the mass fits used in sPlot along with the mean values for the different configurations can be seen in the next two plots. The configurations have been also tried on the analytical toys to be checked the effect of those in the "perfect" scenario.

Bootstrap toys Analytical toys
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus bootstrapYieldsOnVariousConfigurations.png
Mass fit yields applied on bootstrap toys from bbmmX with the sPlot fitter
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus analyticalYieldsWithVariousConfigurations.png
Mass fit yields applied on analytical toys in mass and lifetime with the sPlot fitter

To summarize the above two distributions the mean of each distribution for every yield has been taken. The configuration scheme remained the same and for each yield we have the analytical and the bootstrap values. It can be seen that in the analytical case the means are almost not affected by the different configurations prooving a robust fit perfromance already from the non constraint case.

Signal Yield Combinatorial Yield Same Sign Same Vertex Yield
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus meanValuesOfSignalYieldSummaryPlot.png
Mean value of signal yield distribution in toys with different mass fit configuration
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus meanValuesOfCombYieldSummaryPlot.png
Mean value of combinatorial yield distribution in toys with different mass fit configurations
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus meanValueOfSSSVYieldSummaryPlot.png
Mean value of same sign same vertex yield distribution in toys with different mass fit configurations

Generation of bootstraps from reference sample generated from an analytical model

In this section the second assumption is going to be tested that is hinting the discrepancy between analytical and bootstrap samples on the fact that the bootstraps in the background are systematically biased from the high mass values in the mass range, where the statistics is extemely limited. For this reason as noted above 100 samples have been generated with the same statistics as the full bbmmX MC at the analysis BDT cut (0.365,1.0). From those 100 samples bootstrap samples have been created in the same amount as for the reference bootstraps used till now (generated from the bbmmX). Since, this is an extremely time consuming task not all reference samples have been processed but only a few to get an understanding of the mean value from the different configurations. The expectation for this test was that if the mean value was systematically off then an intrinsic bias of the bootstrap method is present. If on the other had the mean value was consistent with the generation value then the discrepancy observed between analytical and bootstrap toys would be due to the nature of that particular sample used till now. The mean values and RMS for the till yet processed samples are visible in the following table:

Mean values RMS values Distribution of mean values Mean values with RMS as error for all configurations
meanGraphForBoostrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels ForDifferentConfigurations.png
Mean values of bootstraps where the sampling distribution are toys generated from analytical models for different sPlot mass fit configurations
rmsGraphForBoostrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels ForDifferentConfigurations.png
RMS values of bootstraps where the sampling distribution are toys generated from analytical models for different sPlot mass fit configurations
meanDistributionsForBootstrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels ForDifferentConfigurations.png
Mean value distributions for the bootstraps toys of toys
Mean values with RMS as error of the different configurations for all the till now processed toys of toys

Comparison of analytical fitters in lifetime between analytical generated toys and bootstraps

Since, the analytical toys show a better performance "out of the box" in comparison to the bootstrap toys, a test has been performed to check whether fitting the analytical sPlot with the analytical fitters (chi2, multinomial) would yield to similar results as for the bootstrap toys. The main effect for this test is arising from the hypothesis that the shift observed in the signal yield for the bootstrap toys might have an effect on the lifetime measurement. For this reason, the two fitters have been re-run with the following results for the pulls and the residuals:

Chi2 Multinomial
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus pullsResidualsOfChi2FitOnAnalyticalToys 12ctBins.png
Chi2 fitting on analytical toys BDT > 0.365
sPlotOnToys BDT0.365 cheb1ExpOneGaus pullsResidualsOfMultinomialFitOnAnalyticalToys 12ctBins.png
Multionomial fitting on analytical toys BDT > 0.365


-- IoannisXiotidis - 2021-01-18

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng Data_BDT0.365_InvariantMassFit_NewSignalModelFromBrAnanlysis.png r1 manage 22.8 K 2021-01-18 - 20:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng bbmmXMC_BDT0.365_2DFitInMassAndPTime_CombBkg.png r2 r1 manage 60.4 K 2021-01-19 - 14:54 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng bbmmXMC_BDT0.365_2DFitInMassAndPTime_SSSVBkg.png r2 r1 manage 61.2 K 2021-01-19 - 14:54 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng bbmmXMC_BDT0.365_IndividualMassAndPTimeFitExtNonExt_CombBkg.png r2 r1 manage 48.0 K 2021-01-19 - 14:55 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng bbmmXMC_BDT0.365_IndividualMassAndPTimeFitExtNonExt_SSSVBkg.png r2 r1 manage 45.0 K 2021-01-19 - 14:55 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt bkgLifetimeCombExtLog.txt r1 manage 11.4 K 2021-01-18 - 21:51 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt bkgLifetimeCombNonExtLog.txt r1 manage 10.1 K 2021-01-18 - 21:51 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt bkgMassCombExtLog.txt r1 manage 5.2 K 2021-01-18 - 21:51 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt bkgMassCombNonExtLog.txt r1 manage 4.9 K 2021-01-18 - 21:51 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt dataFitTwoGaussLog.txt r1 manage 23.8 K 2021-01-18 - 20:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng doubleGaussianFreeSignalFit.png r1 manage 38.2 K 2021-01-18 - 19:06 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt indivLifetimeModelFit.txt r1 manage 63.8 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt indivMassModelFit.txt r1 manage 12.5 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt massLifetimeFit_SimpleTimeModel_FitLog.txt r1 manage 33.5 K 2021-01-25 - 10:53 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng massTimeCorrelationPlot.png r1 manage 40.8 K 2021-01-21 - 09:12 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng meanDistributionsForBootstrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels_ForDifferentConfigurations.png r1 manage 27.2 K 2021-02-23 - 07:57 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng meanGraphForBoostrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels_ForDifferentConfigurations.png r1 manage 15.9 K 2021-02-23 - 07:57 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng meanGraphWithRMSErrorsForDIfferentConfigurationOfBootstraps.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-02-23 - 07:57 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng rmsGraphForBoostrapsGeneratedFromAnalyticalModels_ForDifferentConfigurations.png r1 manage 16.3 K 2021-02-23 - 07:58 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_analyticalYieldsWithVariousConfigurations.png r1 manage 91.6 K 2021-02-22 - 15:15 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_bootstrapYieldsOnVariousConfigurations.png r1 manage 89.7 K 2021-02-22 - 15:15 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_meanValueOfSSSVYieldSummaryPlot.png r1 manage 13.3 K 2021-02-22 - 15:15 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_meanValuesOfCombYieldSummaryPlot.png r1 manage 15.3 K 2021-02-22 - 15:15 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_meanValuesOfSignalYieldSummaryPlot.png r1 manage 13.6 K 2021-02-22 - 15:15 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_nEventsFromMassFitsInsPlotAnalyticalVsBootstrap.png r1 manage 36.2 K 2021-02-15 - 20:46 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_nTotalSignalEventsInWeightedsPlotDist_BootstrapVsAnalyticalToys_1000.png r1 manage 19.1 K 2021-02-15 - 20:46 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_pullsResidualsOfChi2FitOnAnalyticalToys_12ctBins.png r1 manage 14.9 K 2021-02-23 - 11:00 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotOnToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_pullsResidualsOfMultinomialFitOnAnalyticalToys_12ctBins.png r1 manage 17.3 K 2021-02-23 - 11:00 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin0.png r1 manage 28.4 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin1.png r1 manage 26.6 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin2.png r1 manage 26.9 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin3.png r1 manage 21.9 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin4.png r1 manage 23.7 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin5.png r1 manage 20.0 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin6.png r1 manage 19.3 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToyA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_mltCanvas_bin7.png r1 manage 18.8 K 2021-02-08 - 16:11 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToysA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_binContentDist.png r1 manage 65.6 K 2021-02-08 - 13:09 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToysA_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_errorDist.png r1 manage 70.0 K 2021-02-08 - 13:09 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin0.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin1.png r1 manage 12.1 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin2.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin3.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin4.png r1 manage 11.8 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin5.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin6.png r1 manage 11.1 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded0_ctBin7.png r1 manage 10.4 K 2021-02-09 - 09:35 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin0.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin1.png r1 manage 12.1 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin2.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin3.png r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin4.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin5.png r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin6.png r1 manage 12.3 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sPlotToys_BDT0.365_cheb1ExpOneGaus_AnalyticalVsBootstrapToys_0BinContIncluded1_ctBin7.png r1 manage 10.1 K 2021-02-09 - 09:34 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng sigMC_IndepFitExtNonExtOnSignalMassAndLifetime.png r1 manage 53.7 K 2021-01-21 - 09:12 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng signalLifetimeModel_CorrectedConvolution.png r1 manage 28.3 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng signalLifetimeModel_WrongConvolution.png r1 manage 29.0 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng signalMassLifetimeModels_IndivFitResultAnd2DStartingPoint.png r1 manage 37.7 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng signalMassLifetimeModels_IndividualFitsStartEndPoints.png r1 manage 39.9 K 2021-01-25 - 10:28 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_FrozenAllTimeParamsLog.txt r1 manage 6.9 K 2021-01-28 - 09:42 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_MassLifetimeLog.txt r1 manage 34.7 K 2021-01-28 - 09:38 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_OnlyErfMeanFreeLog.txt r1 manage 9.8 K 2021-01-28 - 09:47 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_OnlyErfSigmaFreeLog.txt r1 manage 10.3 K 2021-01-28 - 09:59 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_OnlyLifetimeFreeLog.txt r1 manage 8.9 K 2021-01-28 - 10:06 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_OnlySmearMeanFreeLog.txt r1 manage 12.0 K 2021-01-28 - 09:53 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_OnlySmearSigmaFreeLog.txt r1 manage 11.6 K 2021-01-28 - 10:01 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_SmearMeanErfMeanFreeLog.txt r1 manage 21.9 K 2021-01-28 - 10:14 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_SmearMeanErfMeanLifetimeFreeLog.txt r1 manage 18.9 K 2021-01-28 - 10:19 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_SmearMeanSmearSigmaFreeLog.txt r1 manage 15.7 K 2021-01-28 - 11:10 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt simFit_SmearSigmaErfSigmaFreeLog.txt r1 manage 12.2 K 2021-01-28 - 10:09 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng singalMassLifetimeModels_2DFitWithErfExpLifeModel.png r1 manage 36.3 K 2021-01-25 - 10:53 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng singleGaussianSignalFit.png r1 manage 34.6 K 2021-01-18 - 19:06 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt truthFitOneGaussLog.txt r1 manage 10.5 K 2021-01-18 - 19:06 IoannisXiotidis  
Texttxt truthFitTwoGaussLog.txt r1 manage 7.4 K 2021-01-18 - 19:06 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng truthToys_BDT0.365_averageHistogramOver10kToysVsScaledFullMCSamples.png r1 manage 45.5 K 2021-02-15 - 21:02 IoannisXiotidis  
PNGpng truthToys_BDT0.365_poissonGenerationOfBootstrapAndAnalyticalToys.png r1 manage 29.5 K 2021-02-15 - 20:46 IoannisXiotidis  
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Topic revision: r15 - 2021-06-15 - IoannisXiotidis
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