
Short description

InDetBTag is a prototype b-tagger which runs within Athena. It is located in: offline/InnerDetector/InDetRecAlgs/InDetBTag You can get it via cvs typing the following:

cvs co <nop>InnerDetector/InDetRecAlgs/InDetBTag

Running the b-tagger

There are two possible ways to run the b-tagger:
  • on a lxplus machine (to run on few events, to test things)
  • on a batch machine (to run overnight on lots of events)

Run on a lxplus machine

Since the b-tagger only needs inner detector information it can be run with the InDetExample package which provides a "run skeleton" to run InnerDetector software.

Check out this packages with typing:

cvs co <nop>InnerDetector/InDetExample/InDetRecExample
and follow the lines in the README file, except for the running part (do not type athena blabla as suggested).

To have the full information available from the b-tagger, the CBNT algorithms have to run. The basic InDetExample jobOptions file does not support this. However, you can use the jobOptions files provided here:

Notice that InDetExample provides a file but it DOES NOT include the b-tagging software. So please use the one given here.

To run, copy the (X = DC1|G4 depending on what you want to run) into the run directory of InDetExample. Copy into the share directory (you might want to make a backup of the original one).

And finally, in the run directory type: (or G4) and it should run.

Do not forget to copy the PoolFileCatalog.xml file for the pool file you are using. If you for example want to run on preproduction 803 HW->munubb you will have to copy


into your run directory.

Run on a batch machine

To run on a batch machine do the following:
  • set your machine up so that it can run on a lxplus machine (see above)
  • somewhere (not in the InDetExample directory) create a new directory, say batch
  • copy the following files into that directory (depending on what you want to run)

DC1 G4

  • open the files and and edit them to your needs
    • don't worry, only few things need to be changed, e.g. you don't want to run in my home directory
    • you don't want your results written to my castor space, aso.
    • just look through and follow the instruction (I hope there are some ;-))
  • the last thing you need to do is specify on how many events you want to run, on which samples, aso. Look into and adjust the lines to your needs
  • finally type (on a lxplus machine): ./ and press enter to start the batch job

-- DerSchrecklicheSven - 28 May 2004

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Python source code filepy r1 manage 3.0 K 2004-05-28 - 17:23 AndreasWildauer  
Python source code filepy r1 manage 3.4 K 2004-05-28 - 17:23 AndreasWildauer  
Python source code filepy r1 manage 1.8 K 2004-05-28 - 17:11 AndreasWildauer  
Unix shell scriptsh r1 manage 7.4 K 2004-05-28 - 17:22 AndreasWildauer  
Unix shell scriptsh r1 manage 6.8 K 2004-05-28 - 17:23 AndreasWildauer  
Python source code filepy r1 manage 1.7 K 2004-05-28 - 17:10 AndreasWildauer  
Python source code filepy r1 manage 2.5 K 2004-05-28 - 17:10 AndreasWildauer  
Unix shell scriptsh r1 manage 4.4 K 2004-05-28 - 17:22 AndreasWildauer  
Unix shell scriptsh r1 manage 3.1 K 2004-05-28 - 17:22 AndreasWildauer  
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Topic revision: r3 - 2004-07-07 - AndreasWildauer
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