Recipe for CSC L1 Upgrade Simulation (CMSSW_6_X_Y)

The Recipe

Below is a recipe for setting up and running GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1 with cmsDriver for full ME42 and unganged ME1a.

The python configuration customizations live in SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry/python/

cvs co -r SLHC_20120510_002 CondFormats/CSCObjects
cvs co -r SLHC_20120510_004 DataFormats/MuonDetId
cvs co -r SLHC_20120515_005 L1Trigger/CSCTriggerPrimitives
cvs co -r upgradeSimpleUngangedME11a-V2  L1Trigger/CSCTrackFinder
cvs co -r SLHC_6XY_DevelopmentBranch SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry

# and decide which dependent packages you would really need, e.g., I did
addpkg CalibMuon/CSCCalibration
addpkg CondCore/CSCPlugins
# or add all of them:
checkdeps -a

scram b -j7

# get some generator configuration, e.g., pt100 PGun muons
cp $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Configuration/Generator/python/ .

# and run cmsDriver, e.g, \
  -s GEN,SIM,DIGI,L1 \
  --eventcontent FEVTDEBUGHLT \
  --conditions DESIGN60_V5::All \
  --datatier GEN-SIM-DIGI \
  --beamspot Gauss \
  -n 10 \
  --no_exec \
  --fileout o.root \
  --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Geometry/muonCustoms.customise_csc_geom_cond_digi

cmsRun >& drv.log & 

Components Status


Unganging of ME1a is turned on by a single configuration switch
    CSCGeometryESModule.useGangedStripsInME1a = False
    idealForDigiCSCGeometry.useGangedStripsInME1a = False


The following records were modified with extended indices for ME1a and corresponding tags uploaded to DB:
Conditions Data Record Tag
CSCDBGainsRcd CSCDBGains_ungangedME11A_mc
CSCDBNoiseMatrixRcd CSCDBNoiseMatrix_ungangedME11A_mc
CSCDBCrosstalkRcd CSCDBCrosstalk_ungangedME11A_mc
CSCDBPedestalsRcd CSCDBPedestals_ungangedME11A_mc
CSCDBGasGainCorrectionRcd CSCDBGasGainCorrection_ungangedME11A_mc
CSCDBChipSpeedCorrectionRcd CSCDBChipSpeedCorrection_ungangedME11A_mc
The code to handle these upgrade condition data is not compatible with the mainstream release. Extensive refactoring - conditions indexing schema, data, and code - would be necessary to achieve this compatibility.


No special changes were needed except some timing offsets adjustment (in configuration) that allowed to center ALCT and CLCT timing distributions in signal BX.

CSC L1 Stubs Emulator

It's L1Trigger/CSCTriggerPrimitives package extended and optimized for ME1a and high PU. Some "reasonable" set of configuration parameters for the upgrade is included with the producer's default configuration in L1Trigger/CSCTriggerPrimitives/python/

The emulator lives on a separate SLHC branch. In principle, it should be possible to have it on the main CVS branch, and do configuration customizations to enable the upgrade features, but that would require validation.


A version of current CSCTF specialized to deal with unganged ME1a was put in to a separate CVS branch. Some required adjustments were:
  • changing pt assignment in high eta to not be aware of ganging
  • change CSCTF core to treat ME1a stubs in a similar way as ME1a
  • configuration modified to
In principle, it should be possible to have it on the main CVS branch, and do configuration customizations to enable the upgrade features.


No changes so far.

-- VadimKhotilovich - 18-Oct-2012

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Topic revision: r1 - 2012-10-19 - VadimKhotilovich
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