Analysis of run 66714

From the trigger shift elog:

* Trigger Key TSC_000484_081017_CRAFT_GTgtstartupbase6tm2v2rand6hz_GMTstartupdtcscrpc_GCT_RCT_DTTF_CSCTF_HCAL_MI

GMT_KEY startup_dt_csc_rpc
GCT_KEY V32_FullSys_Ext_MinPipes
DTTF_KEY GlobalRun_Cosmics_Oct08
CSCTF_KEY 120808
RPC_KEY null
HCAL_KEY HPDNoiseAndBeam_HF12_HO50
DT_KEY null
CSC_KEY null
SUB_KEY null
GT_KEY gt_startup_base6_tm2v2_rand6hz
LMS_KEY null
MI_KEY internal-manual

From the DQM shift elog:

  • # Triggers: 10495256
  • L1 Sources: CSC, DT, HCAL, RPC
  • Subsystems: CSC, DT, ECAL, HCAL, TRG, PIX, SIST, SCAL
  • Magnet at 3.8 T

Reco'd events

  • Sample: /Cosmics/Commissioning08_CRAFT_V3P_SuperPointing_v3/RECO

  • Basic plots on reconstructed muons:


phi-66714.png eta-66714.png d0-66714.png
pt-66714.png charge-66714.png

* Inner positions X vs Y:

innerXY-66714.png innerXYStandAl-66714.png
innerXYTracker-66714.png innerXYGlobal-66714.png

Raw events

  • From the associated Raw Digi in the reco'd sample

  • Basic plots on raw tracks:

phiRaw-66714.png etaRaw-66714.png sectorRaw-66714.png
ptRaw-66714.png ptRangeRaw-66714.png modeRaw-66714.png

Pt Raw CSCTF vs Pt Reco'd muons

In order to match the information coming from the CSCTF to the correspondent reconstructed track, I have been using the phi and eta coming from the rechits. Given a reco'd track, the information of the rechit closest to the key station and key layer is accessed and used as phi and eta for the muon. For the CSCTF track the phi and eta coming out from the LUT are used. As observed in plot phiRaw-66714.png the phi variable ranges from 0->75 degrees and it is defined inside a sector. To convert the CSCTF phi, PhiTF, in a range from [0,2Pi], I used the following formula:

fmod( PhiTF + ((sector-1)*PI/3) + (PI/12), 2*PI)

By requesting for the analysis only tracks which are reco'd with a 0.9 < eta < 2.4, this is the typical output I get:


    *** Run 66714 Evt 3782283

   - PtReco: 5.6432      EtaReco:  1.0095     PhiReco: -0.4967
                         EtaRCH :  1.1738     PhiRCH :  6.1918

   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw :  0.9750    PhiRaw :  4.4942
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw :  1.1750    PhiRaw :  6.1523
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw : -0.9750    PhiRaw :  2.3998
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw : -1.0250    PhiRaw :  2.6616
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw : -1.0250    PhiRaw :  2.7489


   *** Run 66714 Evt 3922998

   - PtReco:16.0627     EtaReco: -1.0907    PhiReco: -2.2169
                        EtaRCH : -1.1086    PhiRCH :  4.2180
   # PtRaw :  14.0000    EtaRaw :  1.0750    PhiRaw :  0.6545
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw : -1.1250    PhiRaw :  4.4506

   *** Run 66714 Evt 5545060
   - PtReco: 5.7985     EtaReco: -0.9170     PhiReco:  0.7049
                        EtaRCH : -1.0371     PhiRCH :  1.2198
   # PtRaw : 140.0000    EtaRaw : -1.0250    PhiRaw :  1.4835

From this example, we see that for a given reco'd track there could be one (mostly from my empirical observation) or more CSC raw tracks built. Clearly only one of the CSCTF tracks match the reco'd rechit information. In order to define the Eta and Phi cuts to use in the identification of the correct track, I produced the following plots, DeltaEta and DeltaPhi: for each reco'd track, I compute the phi and eta difference for all the raw tracks in the event.

  • Delta Eta and Delta Phi:

deltaEta-66714.png deltaPhi-66714.png


  1. The peak centered at 0 come from the matching between the reco'd track and correct CSCTF track ("signal").
  2. The spread bumps on the sides comes from the matching between the reco'd track and the wrong CSCTF tracks ("background")
  3. Eta has a better resolution than Phi. Possible issues with ME 1/1. Producing the scatter plot of Delta Phi vs Eta (from CSCTF) the resolution of Delta Phi worsen as the eta increases.

  • Delta Phi vs Eta (from CSCTF):


As windows for the selection of the final events I used [EtaRechit-EtaTF < 0.5] and [PhiRechit-PhiTF < 0.5]. With this selection applied, I produced the scatter plot, Pt Raw (from the CSCTF) Vs Pt Reco'd muon. To better visualize the outcome, the profile along the Pt Raw is also depicted (right plot).

* Pt comparison:

PtRawVsPtReco-66714.png PtRawVsPtReco_pfx-66714.png PtRawVsPtReco_pfy-66714.png


- While the definition of Pt LUT validation has not been established yet, one can observe, in particular from the profile plot, that the CSCTF seems to pick the "correct" transverse momentum range, i.e. for small value of reco'd muon Pt, the CSCTF assigns small value of Pt in the correct range for the correspondent raw track. Remember that the output of the CSCTF for Pt (as well as for Eta and Phi) is binned and not a continuous distribution.


- No additional cuts on the quality of the raw track or on direction of the track have been applied.

-- GianPieroDiGiovanni - 10 Nov 2008

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng PhivsEta_pfx-66714.png r1 manage 6.2 K 2008-11-10 - 21:48 GianPieroDiGiovanni Delta Phi vs EtaRaw (from CSCTF)
PNGpng PtRawVsPtReco-66714.png r1 manage 7.4 K 2008-11-11 - 10:53 GianPieroDiGiovanni Pt raw CSCTF VS Pt reco'd muons [scatter plot]
PNGpng PtRawVsPtReco_pfx-66714.png r2 r1 manage 5.8 K 2008-11-10 - 22:31 GianPieroDiGiovanni Profile X along Pt raw CSCTF
PNGpng PtRawVsPtReco_pfy-66714.png r1 manage 6.6 K 2008-11-10 - 22:32 GianPieroDiGiovanni Profile Y along Pt raw CSCTF
PNGpng charge-66714.png r1 manage 6.4 K 2008-11-10 - 11:19 GianPieroDiGiovanni Charge reco'd muons
PNGpng d0-66714.png r1 manage 6.6 K 2008-11-10 - 11:20 GianPieroDiGiovanni D0 reco'd muons
PNGpng deltaEta-66714.png r1 manage 5.4 K 2008-11-10 - 11:29 GianPieroDiGiovanni Delta Eta (reco'd muons)-(Raw CSCTF)
PNGpng deltaPhi-66714.png r1 manage 4.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:30 GianPieroDiGiovanni Delta Phi (reco'd muons)-(Raw CSCTF)
PNGpng eta-66714.png r1 manage 4.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:18 GianPieroDiGiovanni Eta reco'd muons
PNGpng etaRaw-66714.png r1 manage 4.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:27 GianPieroDiGiovanni Eta raw CSCTF
PNGpng innerXY-66714.png r1 manage 12.7 K 2008-11-10 - 11:22 GianPieroDiGiovanni innerXY reco'd muons
PNGpng innerXYCsc-66714.png r1 manage 10.1 K 2008-11-10 - 11:22 GianPieroDiGiovanni innerXY only CSC reco'd muons (0.9 < eta < 2.4)
PNGpng innerXYGlobal-66714.png r1 manage 11.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:24 GianPieroDiGiovanni innerXY reco'd global muons
PNGpng innerXYStandAl-66714.png r1 manage 13.3 K 2008-11-10 - 11:24 GianPieroDiGiovanni innerXY reco'd standalone muons
PNGpng innerXYTracker-66714.png r1 manage 11.0 K 2008-11-10 - 11:25 GianPieroDiGiovanni innerXY reco'd tracker muons
PNGpng modeRaw-66714.png r1 manage 6.1 K 2008-11-10 - 11:28 GianPieroDiGiovanni Mode raw CSCTF
PNGpng phi-66714.png r1 manage 5.3 K 2008-11-10 - 11:17 GianPieroDiGiovanni Phi reco'd muons
PNGpng phiRaw-66714.png r1 manage 5.6 K 2008-11-10 - 11:27 GianPieroDiGiovanni Phi raw CSCTF
PNGpng pt-66714.png r1 manage 6.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:21 GianPieroDiGiovanni Pt reco'd muons
PNGpng ptRangeRaw-66714.png r1 manage 5.9 K 2008-11-10 - 11:26 GianPieroDiGiovanni Pt restricted range raw CSCTF
PNGpng ptRaw-66714.png r1 manage 6.2 K 2008-11-10 - 11:26 GianPieroDiGiovanni Pt raw CSCTF
PNGpng qualityRaw-66714.png r1 manage 5.7 K 2008-11-10 - 11:28 GianPieroDiGiovanni Quality raw CSCTF
PNGpng sectorRaw-66714.png r1 manage 6.2 K 2008-11-10 - 11:29 GianPieroDiGiovanni Sector raw CSCTF
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Topic revision: r6 - 2008-11-11 - GianPieroDiGiovanni
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