LAr Backend DCS Manual

User Section

General Backend DCS

* The LAr main panel is accessible either trough the ATLAS DCS main panel or by remote terminal connection
* from outside USA15 you can connected via Windows terminal server and Windows remote desktop connection to CERNTSATLDCS01
* the corresponding Linux command is "rdesktop"
* on the windows terminal you can launch PVSS panels on PCATLLARROD
* Terminal Server PVSSshell menu:
* start backend main panel: fwDeviceEditorNavigator\fwDeviceEditorNavigator.pnl

* After starting the PVSS navigator, the FSM is started by selecting the FSM menu in the PVSS panel and the right-clicking on "LAR_ROD" and selecting "View"
* remote desktop PVSS start panel:
* The main LAr backend panel shows the status of the ROD crates, each in their position inside the ROD crates. To display the temperature and current curves of a single ROD crate can be selected by selecting "plot on" in the panel. The selected crate is then marked green, the others red.
* The status of each crate is also indicated. In normal condition it should say "OK" and the button should be green.
* LAr ROD main panel:
* When clicking on a crate's name "Cra#", more detailed information is displayed, giving temperature and current values.
* LAr ROD crate panel:
* The temperature probes are placed as follows:

  • probe 1: inside the fan tray
  • probe 6: on the remote power supply behind the crate
  • probe 7: on top of slot 5
  • probe 8: on top of slot 1

* Single partitions can be selected from the navigation panel
* LAr EMBA partition panel:
* on the bottom left of the main LAr panel the status (colour coded) and state (in words) of the ROD cooling station are shown
* also displayed are the manifold temperature (???) and the water return temperature (currently wrong)
* when clicking on the central button more information can be accessed in a separate panel:
* LAr ROD cooling default panel:
* a graphically more detailed panel can be launched from the PVSS startup panel: click FSM, INFRASTRUCTURE, ROD COOLING
* alarm and warning bits are shown when clicking on "alarm" or "warning" in the panel
* right click on a parameter to display its value
* LAr ROD cooling special panel:

Experts and Phone Numbers

  • LAr DCS: Sergey.Chekulaev(at) (16-4664), Arno.Straessner(at) (74296, 16-2763)
  • crates and power supplies: Arno.Straessner(at) (74296, 16-2763)
  • cooling: Carsten.Houd(at) (16-5173), Arno.Straessner(at) (74296, 16-2763)
  • Central DCS: Stefan.Schlenker(at) (16-2187)

Expert Section

Remote Login

* on the windows terminal you can launch PVSS panels on PCATLLARROD or you can login to the PCATLLARROD directly
* Terminal Server PVSSshell menu:
* on PVSSshell choose Computer: pcatllarrod
* login with your NICE account (cern\)

Slow control terminal in USA15

* pull out terminal screen in rack Y.12-16.A2
* on terminal switch select the proper input PC by pushing the numbered buttons
* login with your Nice account (cern\login) or as lardcs
* start PVSS slow control application (if not yet running)
* you now have access to the VME crate control and the ROD cooling station

* Rod rack in USA15 with terminal console:
* Opened terminal in USA15:

CANbus cabling

* The ROD crates are connected via CANbus to the Kvaser interface card of the ATLLARROD PC in rack Y.10-16.A2.
* There are 4 CANbus lines with the following addresses:

CAN line #1 CAN line #2 CAN line #3 CAN line #4
EMB-A1 = 1 EMEC-A1 = 1 FCAL/HEC A = 1 TTC EMEC = 1
EMB-A2 = 2 EMEC-A2 = 2 FCAL/HEC C = 2 TTC HEC/FCAL = 2
EMB-A3 = 3 EMEC-A3 = 3 INJECTOR = 3 TTC LTPI = 3
EMB-A4 = 4 EMEC-C1 = 4 TTC EMB = 4
EMB-C1 = 5 EMEC-C2 = 5
EMB-C2 = 6 EMEC-C3 = 6
EMB-C3 = 7
EMB-C4 = 8
* The physical cabling is however done this way
CAN line #1 CAN line #2 CAN line #3 CAN line #4
* CANbus connector on fan-tray front panel:
* The CANbus address is set on the fan-tray front panel of each crate:
* select the CANBUS address with the "mode select" switch and change it with the "addr" switch

ROD cooling station

* Maintenance of the ROD cooling station is done by CERN TS/CV group
* Contact person: Carsten.Houd(at) (phone 165173)
* Start of cooling system, change of settings and repairs on cooling station and manifold are done by TS/CV
* Information on the status are displayed on the PLC control panel in USA15 1st floor (leave the elevator, go straight to the door on the on other end of the USA15 hall; behind the door is the cooling room; the PLC panel is installed in the grey rack on the right side at the end of the room)
* ROD cooling steering panel in USA15 1st floor:

Expected Typical Values and Warning and Alarm thresholds

-- Main.astraess - 04 May 2007

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
JPEGjpg DSC03667.jpg r1 manage 54.1 K 2007-05-04 - 18:12 UnknownUser CANbus
JPEGjpg DSC03670_lores.jpg r1 manage 47.0 K 2007-05-04 - 11:40 UnknownUser Terminal in USA15
JPEGjpg DSC03672_lores.jpg r1 manage 59.4 K 2007-05-04 - 11:41 UnknownUser Terminal rack in USA15
JPEGjpg DSC03708.jpg r1 manage 35.4 K 2007-05-04 - 18:12 UnknownUser CANbus
JPEGjpg DSC03713.jpg r1 manage 40.8 K 2007-05-04 - 18:13 UnknownUser Cooling station PLC panel USA15
JPEGjpg TS_panel_menu.jpg r1 manage 16.6 K 2007-05-04 - 11:44 UnknownUser Terminal Server PVSSshell menu
JPEGjpg lar_cooling_default_panel.jpg r1 manage 105.5 K 2007-05-08 - 11:49 UnknownUser LAr ROD cooling default panel
JPEGjpg lar_cooling_special_panel.jpg r1 manage 78.4 K 2007-05-08 - 11:50 UnknownUser LAr ROD cooling special panel
JPEGjpg lar_emba_partition_panel.jpg r1 manage 66.0 K 2007-05-08 - 11:50 UnknownUser LAr EMBA partition panel
JPEGjpg lar_rod_main_panel.jpg r1 manage 128.0 K 2007-05-08 - 11:51 UnknownUser LAr ROD main panel
JPEGjpg remote_desktop_pvss.jpg r1 manage 36.1 K 2007-05-08 - 11:51 UnknownUser remote desktop PVSS start panel
JPEGjpg wiener_crate_panel.jpg r1 manage 61.2 K 2007-05-08 - 11:52 UnknownUser LAr ROD crate panel
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Topic revision: r6 - 2009-10-05 - BertrandMartin
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