CRAB @ FNAL Tutorial using the CRABServer


Apart from configuration, the usage of the CRABServer is equal to the usage of any standalone CRAB version. In this tutorial, we list differences in configuration and refer with links to the original tutorial.

Recipe for the tutorial

Setup local Environment and prepare user analysis code

CRAB setup

Compared to the[default setup]], the server access needs a special CRAB pre-release available at CERN by sourcing:

source /afs/

and at FNAL by sourcing

source /uscmst1/prod/grid/CRAB_2_0_0_pre3/crab.csh

Select data to access

CRAB configuration

To use the server you need to specify further options:

  • [CRAB] section: server_mode = 1 and server_name = []
  • [USER] section: thresholdLevel = [value between 0 and 100] and eMail = [yourMailAddress]

The configuration file should be located at the same location as the CMSSW parameter-set to be used by CRAB. Please change directory to :

cd  Demo/MyTrackAnalyzer/test/
and save the crab configuration file:
with the following content:
jobtype                = cmssw
scheduler              = edg
server_mode            = 1
server_name            =

datasetpath            = /RelVal150Higgs-ZZ-4Mu/CMSSW_1_5_0-RelVal-1182498841/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO
pset                   = higgs.cfg
total_number_of_events = 100
number_of_jobs         = 10
output_file            = histograms.root

return_data            = 1
use_central_bossDB     = 0
use_boss_rt            = 0

eMail                  = <usermail> 
thresholdLevel         = 50


se_black_list          =

rb                     = CERN 
proxy_server           = 
virtual_organization   = cms
retry_count            = 0
lcg_catalog_type       = lfc
lfc_host               =
lfc_home               = /grid/cms

replacing <usermail> with the mail address of the user.


E-mail by the server

When your task reaches the thresholdLevel of completed jobs specified in the crab configuration file you will receive an e-mail by the server. Another e-mail will be sent by the server when the task has completely finished.

An example of first e-mail sent when the thresholdLevel is reached:

Oggetto:    CRAB Server Notification: Report available for Task [crab_0_070611_234125]
Data:    Mon, 11 Jun 2007 23:52:14 +0200

The task 'crab_0_070611_234125' owned by Mattia Cinquilli and composed by 10 job(s)
Reached the requested threshold level 30%
Actual level: 30%

Status Report:
7 Job(s) in status [Running]
3 Job(s) in status [Done]


scheduler = condor_g is not yet available on the server.

CRAB with writing out CMSSW ROOT files

Prepare new crab.cfg

Now the cmssw parameter-set produces an output file (output.root) which the user can include into the output file card in the new cra.cfg and can ask CRAB to copy it in the FNAL Storage Element (dCache). Please modify the crab.cfg as in the following example:

jobtype                = cmssw
scheduler              = edg
server_mode            = 1
server_name            =

datasetpath            = /RelVal150Higgs-ZZ-4Mu/CMSSW_1_5_0-RelVal-1182498841/GEN-SIM-DIGI-RECO
pset                   = higgs2.cfg
total_number_of_events = 100
number_of_jobs         = 10
output_file            = histograms.root,output.root

return_data            = 0
copy_data              = 1
storage_element        =
storage_path           = /srm/managerv1?SFN=/resilient/<username>/tutorial
use_central_bossDB     = 0
use_boss_rt            = 0

thresholdLevel         = 50
eMail                  = <usermail>


se_black_list          =

rb                     = CERN 
proxy_server           = 
virtual_organization   = cms
retry_count            = 0
lcg_catalog_type       = lfc
lfc_host               =
lfc_home               = /grid/cms

replacing <usermail> with the mail address of the user.

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Topic revision: r1 - 2007-06-25 - OliverGutsche
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