Analysis Details, Comments and Plots

Dec 17 2010
topic: Testing Bs to DsPi to (PhiPi)Pi to (KKPi)Pi
workingdir: /susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis2/
scriptroute: /susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis2/
comments: Reading the MC where a specific decay mode "Bs to DsPi to (PhiPi)Pi to (KKPi)Pi" is included, Dr.Park and I were able to see a Bs mass peak at around 5.6 GeV. For truth-matching of Bs, what we did was, we first select Ds candidate that passed truth-mathcing criteria, then add Ds candidate to a pion candidate which passed the truth-matching from all track-candidates in Dr.Park's ntuple. For "without truth-matching' case, we selected Ds and pion cadidates only using cuts.

Bs mass peak plot using the MC: BsMassTruthMatch.pdf
Level2 ntuple used: /susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis2/

Dec 20 2010
topic: producing a Dplus mass peak using Gladilin's selection criteria
workingdir: /susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis3/CharmReport/run.Bphysics
scriptroute: /susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis3/CharmReport/run.Bphysics/runall1
comments: Since Bs mass peak is not observed using generic MC, now we needed to tune the selection cuts using MC with different decay channels. First thing I tried was to select Dp candidates in B0 decays (B0 goes to Dp and Pi) as Gladilin', one of ATLAS member working on B meson physics, shown in his presentation slide. Given that Dr.Park already imposed a part of criterias in level2 ntuple makers, I needed to impose a few remained. By reading ntuples in
I was able to produce a Dp mass peak but not similar as the one shown in Gladilin's presentation.

Dp mass peak plot using two MC listed above: DpMassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf

List of selection cuts:
* Nhits on SCT detectors>=4
* Pt(K)> 1.0, Pt(Pi1,Pi2)>0.8, max(Pt(Pi1, Pi2))>1.0, abs(eta(K, Pi1, Pi2))<2.5, cos(K)<-0.8
* delta(M12)< 153 MeV and abs[M(K,K)-M(Phi in PDG)]<8 MeV
* d0PV<0.15, z0PVsin<0.3
* Pt(D)>3.5, abs[eta(D)]<2.1
* Pt(D)/Et>0.02

topic: ntuples for different B meson decay modes comments: Dr.Park made MC ntuples for two more decay modes


with 108497 series MC included in Dp mass peak plot, we have more clean signal peak: DpMassNoTruthMatchMCv2.pdf

Dec 21 2010
topic: making level1 ntuples with more true Bs and B0 decay modes included
comments: Dr.Park is making more ntuples
list of decay modes
*BsDspi_DsPhipi_PhiKK =228
*BsDspi_DsKKst_KstKpi =229

*BsDspi_Dsf0pi_f0pipi=226 mode ntuple is created by Dr.Park

B0 mass peak plot (no truth match): B0MassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf
/susyraid1/home/jkim/analysis3/CharmReport/run.Bphysics/runall3 cuts (trial stage):
if ( abs(D0Mrf -1869.60) > 50.0) continue;
if ( DpPtReco < 5000.0) continue;
if ( recoPtPi < 1500.0) continue;
if ( DpPtReco+recoPtPi < 7500.0) continue;

signal monte-carlo for different Bs and Bd decay modes are copied to

Dec 22 2010
topic: changing DmesonAnalysis.cxx to include three pion reconstruction case
comment: for *BsDspi_Dsf0pi_f0pipi=226 case, it is now needed to include three pion reconstruction cases. Currently all Bs decay events are reconstructed assuming that the decay products are kaons. Thus, when invariant mass of Ds is calculated for 226 case with current reconstruction scheme, it would produce an incorrect mass peak. Thus for three pions cases, reconstruction was done in a seperate function.

Three pion reconstruction in DmesonAnalysis.cxx
workingdir: /susyraid1/home/jkim/atlasdev/
void DmesonAnalysis::
getDspipipi(std::vector& goodTrkIdxs, std::vector& D0cands, CharmReco& reco)

When adding a reconstruction scheme in DmesonAnalysis package
*add its name in
if not vars().has_key("RecoDspipipi"):
RecoDspipipi = True
*add its name in
topSequence.DmesonAnalysis.recoDspipipi = RecoDspipipi
*declare property in DmesonAnalysis.cxx
declareProperty("recoDspipipi", m_recoDspipipi=true);
*add function in DmesonAnalysis.cxx
getDspipipi(std::vector& goodTrkIdxs, std::vector& D0cands, CharmReco& reco)
*declare function in DmesonAnalysis.h
getDspipipi(std::vector& goodTrkIdxs, std::vector& D0cands, CharmReco& reco)
*add decaytype in CharmReco.cxx
else if (decay == Dspipipi)
*add charge assignment routine in CharmCandidate.h (in CharmReport/ana/report/CharmCandidate.h)
*add CharmCandidate vector in ReportNtupleMaker.C (in analysis3/CharmLv2NtupleMaker/report)

B0 and Bs TruthMatch for different decay modes: BTruthMatchMC.pdf

Dec 22 2010
topic: B0 and Bs mass peak with fits
comments: So far we have checked whether we were able to observe a B0 and Bs mass peak using monte-carlo produced with a certain decay mode. Although mass peaks were successfully measured for different decay modes, we still need to study the selection criteria in depth, particularly pt cuts on outputs from decays.

B0 and Bs mass peak with fits without TruthMatch for different decay modes: BTruthMatchMCfit.pdf

When making level1 ntuples, in
GetFullTruthTable = True # default is false
will include truth information for events did not reconstructed

Jan 03 2011
topic: return to D meson comments: before holiday break started, Dr. Purohit, Dr. Park and I discussed about the feasibility of search for Bs and we decided to go back to Ds and D0 analysis. And Dr. Park suggested to look for a Ds decay goes to K and K*0.

Ds mass peak using MC 104897 & 105001 combined: DsMassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf

Ds mass peak plots using genertic MC no mass cut applied: DsNoMassCutMC.pdf
using the following AOD files

Trk invariant mass pair in DsCand: TrkMassPairDsCandMC.pdf
comment: I gave kaon mass to idxK and idxPi1, and pion mass to idxpi2.

Jan 04 2011
topic: Ds goes to K and Kst0
comment: So far I read MC with a specific decay channel included. In order to test Ds going to K and Kst0 I need to have a generic MC.

Trk invariant mass pair in DsCand using Generic MC (but with a mass cut in level2): TrkMassPairDsCandGenericMC.pdf
comment: mass cut is already imposed

level1 generic MC is saved at

minbias 105001 20M
ChHadr: DpKpipi, D*D0pi and DpKpi 250k
rest: D*D0pi and D0K3pi

Trk invariant mass pair in DsCand using Generic MC (nomass cut in level2): TrkMassPairDsCandNoMassCutMC.pdf
comment: Kst0 in Ds decay is K*(892)

Jan 05 2011
topic: searching for Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: using the Gladilin's Ds selection criteria (when searching Ds through Phi channel), no Ds mass peak is observed. I need to tune the selection criteria for Kst0

DsCand ntuples (No mass cut) are saved at
DsCand ntuples (No cut) are saved at

Variables used in DsKKst0 selection criteria in signal and background region: DsKKst0CutMC.pdf
signal region: abs((M(Kst0Cand)-891.66)< 50.0)
background region: abs((M(Kst0Cand)-891.66)> 50.0)

Ds mass peak MC in KKst0 channel after changing D0Chi2 cut to 2 from 6: DsMassKKst0Chi2MC.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBiasData in KKst0 channel after changing D0Chi2 cut to 2 from 6: DsMassKKst0Chi2MinBiasData.pdf

Jan 13 2011
topic: making Bs mass peak using signal MC for four cases
comments: in the previous version of Bs mass peak plot, vertex cuts such as d0pv and z0pvsin(th) was not applied in Bs case but in Bd case. Now I removed d0pv and z0pv cuts from the ReportNtupleMaker.C and made Bs and Bd peak using signal MC again. Here be signal MC, we mean a MC where majority of events are signal events we are looking for.

Bs and Bd mass peak without d0pv and z0pvsin(th): BTruthMatchMCfitv4.pdf

Bs signal MC with d0pv and z0pvsin(th) is saved at
Bs signal MC no d0pv and z0pvsin(th) is saved at

Jan 18 2011
topic: running Bs analysis code on MinBias data comments: Dr. Purohit suggested me to run my code (which was written initially to make sure we do observe a Bs signal peak using signal MC) on data set. Since the signal MC was generated only for MinBias trigger mode, I am going to run MinBias data.

BsDsPhipi mode reading MinBias Data (preliminary, and DsPt<5000GeV SpiPt<1000MeV cut applied on Bs part): BsSigPrelimMinBiasData.pdf

Bs and Bd mass peak using signal mc d0pv and z0pvsin(th) but with pt cut on Ds and spi with and without truthmatching: BTruthMatchMCv5.pdf
Bs and Bd mass peak without d0pv and z0pvsin(th) but with pt cut on Ds and spi: BTruthMatchMCfitv5.pdf

comments: adding only a pt cut on ds and spi we were able to see a small Bs peak reading MinBias data (period A-C), however, to be more precise we need a cut-optimization process and need to impletment Bs vertex cut to be more efficienct in observing Bs signal using ALTAS data.

Jan 19 2011
topic: search for Bs using ATLAS data
comments: using signal MC generated by Dr.Park, we were able to see a Bs mass peak. But when reading MinBias data set, a Bs mass peak is not clearly observable. We may need more cut-optimization work in the near future before implementing a vertex cut in the Bs selection criteria.

Bs mass peak using signal MC and MinBias Data: BsMassMCData.pdf
selection criteria:
* PtDs > 5000.0
* PtSpi > 700 && PtSpi < 1200.0
* no Eta cut imposed

Jan 24 2011
topic: search for Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: without applying angle (between K and Kst in Ds rest-frame), Ds mass peak in MinBias data is not clearly observable. Before reading data set, we might need to apply the angle cut first.

Jan 27 2011
topic: search for Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: an angle between K and pi in Ds rest-frame looks a promising candidate to seperate a Ds going to K and Kst0 decay mode from backgrounds. We need more study to confirm this is indeed the case.

Helicity angle cut for Ds goes to K and Kst0 search: Kst0KpiCut.pdf
comments: Dr. Purohit suggested
* seperated signal and background MC by making sure that whether the candidate is indeed Ds going to K and Kst0 in the true level. Among the Ds going to K and Kst0 in the reco, if the candidates' particle ids are 2K and 1pi and parent particle id of oppositely charged one K and one pi is the id of Kst0, then it is a signal MC, and if it is not then it is a background MC
* helicity angle is an angle between two Ks in Kst0 rest frame

Feb 09 2011
topic: searching for Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: As Dr.Purohit mentioned, finding events with correct truth-level particle id and indices needs to be done first. Thus, I am going to read MinBias MC ntuples and see how many Ds events decays to K and Kst0 at truth-level.

comments: reading 10k events of MinBias MC (no selection criteria for Ds going to phipi channel applied), about eight events passed truth-matching. In the KKst0 truth-matching, I required there are two Ks and one pi and parent particle of the pion is Kst0 and parent particle of two Ks must be either Kst0 or Ds.

KKst0 truth-matching search is done at
root -q -l runanas2.C

comments: Dr. Park wants me to work on Ds trigger-related study using phipi channel first before getting into KKst0 study. I first need to reproduce what Leonard did for phipi search using selection criteria he used.

minbias and filter 105001 and 108497 MC for phipi study is saved at

level1 minbias data ntuples are saved at

Ds mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC with Leonid selection criteria: DsPhipiLeonidCutMinbiasMC.pdf

Feb 10 2011
topic: Search for Ds goes to phipi using Leonid's selection criteria comments: using Leonid's selection criteria, I need to make sure that my Ds mass peak is indeed same as that of what Leonid produced before. And then I can work on Bs trigger-related study
MinBias MC level2 ntuples
MinBias Data level2 ntuples
comments: these ntuples were made without Pt(Ds) greater than 3500 MeV applied so that I can check Ds Mass Peak in different mass peak region

Ds mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC and Data with Leonid selection criteria: DsPhipiLeonidCutMinbiasDataMCv1.pdf
comments: shape looks ok but statistics are much lower than what Leonid has. We may need more study why it is not almost identical.

Bs mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC and Data with Leonid selection criteria for Ds and Pt(Bs)>8GeV: BsPhipiLeonidCutPt8MinbiasDataMCv1.pdf
comments: total statistics I am getting in Ds mass peak plot is about half of what Leonid is getting by reading 04 version of 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC.
version04 MinBias MC, MinBias Data (Period A-D)
trigger condition for MinBias Data if ( ! ( (run>=152166&&run<=153200&&l1mbts&0x000080) || (run>=153565&&(efmbts&0x000080||efmbsptrk&0x01)) ) ) continue;

Feb 11 2011
topic: Bs trigger study
comments: For Bs trigger study, I need to make sure that I am getting same Ds signal yield using MC and Data set Leonid used. Although they are mentioning about trigger-scaled signal yield, it seems that they are not applying trigger corrections in their analysis.

RooFit script to add one modified Gaussian for signal and exponential function for background is saved at

Ds mass peak using Minbias Data in different pt region (with and without trigger prescale applied): DsTrigger.pdf

comments: when background pdf is superimposed on total pdf, background pdf has higher yield in the background region.

Ds mass peak fit on Minbias Data using modified Gaussian and an exponential function: DsDpFit.pdf

Feb 14 2011
topic: Bs trigger study
comments: Total number of truth Ds goes to phi and pi in 105001 and 108497 MC quoted in Miriam's presentation is 6068 with Pt greater than 3.5 GeV. Since I am using same MC set, I should get same number of truth Ds goes to phi and pi with same pt cut. But since I was reading level2 ntuples where selection criteria is already applied, I was not able to get the same number. With level1 ntuples where there is not cuts applied in the truth information, I should get same number.

generating header file and making a main code where a macro to read a root file is written is saved at

comments: with Pt cut greater than 3.5GeV and Eta cut at 2.1, I was able to get 6065, which is close to 6068, number quoted in Miriam's presentation.
log file to see total number of truth Ds goes to phi and pi in 105001 and 108497 MC: test.log

comments: Dr.Park mentioned in the code where level1 ntuples are made, charge cuts to select Ds goes to phi and pi were not done appropriately. Dr.Park is going to fix this and let me know.

Ds and Dp mass peak fit routine is written and a script to run it and save a postscript file is saved at

Feb 15 2011
topic: Ds level1 ntuple bug fix
comments: Dr.Park fixed charge conjugate bug in the Ds selection criteria and made level1 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC ntuples again.

a script to make level2 ntuples using charge-cut fixed bug is saved at

comments: In 105001 and 108497 level2 MC ntuples, with preselection critieria applied, 916 Ds goes to phi and pi and 781 goes to K and Kst0 were found.

comments: Dr.Park wants me to make a Ds summary table and include it in the internal note. I need to count Ds MinBias MC and Data in each pt and eta bin. Dr. Park sent me an email with a directory path included.

Feb 16 2011
topic: making level2 ntuple comments: Dr.Park made all MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC level1 ntuples
a script to make a level2 Data ntuple for Ds search is saved at

Ds mass peak fitting using bug-fixed MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data: DsDpFitv2.pdf
Ds sign yield and acceptance table using using bug-fixed MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC: DsResultv2.txt

comments: Dr.Park wants to see whethere we can improve chi2 in Ds mass peak fit using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC set. Using bug-fixed MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC, we are getting similiar result of what Leonid and Miriam quoted in their presentation. But background level in the Pt>5GeV is lower when using our MC and need more study to see why it is lower.

Feb 17 2011
topic: fitting Ds mass peak
comments: Dr.Park made level1 ntuples for MinBias Data period B and C, but there was a problem in period B data. He is going to remake level1 MinBias data for the period and let me know.

Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC before bug-fixed: DsDpFitv3.pdf
MC signal yield result (mine and Miriam's): DsResultv3.txt
Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoC: DsSumv3.tex

Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC charge conjugate bug-fixed: DsDpFitDatav5.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC charge conjugate bug-fixed: DsDpFitMCv5.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data charge conjugate bug-fixed: DsDpFitTotalv5.pdf
MC signal yield result (mine and Miriam's) charge conjugate bug-fixed: DsResultv5.txt
Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoC charge conjugate bug-fixed: DsSumv5.tex

comments: using bug-fixed MinBiad Data ntuples I was able to get similar result to what Miriam quoted in his presentation. But errors associated with xsec and signal yield I am getting is smaller than what Miriam was quoted in his presentation.

Feb 17 2011
topic: implmenting trigger study
comments: Miriam made a presentation on trigger study and he wants to discuss our strategy to implment trigger study in our package

comments: when two quantities are not correlated, errors associated to two quantities needs to be added in quadrature

topic: Bs trigger study
comments: this trigger study is to find a trigger which will make our search for Bs goes to Ds and pi easier while not influencing research of other collaboration members. It is done using MC only, but later we are going to do the same with Data. There are total three levels of triggers, L1, L2 and Event filter. L1 trigger is faster trigger in terms of selecting events. Out of 40 million events in each second in the Atlas detector, only about 100k events will pass L1 trigger, and depends on the type of L2 trigger different number of events will be saved. Since we are allowed to save only 200 events per second, Bs trigger rate needs to be less than 200 Hz. One Dr.Park understands how to use trigger related package in Athena, then he will let me know how to start trigger study.

Feb 22 2011
topic: searching Ds goes to K and Kst0 in level1 ntuples
comments: we confirmed that there are 6065 true Ds goes to Phi and pi and I searched for true Ds goes to K and Kst0 in level1 ntuple where there is no selection cuts applied.

Ds goes to K and Kst0 in level1 ntuples: testv3.log

Feb 23 2011
topic: searching Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: using 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC with charge bug fixed we are going to see the size of true Ds goes to K and Kst0 after all selection criterias applied

preprocessed (prod04) version of 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC level2 ntuples without cuts on individual output particles are saved at

out of 5859 true Ds goes to K and Kst0 at level1 ntuples, 736 Ds matched with reconstructed Ds with selection criterias applied
out of 6068 true Ds goes to Phi and pi at level1 ntuples, 1038 Ds matched with reconstructed Ds with selection criterias applied

helicity angle, Kst0 invariant mass and chi2 true and not true 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC: cutCandKKst0v1.pdf

comments: Dr.Park suggested me to first make production angle and helicity angle distributions using Phipi decay mode and see whether I am getting a similar result. And then when making Kst0 invariant mass distribution, apply Ds mass cut so that we can remove small Ds mass peak in the not true MC. And then make production angle and helicity angle distributions using KKst0 channel and see whether applying cuts based one these two angle could be a help

* production angle: angle between kaon from Ds in lab frame and in Ds rest frame
* helicity angle: angle between two kaons in Kst0 rest frame, or angle between Ds and kaon from Ds in Kst0 rest frame

Feb 24 2011
topic: including charge cut when finding true Ds goes to K and Kst0
comments: Dr.Park suggested me to include a charge cut when finding true Ds goes to K and Kst0.

comments: in pdg, the branching fraction of Ds goes to Phipi and KKst0 is about 2.3 to 2.6, thus in principle true Phipi and true KKst0 in Ds should be 2.3 to 2.6. But in cdf, their signal yield ratio of Phipi and KKst0 is about 160 to 90.

production angle, helicity angle and intermidiate state invariant masses for KKst0 and Phipi with and without Ds mass cut:: cutCandKKst0v2.pdf

comments: production and helicity angle cut distributions I am getting look different from what Leonid shown in his presentation. Since I do not know which cuts Leonid applied before making his production and helicity angle distributions in his presentation, I need more study.

comments: most KKst0 are in 108497 MC, and Leonid made a hard fragmentation cut before making production and helicity angle cuts.

Feb 25 2011
topic: Ds xsec study
comments: during the discussion with Dr.Purohit yesterday, he mentioned that our Ds xsex in eta bin is not consistent with what Leonid and Miriam produced and I think this is because a hard fragmentation cut in Dr.Park's level1 ntuple is different from what Leonid and Miriam were using.

Feb 28 2011
topic: optimizing selection criteria for Ds search
comments: Dr.Park mentioned that Leonid chose his selection cuts for Ds search by looking at MC distributions, but in principle I think it should be done using figure of merit distribution.

Ds production and helicity angle distribution for signal and background, and its form in forward and backward direction: cutLeonidv3.pdf
comments: in the fom distributions we do not see a clear peak. I need more study.
comments: fom definition: signal/sqrt(background)

comments: a new version of CharmReport package is saved at

comments: filtering c++ error messages
c++filt _ZN11NtupleMaker3CutEx

Mar 01 2011
topic: writing Ds search routine
comments: Dr.Park made a new version of level1 and level2 ntuples where a hard fragmentation cut is fixed. Since he added more variables and changed ntuples structures we need to write Ds search routine again

new version of code is saved at

Mar 02 2011
topic: making Ds mass peak distribution using new level2 ntuples comments: Dr.Park made new level 2 ntuples for Ds search and he made a few changes in the new ntuples. He did not include production and helicity angle cuts and imposed a loose phi mass cut (40 MeV instead of 6 MeV) cut to make phi distributions. I need to make sure that I am going to apply cuts that Leonid imposed for his Ds analysis.

Ds mass peak, nDs per Dcand and a hard fragmentation distributions using MinBias mc09 108497: ntcutsv1.pdf

comments: Using my code I am getting a similar Ds mass peak distribution. But when a Ds mass peak is made using level2 ntuples directly by D0M commands, its statistics is same as the number of Dcand, not total Ds candidate. Furthermore, I do not think a hard fragmentation cut is applied in the new level2 ntuple Dr.Park made.

production and helicity angle of Ds goes to Phipi using MinBias mc09 108497 level2 ntuple where phi mass cut is applied: cutLeonidv4.pdf

comments: production angle distributions made using a new version of level2 ntuples now is similar to what Leonid presented in his presentation, but it is hard to fully confirm that we are getting same distributions because we do not know which cuts he applied before making his production angle distributions.

comments: Dr.Park changed a few ntuple variables in a new version of level2 ntuples as requested by Dr.Purohit. In TrkCandidate, we have momentum variables in spherical coordinate instead of cartesian coordinate. In ntupleMaker.C, Dr.Park did a conversion from spherical to cartesian coordinate and I can follow the same method.

Mar 03 2011
topic: running Ds code
comments: There was a bug in the eta bin cut and I fixed it. I was using a wrong eta

Ds xsec comparison plots and tables after eta bin bug fixed but using level2 ntuples with a hard fragmentation cut is not fixed yet is saved at
production and helicity angle cut with charge-conjugate and a hard fragmentation bug is fixed level2 mc09 108497 ntuples: cutFomcv3.pdf

comments: production and helicity angle for true and not true mc events are similar to what Leonid shown in his presentation, but his cut of production angle at 0.4 is hard cut and we are thinking to loose the cut a little and see how it is going to effect our result.

comments: I was running two loops in the Ds routine. I fixed the problem and running my code at

entries ratio of new and old data level2 ntuples is saved at

Mar 04 2011
topic: Ds search using ntuples where a hard fragmentation cut is fixed
comments: using ntuples where a hard fragmentation cut is fixed, our result is not similar to what Leonid shown in his presentation. I need more study.

Ds result using level2 ntuples where a hard fragmentation cut is not fixed thus not applied is saved at

Mar 08 2011
topic: selection critierias in the level2 ntuples
comments: d0z0 cut may not be applied in the level2 ntuples.

Dr.Park saved pre-2010 version level1 ntuples at

level2 ntuple making code using bug fixed pre-2010 version level1 ntuples is saved at

using newly created level2 ntuples where Dcand variable definitions are fixed, results produced when reading new version and old version is similar. Using new ntuples mc09 108497, I am getting 1894 Ds candidates passing all the selection criterias except a hard fragmentation cut and using old ntuples I am getting 1895. Log file is saved at

Ds mass peak, nDs per Dcand and a hard fragmentation distributions using MinBias mc09 105001 and 108497 after d0m bug fixed: ntcutsv5.pdf

production and helicity angle of Ds goes to Phipi using MinBias mc09 105001 and 108497 level2 ntuple where phi mass cut is applied after d0m bug fixed: cutLeonidv5.pdf

production and helicity angle cut with charge-conjugate and a hard fragmentation bug is fixed level2 mc09 105001 and 108497 ntuples: cutFomcv5.pdf

making level3 ntuples where only decayType25 is included is saved at

Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed: DsDpFitDatav6.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed: DsDpFitMCv6.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed: DsDpFitTotalv6.pdf
Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed: DsSumv6.txt

comments: Luminosity for period A through C is 1.005, not 0.949 nanobarn, which is what Miriam quoted in his presentation. This could be one of reasons why his xsec is higher than those Leonid shown in his presentation. Our result is close to Leonid in terms of xsec.

Ds mass peak using MinBias Data AtoD2 and mc09 105001 and 108497 after a hard fragmentation cut and z0 cut fixed: DsDpFitTotalv7.pdf
Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoD2 after a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed: DsSumv7.txt
comments: with period D1 and D2 included in the Ds mass fitting, our result is consistent to what Leonid shown in his presentation. Our data signal yield is 302, and his is 304. Our xsec is 163 mubarn and his is 168. But since mc signal acceptance is different by 0.14 percent, we need more study.

production and helicity angle, and pt fraction for true and not true mc09 105001 and 108497 with FoM distributions: cutFomcv7.pdf

Mar 09 2011
topic: optimizing cuts in Ds search
comments: when Leonid was deciding cut levels, we think that he did not used FoM optimizing method. I am going to see whether his cut level for production, helicity angle and fraction of Pt cut is reasonable or not.

production and helicity angle, and fraction of Pt after all other cuts are applied for mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data: cutcv1.pdf

comments: since production and helicity angle Data and MC distributions agrees well, I think it is legitimate to use these when applying cuts. Particularly in production angle distribution, we are getting rid of region (angle greater than 0.8) when a cut less than 0.6 or 0.4 is going to be applied. But fraction of Pt does not agree well.

Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC new production and helicity angle cuts: DsDpFitDatav8.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC new production and helicity angle cuts: DsDpFitMCv8.pdf
Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data new production and helicity angle cuts: DsDpFitTotalv8.pdf
Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data new production and helicity angle cuts: DsSumv8.txt

production and helicity angle, and fraction of Pt after all other cuts are applied for mc09 105001 and MinBias Data: cutcv2.pdf

comments: using mc09 105001 MinBias MC only fraction of Pt distribution does not change much. We have more low fraction of Pt Data than MC and we need more study to understand why.

Dr.Park's example code to use trigger in case of chic search is saved at
Trigger menu is saved at:

comments: Dr.Park suggested me to fit Ds using all l1jet and l1em triggers available in the TriggerManu.cxx and see whether our result is consistant with what Miriam shown in her presentation on Bs trigger study.

trigger-dependent Ds signal yield fit result using L1Calo Data period AtoC: DsDpFitTrdv1.pdf
trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC: DsYieldTrdv1.pdf
trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result in txt format: DsTrdResultv1.txt

comments: Using L1Calo Data we made signal yield distribution as a function of trigger types, but the ratio of signal yield betwen L1_J5 and L1_J10 we are getting using reconstructed Data is different from what Miriam shown in her presentation. Her number is about 26%.

Mar 10 2011
topic: trigger dependent Ds
comments: Dr.Park suggested me to test EF trigger dependent Ds signal yield including EF_MU6_DsPhiPi and EF_mu6_DsPhiPi

Et, Pt(Ds) and nTrk correlation plot using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC to see whethere we can minimize discrepancy between MC and Data in a hard fragmentation cut: ptettrkc.pdf

comments: Dr.Park suggested me to make distributions as a function of Data period and he also suggested me to make plots of nTrk as a function of individual track's pseudorapidity. For each event we have x nTrk, and for each track, find its pseudorapidity and fill it in the histogram, and then do this for all events.

comments: we can correct MC hard fragmentation distribution by Data and MC ratio pdf ditribution of nTrk vs Et.

trigger-dependent Ds signal yield fit result using L1Calo Data period AtoC with ef trigger included: DsDpFitTrdv2.pdf
trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC with ef trigger included: DsYieldTrdv2.pdf
trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result in txt format with ef trigger included: DsTrdResultv2.txt
efjet trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC: DsYieldTrdEfv2.pdf

nTrk as a function of Et for each MinBias Data period: ptettrkcep.pdf

Mar 11 2011
topic: applying weight on a hard fragmentation
comments: since a hard fragmentation is different between Data and MC, we can apply a weight on MC events based on the Data and MC ratio of Et and nTrk distribution.

pdf function of nTrk as a function of Et using MinBias Data period AtoC and mc09 105001 108497: nTrkEtPdfv12.pdf
fraction of Pt not corrected, corrected by nTrkEtpdf using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC: cutcv12.pdf

comments: eta of indivudial track distribution is quite different between Data and MC

Mar 12 2011
topic: comparing fraction of Data and MC Pt of Ds after background subtraction
comments: when Dr.Purohit saw a discrepancy between Data and MC Pt of Ds, he suggested me to make a background subtracted Data and MC distributions and compare them.
background subtracted Pt of Ds using MinBias Data and mc09 105001 108497: DsBakSub.pdf

nof reconstructed tracks as a function of eta using MinBias MC and Data: etalevel1.pdf

level2 ntuples mc09 105001 108497 I made including only decayType25 is saved at

Mar 13 2011
topic: making level2 ntuples with decaytype25
comments: ReportNtupleMaker.C is written so that it is going to save truth information for every reconstructed passing selection criterias, but I do not need all that much information for Ds search. I need to save truth information for events where at least one D meson candidate is reconstructed. Modified ReportNtupleMaker.C is saved at


level2 ntuples mc09 105001 108497 I made including events where at least one dstar candidate exist is saved at

nTrk, SumEt and PtOfDs using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC after all the cuts applied but a hard fragmentation cut: cutcv9.pdf

level2 ntuples for Ds search with no cuts applied but Pt and Eta on total Ds is saved at

Mar 14 2011
topic: making level2 ntuples with decaytype25
comments: level2 ntuples I produced using ReportNtupleMaker.C is different. I need more study.

comments: Dr.Park mentioned that we do need truth information for every event so that we can calculate acceptance of Ds search. But he said we do not need track information for events where there are no Ds reconstructed.

nof reconstructed tracks as a function of eta using level2 ntuples mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC: etalevel2.pdf

distribution of cuts and its FoM using level2 mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC: cutFomcv10.pdf

Mar 15 2011
topic: eta as a function of nTrk
comments: since eta distribution of Data and MC are different, we need more study.

momentum along each axis using a fraction of MinBias Data and mc09 105001 for each trk reconstructed: nTrkafoP.pdf

Ds fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cuts: DsDpFitCut.pdf
Ds SignalToNoise ratio and xsec result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cuts: result.txt

old cuts
*bool cutLxy=( Dcand_D0Lxy[i]<0.4);
*bool cutCosProd= (cosProd>0.4);
*bool cutCosHel= (fabs( pow(cosHel,3) ) < 0.2);
*if ( (ptds/MESumEt) < 0.02) continue;
new cuts
*bool cutLxy=( Dcand_D0Lxy[i]<0.5);
*bool cutCosProd= (cosProd>0.8);
*bool cutCosHel= (fabs( pow(cosHel,3) ) < 0.35);
*if ( (ptds/MESumEt) < 0.05) continue;

True Ds goes to Phi and pi I am getting is same as what Miriam quoted in her presentation. My result is saved at
True Ds goes to Phi log file using mc09 105001 108497: true.log

Mar 16 2011
topic: reading true Ds in Pt and Eta bins
comments: our result of true Ds in Pt and Eta bins reading level2 mc09 105001 108497 ntuples is identical to what Miriam presented in her presentation

fraction of Pt in SumEt with weight applied using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC and its ratio: cutPtFracSumEt.pdf

Ds signal fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cut, and with and without SumEt weight: DsDpFitCutv14.pdf
Ds fitting result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cut, and with and without SumEt weight: resultv14.txt

Mar 17 2011
topic: making level2 ntuples where no selection cuts are applied
comments: as part of cut optimization study, I am making level2 ntuples where no selection criteria is applied so that I can compare Ds xsec and signal yield with Leonids cuts and new cuts

Mar 18 2011
topic: making mc10 105001 108497
comments: when mc10 105001 108497 are ran, I got approxiamtely one-thrid of Ds candidates passing all the selection criteria in mc09 105001 108497. I need more study.

MinBias Data prod04 ntuples with no selection cuts I applied using bug-fixed ReportNtupleMaker.C are saved at
MinBias Data prod05 ntuples with no selection cuts I applied using bug-fixed ReportNtupleMaker.C are saved at

B physics hadronic subgroup meeting agenda since 11 March 2010: bphysicsagenda.txt

Ds mass distribution using mc09 105001 and mc10 105001 without a hard fragmentation cut: mc09mc10v1.pdf

Mar 21 2011
topic: improving Ds search result
comments: Dr.Purohit said that I better use back MC under signal region, approximately 2 sigma from peak, when making FoM distribution to see where selection cut should be applied. He also mentioned that it is untimately important to reduce significance, square root of signal, when working on selection cuts.

Mar 22 2011
topic: changing selection cuts
comments: as Dr.Purohit suggested I made FoM distributions again based on the background and signal MC under the signal peak region. In the FoM distribution it did not change other selection cut but flight distance cut by 0.1

new cuts
*bool cutLxy=( Dcand_D0Lxy[i]<0.6);
*bool cutCosProd= (cosProd>0.8);
*bool cutCosHel= (fabs( pow(cosHel,3) ) < 0.35);
*if ( (ptds/MESumEt) < 0.05) continue;

distribution of cuts and its FoM using level2 mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC under signal peak region: cutFomcv19.pdf
Ds signal fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC changing selection cuts based on FoM using MC under signal peak region: DsDpFitCutv19.pdf
Ds fitting result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC changing selection cuts based on FoM using MC under signal peak region: resultv19.txt

comments: with new selection cuts, not only signaltonoise ratio is improved but also the significance is improved.

Mar 23 2011
topic: estimating systematic uncertainty associated with xsec measurement
comments: although cut changing studies are necessary as part of systematic study I do not know by how much I need to change selection cuts to see the difference in the xsec.
Ds xsec difference with different selection cuts using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period A, B and C: resultcutsv20.txt

Ds signal fitting preliminary result using mc10 105001 108497 and MinBias reprocessed Data Period A,B and C: DsDpFitCutmc10.pdf

comments: Dr.Park said that for mc10 I need to read ntuples saved at

comments: Dr.Pak suggested me to svn update Generators/MC10JobOptions
cmt package is saved at

Mar 28 2011
topic: mc10 105001 and 108497
comments: level2 ntuples in /susyraid1/home/wpark/analysis/ATLASCharm/CharmReport/run.NtupleMaker/ntuple.fullD0M/ only have decatype=0 and 5. For my analysis I need to regenerate level2 ntuples including decaytype=25

mc10 with all truth information is included with no selection cuts applied are saved at

Mar 30 2011
topic: use mc10 and reprocessed data for Ds search
comments: using new mc sets, mc statistics looks normal -- JaeKim - 20-Dec-2010

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf B0MassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf r1 manage 3.8 K 2010-12-21 - 19:30 JaeKim B0 Mass Peak Plot No TruthMatch with trial cuts
PDFpdf BTruthMatchMC.pdf r1 manage 10.9 K 2010-12-23 - 19:50 JaeKim B0 and Bs mass peak plot for different decay modes, BsDsPhipi, BsDsKstK, BsDsf0pi, BdDpKstPi
PDFpdf BTruthMatchMCfit.pdf r1 manage 68.4 K 2010-12-23 - 19:51 JaeKim B0 and Bs mass peak plot with fits for different decay modes, BsDsPhipi, BsDsKstK, BsDsf0pi, BdDpKstPi
PDFpdf BTruthMatchMCfitv4.pdf r1 manage 70.0 K 2011-01-13 - 23:04 JaeKim Bs and Bd mass peak without d0pv and z0pvsin(th) using signal MC
PDFpdf BTruthMatchMCfitv5.pdf r1 manage 68.6 K 2011-01-18 - 22:31 JaeKim Bs and Bd mass peak without d0pv and z0pvsin(th) but with pt cut on Ds and spi
PDFpdf BTruthMatchMCv5.pdf r1 manage 12.1 K 2011-01-18 - 22:32 JaeKim Bs and Bd mass peak using signal mc d0pv and z0pvsin(th) but with pt cut on Ds and spi with and without truthmatching
PDFpdf BsMassMCData.pdf r1 manage 5.7 K 2011-01-19 - 17:10 JaeKim Bs mass peak using signal MC and MinBias Data
PDFpdf BsMassTruthMatch.pdf r2 r1 manage 4.1 K 2010-12-21 - 21:19 JaeKim Bs mass peak plot with and without TruthMatching used
PDFpdf BsPhipiLeonidCutPt8MinbiasDataMCv1.pdf r1 manage 6.1 K 2011-02-10 - 17:51 JaeKim Bs mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC and Data with Leonid selection criteria for Ds and Pt(Bs)>8GeV
PDFpdf BsSigPrelimMinBiasData.pdf r1 manage 3.4 K 2011-01-18 - 22:22 JaeKim BsDsPhipi mode reading MinBias Data (preliminary, and DsPt<5000GeV SpiPt<1000MeV cut applied on Bs part)
PDFpdf DpMassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf r1 manage 3.9 K 2010-12-20 - 22:05 JaeKim Dp Mass Peak Plot
PDFpdf DpMassNoTruthMatchMCv2.pdf r1 manage 3.7 K 2010-12-20 - 23:01 JaeKim Dp Mass Peak Plot with 108497 Series MC ntuple included
PDFpdf DsBakSub.pdf r1 manage 3.8 K 2011-03-12 - 23:43 JaeKim background subtracted Pt of Ds using MinBias Data and mc09 105001 108497
PDFpdf DsDpFit.pdf r2 r1 manage 62.6 K 2011-02-12 - 17:18 JaeKim Ds mass peak fit on Minbias Data using modified Gaussian and an exponential function
PDFpdf DsDpFitCut.pdf r2 r1 manage 39.7 K 2011-03-15 - 22:07 JaeKim Ds fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cuts
PDFpdf DsDpFitCutmc10.pdf r2 r1 manage 76.8 K 2011-03-30 - 19:01 JaeKim Ds signal fitting preliminary result using mc10 105001 108497 and MinBias reprocessed Data Period A,B and C
PDFpdf DsDpFitCutv14.pdf r2 r1 manage 77.4 K 2011-03-17 - 16:26 JaeKim Ds signal fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cut, and with and without SumEt weight
PDFpdf DsDpFitCutv19.pdf r1 manage 78.3 K 2011-03-23 - 15:44 JaeKim Ds signal fitting using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC changing selection cuts based on FoM using MC under signal peak region
PDFpdf DsDpFitDatav5.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 56.1 K 2011-03-03 - 16:58 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC charge conjugate bug-fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitDatav6.pdf r1 manage 56.1 K 2011-03-08 - 22:32 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitDatav8.pdf r1 manage 56.3 K 2011-03-09 - 18:12 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC new production and helicity angle cuts
PDFpdf DsDpFitMCv5.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 56.9 K 2011-03-03 - 16:58 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC charge conjugate bug-fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitMCv6.pdf r1 manage 57.0 K 2011-03-08 - 22:33 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitMCv8.pdf r1 manage 57.1 K 2011-03-09 - 18:12 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC new production and helicity angle cuts
PDFpdf DsDpFitTotalv5.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 20.7 K 2011-03-03 - 16:57 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data charge conjugate bug-fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitTotalv6.pdf r1 manage 20.5 K 2011-03-08 - 22:32 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitTotalv7.pdf r1 manage 20.6 K 2011-03-08 - 22:51 JaeKim Ds mass peak using MinBias Data AtoD2 and mc09 105001 and 108497 after a hard fragmentation cut and z0 cut fixed
PDFpdf DsDpFitTotalv8.pdf r1 manage 20.9 K 2011-03-09 - 18:12 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data new production and helicity angle cuts
PDFpdf DsDpFitTrdv1.pdf r1 manage 147.6 K 2011-03-10 - 01:18 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield fit result using L1Calo Data period AtoC
PDFpdf DsDpFitTrdv2.pdf r1 manage 364.3 K 2011-03-10 - 22:48 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield fit result using L1Calo Data period AtoC with ef trigger included
PDFpdf DsDpFitv2.pdf r1 manage 99.1 K 2011-02-16 - 19:53 JaeKim Ds mass peak fitting using bug-fixed MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data
PDFpdf DsDpFitv3.pdf r2 r1 manage 43.3 K 2011-02-17 - 20:42 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBias Data AtoC before bug-fixed
PDFpdf DsKKst0CutMC.pdf r1 manage 28.4 K 2011-01-05 - 18:07 JaeKim Variables used in DsKKst0 selection criteria in signal and background region
PDFpdf DsMassKKst0Chi2MC.pdf r1 manage 3.8 K 2011-01-05 - 18:08 JaeKim Ds mass peak MC n KKst0 channel after changing D0Chi2 cut to 2 from 6
PDFpdf DsMassKKst0Chi2MinBiasData.pdf r1 manage 3.7 K 2011-01-05 - 19:03 JaeKim Ds mass peak MinBiasData in KKst0 channel after changing D0Chi2 cut to 2 from 6
PDFpdf DsMassNoTruthMatchMC.pdf r1 manage 3.6 K 2011-01-03 - 19:12 JaeKim Ds mass peak plot using MC series 108497 & 105001 combined
PDFpdf DsNoMassCutMC.pdf r1 manage 3.8 K 2011-01-03 - 19:53 JaeKim Ds mass peak plots using genertic MC no mass cut applied
PDFpdf DsPhipiLeonidCut.pdf r2 r1 manage 3.9 K 2011-02-10 - 16:35 JaeKim Ds mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC with Leonid selection criteria
PDFpdf DsPhipiLeonidCutMinbiasDataMCv1.pdf r2 r1 manage 6.3 K 2011-02-10 - 17:41 JaeKim Ds mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC and Data with Leonid selection criteria
PDFpdf DsPhipiLeonidCutMinbiasMC.pdf r2 r1 manage 3.9 K 2011-02-10 - 17:40 JaeKim Ds mass peak (Phipi channel) reading 105001 and 108497 MC with Leonid selection criteria
Texttxt DsResultv2.txt r1 manage 0.6 K 2011-02-16 - 19:53 JaeKim Ds sign yield and acceptance table using using bug-fixed MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC
Texttxt DsResultv3.txt r1 manage 0.6 K 2011-02-17 - 19:35 JaeKim MC signal yield result (mine and Miriam's)
Texttxt DsResultv5.txt r2 r1 manage 0.6 K 2011-03-03 - 16:57 JaeKim MC signal yield result (mine and Miriam's) charge conjugate bug-fixed
Unknown file formattex DsSumv3.tex r1 manage 1.1 K 2011-02-17 - 19:35 JaeKim Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoC
Unknown file formattex DsSumv5.tex r3 r2 r1 manage 1.3 K 2011-03-03 - 16:57 JaeKim Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoC charge conjugate bug-fixed
Texttxt DsSumv6.txt r1 manage 1.3 K 2011-03-08 - 22:32 JaeKim Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed
Texttxt DsSumv7.txt r1 manage 1.3 K 2011-03-08 - 22:53 JaeKim Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data AtoD2 after a hard fragmentation and z0 cut fixed
Texttxt DsSumv8.txt r1 manage 1.3 K 2011-03-09 - 18:11 JaeKim Ds yield table using MinBias 105001 and 108497 MC and Data new production and helicity angle cuts
Texttxt DsTrdResultv1.txt r1 manage 0.8 K 2011-03-10 - 01:18 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result in txt format:
Texttxt DsTrdResultv2.txt r1 manage 2.4 K 2011-03-10 - 22:48 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result in txt format with ef trigger included
PDFpdf DsTrigger.pdf r1 manage 9.6 K 2011-02-11 - 18:21 JaeKim Ds mass peak using Minbias Data in different pt region (with and without trigger prescale applied)
PDFpdf DsYieldTrdEfv2.pdf r1 manage 3.6 K 2011-03-10 - 22:47 JaeKim efjet trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC
PDFpdf DsYieldTrdv1.pdf r2 r1 manage 3.2 K 2011-03-10 - 01:33 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC
PDFpdf DsYieldTrdv2.pdf r1 manage 3.2 K 2011-03-10 - 22:48 JaeKim trigger-dependent Ds signal yield result using L1Calo Data period AtoC with ef trigger included
PDFpdf Kst0KpiCut.pdf r1 manage 30.9 K 2011-01-28 - 18:57 JaeKim Helicity angle cut for Ds goes to K and Kst0 search
PDFpdf TrkMassPairDsCandGenericMC.pdf r1 manage 7.9 K 2011-01-04 - 17:28 JaeKim Trk Invariant Mass Pair in DsCand using generic MC but with a mass cut applied in level2
PDFpdf TrkMassPairDsCandMC.pdf r1 manage 8.1 K 2011-01-04 - 16:56 JaeKim Trk Invariant Mass Pair in DsCand
PDFpdf TrkMassPairDsCandNoMassCutMC.pdf r1 manage 8.0 K 2011-01-04 - 22:19 JaeKim Trk Invariant Mass Pair in DsCand using generic MC no mass cut applied in level2
Texttxt bphysicsagenda.txt r1 manage 11.6 K 2011-03-18 - 16:50 JaeKim B physics hadronic subgroup meeting agenda since 11 March 2010
PDFpdf cutCandKKst0v1.pdf r1 manage 10.4 K 2011-02-23 - 21:37 JaeKim helicity angle, Kst0 invariant mass and chi2 true and not true 105001 and 108497 MinBias MC
PDFpdf cutCandKKst0v2.pdf r3 r2 r1 manage 24.8 K 2011-02-24 - 22:05 JaeKim production angle, helicity angle and intermidiate state invariant masses for KKst0 and Phipi with and without Ds mass cut:
PDFpdf cutFomcv10.pdf r1 manage 84.7 K 2011-03-14 - 21:45 JaeKim distribution of cuts and its FoM using level2 mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC
PDFpdf cutFomcv19.pdf r1 manage 82.2 K 2011-03-23 - 15:45 JaeKim distribution of cuts and its FoM using level2 mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC under signal peak region
PDFpdf cutFomcv3.pdf r2 r1 manage 16.5 K 2011-03-03 - 20:29 JaeKim production and helicity angle cut with charge-conjugate and a hard fragmentation bug is fixed level2 mc09 108497 ntuples
PDFpdf cutFomcv5.pdf r1 manage 16.7 K 2011-03-08 - 19:51 JaeKim production and helicity angle cut with charge-conjugate and a hard fragmentation bug is fixed level2 mc09 105001 and 108497 ntuples
PDFpdf cutFomcv7.pdf r1 manage 23.6 K 2011-03-09 - 01:05 JaeKim production and helicity angle, and pt fraction for true and not true mc09 105001 and 108497 with FoM distributions
PDFpdf cutLeonidv3.pdf r2 r1 manage 29.3 K 2011-02-28 - 19:26 JaeKim Ds production and helicity angle distribution for signal and background, and its form in forward and backward direction
PDFpdf cutLeonidv4.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 15.2 K 2011-03-03 - 20:28 JaeKim production and helicity angle of Ds goes to Phipi using MinBias mc09 108497 level2 ntuple where phi mass cut is applied
PDFpdf cutLeonidv5.pdf r1 manage 15.3 K 2011-03-08 - 19:51 JaeKim production and helicity angle of Ds goes to Phipi using MinBias mc09 105001 and 108497 level2 ntuple where phi mass cut is applied after d0m bug fixed
PDFpdf cutPtFracSumEt.pdf r2 r1 manage 13.3 K 2011-03-16 - 17:49 JaeKim fraction of Pt in SumEt with weight applied using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC and its ratio
PDFpdf cutcv1.pdf r2 r1 manage 12.9 K 2011-03-09 - 17:30 JaeKim production and helicity angle, and fraction of Pt after all other cuts are applied for mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data
PDFpdf cutcv12.pdf r1 manage 4.6 K 2011-03-11 - 18:30 JaeKim fraction of Pt not corrected, corrected by nTrkEtpdf using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC
PDFpdf cutcv2.pdf r1 manage 13.0 K 2011-03-09 - 19:18 JaeKim production and helicity angle, and fraction of Pt after all other cuts are applied for mc09 105001 and MinBias Data
PDFpdf cutcv9.pdf r1 manage 10.2 K 2011-03-13 - 23:28 JaeKim nTrk, SumEt and PtOfDs using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC after all the cuts applied but a hard fragmentation cut
PDFpdf etalevel1.pdf r1 manage 4.7 K 2011-03-13 - 00:47 JaeKim nof reconstructed tracks as a function of eta using MinBias MC and Data
PDFpdf etalevel2.pdf r1 manage 5.6 K 2011-03-14 - 20:02 JaeKim nof reconstructed tracks as a function of eta using level2 ntuples mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC
PDFpdf mc09mc10v1.pdf r1 manage 5.7 K 2011-03-18 - 17:23 JaeKim Ds mass distribution using mc09 105001 and mc10 105001 without a hard fragmentation cut
PDFpdf nTrkEtPdfv12.pdf r1 manage 137.0 K 2011-03-11 - 18:29 JaeKim pdf function of nTrk as a function of Et using MinBias Data period AtoC and mc09 105001 108497
PDFpdf nTrkafoP.pdf r1 manage 11.5 K 2011-03-15 - 16:29 JaeKim momentum along each axis using a fraction of MinBias Data and mc09 105001 for each trk reconstructed
PDFpdf ntcutsv1.pdf r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 8.8 K 2011-03-03 - 20:27 JaeKim Ds mass peak, nDs per Dcand and a hard fragmentation distributions using MinBias mc09 108497
PDFpdf ntcutsv5.pdf r1 manage 8.5 K 2011-03-08 - 19:49 JaeKim Ds mass peak, nDs per Dcand and a hard fragmentation distributions using MinBias mc09 105001 and 108497 after d0m bug fixed
PDFpdf ptettrkc.pdf r1 manage 82.7 K 2011-03-10 - 18:38 JaeKim Et, Pt(Ds) and nTrk correlation plot using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data period AtoC to see whethere we can minimize discrepancy between MC and Data in a hard fragmentation cut
PDFpdf ptettrkcep.pdf r1 manage 56.2 K 2011-03-10 - 23:22 JaeKim nTrk as a function of Et for each MinBias Data period
Texttxt result.txt r1 manage 0.5 K 2011-03-15 - 22:06 JaeKim Ds SignalToNoise ratio and xsec result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cuts
Texttxt resultcutsv20.txt r2 r1 manage 0.5 K 2011-03-30 - 19:09 JaeKim Ds xsec difference with different selection cuts using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period A, B and C:
Texttxt resultv14.txt r2 r1 manage 1.1 K 2011-03-17 - 16:25 JaeKim Ds fitting result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC with Leonid's cut and new cut, and with and without SumEt weight
Texttxt resultv19.txt r1 manage 1.1 K 2011-03-23 - 15:44 JaeKim Ds fitting result using mc09 105001 108497 and MinBias Data Period AtoC changing selection cuts based on FoM using MC under signal peak region
Unknown file formatlog testv3.log r1 manage 3.8 K 2011-02-22 - 23:08 JaeKim Ds goes to K and Kst0 in level1 ntuples
Unknown file formatlog true.log r1 manage 38.8 K 2011-03-16 - 00:58 JaeKim True Ds goes to Phi log file using mc09 105001 108497
Unknown file formatlog truev18.log r1 manage 50.2 K 2011-03-18 - 18:56 JaeKim log file to see how many decaytype25 in mc09 105001 and mc10 105001
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