TWIKI LAST EDITED 2009, up to date:, below is historical/WRONG

Setup a CMSSW release


This section deals with the specifics of creating a user project area for a CMSSW release

Access to and

TWIKI LAST EDITED 2009, up to date:, below is historical/WRONG

Currently, the LPC is provided with two interactive login clusters at FNAL, running SL3 and running SL4. Both are accessible via a load balanced interactive switch. As for every FNAL login machine, a Kerberos ticket is needed to actually login to the clusters. The load balancing is handled by a hardware switch which requires an addressless ticket. The ticket has to be forwarded by the switch to the actual worker node in the cluster. As the address of the worker node is different than the address of the switch, the ticket has to be addressless.

After getting a valid addressless FNAL Kerberos ticket on your local machine by executing on Linux:

kinit -n

or on Mac OSX:

kinit -A

login to on Linux by:


or on Mac OS X by:


If the login does not succeed, try to follow USCMS instructions: connecting to the UAF where you also can find help for other problems related to the login to the CMS UAF.

Disk space

FNAL users have three different directories with diskspace available.

USCMS user home directory

All CMS users are provided with a home directory on the USCMS shared file system (BlueArc) at:


You can check the quota on this directory by:


A backup of your CMS home directory is done every day.

CMS user data directory

As a second option, users have reserved disk space in the USCMS user data area at:


This directory is not under backup.

Suggested directory for the tutorial exercises

For the tutorial, we suggest to use your CMS user data directory. Go to your user data directory, create a directory called "tutorial" and change into this directory:

cd /uscms_data/d1/<username>
mkdir tutorial
cd tutorial

Setup of the CMS software environment

The CMS software has to be setup on the UAF following the FNAL local software installation instructions by sourcing the FNAL setup script. If you are using a shell from the csh family, you have to execute

source /uscmst1/prod/sw/cms/cshrc prod

or if you are using a shell from the sh family, you have to execute

source /uscmst1/prod/sw/cms/shrc prod

to setup the CMS software environment. It can be used both on and and autodetects whether the platform is SL3 or SL4.

Use SCRAMV1 to create a user project environment of a CMSSW release

CMS uses the code management tool SCRAMV1 to handle user code vs. release code management. SCRAMV1 enables the user to use pre-compiled release code and at the same time compile and use his own user code.

SCRAMV1 holds a release project directory for every installed release. The list of installed releases can be checked with

scramv1 list CMSSW

This tutorial will use the latest production release: CMSSW_1_5_0

Use SCRAMV1 to create a user project directory from a installed release by executing:

scramv1 project CMSSW CMSSW_1_5_0
cd CMSSW_1_5_0/src

All code compiled and files in thIS src directory take precedence before the code and files in the release directory. If code or files cannot be found in the user directory, they are looked up in the release directory (important also for .cfi and .cff files).

For more information about SCRAMV1, please have a look at the SCRAMV1 introduction.

Setup environment for selected release

After creating an user directory, the environment for the selected release has to be setup. If you are using a shell from the csh family, you have to execute

eval `scramv1 runtime -csh`

or if you are using a shell from the sh family, you have to execute

eval `scramv1 runtime -sh`

to setup the environment for the selected release. This sets the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables and also special variables which can become useful during development:

  • $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE: release directory
  • $CMSSW_SEARCH_PATH: ordered list of directories defining the order in which the directories are searched to resolve includes, etc.

The environment setup has to be done every time a new shell is used to work with a specific user project area. The creation only once.

CVS (just as a reference, don't execute commands)

There are two access modes to CVS, anonymous without write permission and the write access.

Anonymous access

Initialize the anonymous CVS access with

cmscvsroot CMSSW
cvs login 
(enter password 98passwd)

which sets the $CVSROOT variable to point to the CERN CVS repository. You can then use standard CVS commands to check out revision or tag <tag> of module <Package/Module< in your src directory of your local user project area"

cvs co -r <tag> <Package/Module

Write access

For write access, the user has to have a valid CERN account, has to be assigned to CMS. To setup the write access on the CMSUAF, do:

project CMSSW

As the write access uses kerberos for authentication but CERN still runs version 4 of kerberos, the user has to aquire a specific token on the CMSUAF using:

/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit -5 username@CERN.CH
(enter lxplus password when prompted)

and you CERN account and password. Then the write access uses standard CVS commands.

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Topic revision: r10 - 2020-09-01 - MargueriteTonjes
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