> Credentials couldn't be loaded [/afs/cern.ch/user/w/wei/.globus/userkey.pem, /afs/cern.ch/user/w/wei/.globus/usercert.pem]: Wrong file permissions on file /afs/cern.ch/user/w/wei/.globus/userkey.pem. Required permissions are: 400
> when trying to do voms-proxy-init -voms cms -valid 168:00. This had worked before on SLC5.
> Does anyone know what could be the problem?

First, what are file permissions in .globus directory ? (ls -l ~/.globus/)

Error message request you to change file permissions to 400, easiest way to do it is : chmod 400 ~/.globus/usercert.pem ~/.globus/userkey.pem With 400 permission it works for me on SLC5 and SLC6.


The prerequisites instructions force the user to navigate over many pages and this is annoying. Maybe we can improve this documentation? The instruction to do the chmod that Justas pointed out above appears in https://gridca.cern.ch/gridca/Help/?kbid=024010 And how one gets there? The tutorial twiki points to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideRunningGridPrerequisites#Grid_certificate which in section "Grid certificate - Get a Grid certificate and the registration to CMS VO" points to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideLcgAccess?redirectedfrom=CMS.SWGuideLcgAccess#Getting_a_personal_certificate which in section "Getting a personal certificate" points to https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/PersonalCertificate which in section "How to get a personal certificate from CERN" item number 7 points to "https://gridca.cern.ch/gridca/Help/?kbid=024010". And there in section "Convert to PEM Keypair" it says: You must set the mode on your userkey.pem file to read/write only by the owner, otherwise grid-proxy-init will not use it (chmod go-rw $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem).


> Hi Andres,
> I have a query regarding what should I give as argument in the
> config.Site.storageSite =
> section of the crab config files. I used to give these as site address in crab2:
> storage_element = cmseos.fnal.gov
> storage_path = /srm/v2/server?SFN=/eos/uscms
> user_remote_dir = /store/user/rkd123/DIRNAME
> Can you please tell me what the corresponding CRAB3 analogue will be ?

QUESTION 2: > I am trying to submit crab3 jobs, but my storage space username at T3_US_FNALLPC (ssagir) is different than my HN username (sisagir). Is there any way to go around this?
> Or, is there a way to write to a group user storage space where I have write permissions?

In principle you have to do this:

config.Site.storageSite = 'T3_US_FNALLPC' config.Data.outlfn = '/store/user/rkd123/DIRNAME'

I say in principle, because this will work only if "rkd123" would be your CERN username, which is not. When specifying a /store/user//DIRNAME directory in "outlfn", CRAB3 is currently checking if the username you provided () is the same as your HN username. If it is not it will not let you submit your jobs. This has been changed yesterday after people from FNAL LPC have complained that their group storage area is actually under /store/user/ (which I suspect is your case here). But this change will become available to users next Tuesday. In the meantime, can you use your personal /store/user area? (Assuming you have the same username in FNAL LPC and CERN; and if not, you have to request FNAL Tier2/Tier3 people to make a symbolic link for you: /store/user/<your-CMS-HN-username> pointing to /store/user/<your-FNAL_LPC-username>, but as I said, this will not be necessary anymore starting from next Tuesday.)

this is typical of full quota or full disk.

On 07/05/2014 08:44 AM, Juan R. Castiñeiras wrote: >

> *# streams: 1*
> * 0 bytes 0.00 KB/sec avg 0.00 KB/sec inst*
> * 0 bytes 0.00 KB/sec avg 0.00 KB/sec inst*
> * 0 bytes 0.00 KB/sec avg 0.00 KB/sec inst*
> *file:/afs/cern.ch/work/j/jcastine/CMSSW/CMSSW_7_0_0/src/runDQM/crab3chkwrite.tmp
> <http://cern.ch/work/j/jcastine/CMSSW/CMSSW_7_0_0/src/runDQM/crab3chkwrite.tmp>:
> zero number of replicas*

-- JustasBalcas - 04 Jul 2014

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