Log Book

  • Organization Name: Physics Institute - IF, Nuclear and High Energy Physics Department - DFNAE
  • Organization URL: www.uerj.br
  • Country: Brazil
  • Physics Interest: Strong Interaction and Pomeron Physics
  • Personnal Website: http://dmf.web.cern.ch/dmf/
  • Plots and Files: here
  • Crab Submissions: Jobs Status
  • Dashboard: Grid Status
  • Code Repository: GitHub
  • LHC General View: here
  • UERJ Tier Configuration: here
  • UERJ Condor Configuration: here

Useful Weblinks

Private Codes and Utilities

Master Analysis

git clone https://github.com/dfigueiredo/UserCode.git UserCode
cd UserCode/DiffractiveFWJets 

PhD Analysis

git@github.com:ForwardGroupBrazil/ForwardAnalysis.git ForwardAnalysis

SRM Utility

This scripts can be used to transfer files from the T2_BR_UERJ SE area to your own working local machines, mainly named analysisX.hepgrid.uerj.br machines or to delete files from your SE Dcache path. You can download the codes from Git.

Download from Git

git clone https://github.com/dfigueiredo/UserCode.git UserCode

cp UserCode/Utilities/srm* /.


First of all, you should compile the code:

cd <PATH you want>

g++ -o srm srmMult.cc

g++ -o srmDel srmDel.cc


Please, pay attention in case you want to remove or copy files from a T2 different to T2_UERJ_BR. In that case, you need to edit srmDel.cc or srmMult.cc files.

SRM Copy

To run the code, you should input some parameters: SE user storage folder and the local destination folder.

./srm "SE user storage" "local destination folder"

For instance:

./srm "/pnfs/hepgrid.uerj.br/data/cms/store/user/dmf/pattuple-crab_QCD_Pt-15to3000-Z2/" "/export/home/dfigueiredo/GridTools/"


To run the code, you should input the SE user storage folder.

./srmDel "SE user storage"

For instance:

./srmDel "/pnfs/hepgrid.uerj.br/data/cms/store/user/dmf/pattuple-crab_QCD_Pt-15to3000-Z2/"

Other Information

  • The code works when we have more than 1000 files in SE;
  • If there is no destination folder, the program will be restarted;
  • Pay attention about your proxy time validation. If your proxy expired during the execution, the files will not be copied. This is a limitation of srmcp command.

Run Register Commands

You can filter a run range using the Run Register webpage and select runs according subdetectors status, shifters comments, beam status and others (using advanced filter commands). However, to generate your own json file, you must filter the dataset which you would like to use in your analysis. Otherwise, in this case, the json file which you will generate will have repeated lumi section.

Run Register Webpage

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R136033 - R149442

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 136033 and {runNumber} <= 149442 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R147146 - R149711

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 147146 and {runNumber} <= 149711  and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R160404 - R176023

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 160404 and {runNumber} <= 176023 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R135821 - R141887

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 135821 and {runNumber} <= 141887 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R141950 - R144114

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 141950 and {runNumber} <= 144114 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R146240 - R148068

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 146240 and {runNumber} <= 148068 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R148791 - R149711

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 148791 and {runNumber} <= 149711 and {runNumber} != 140133 and {runNumber} !=146417 and {runNumber} != 146421

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R165071-R168437

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 165071 and {runNumber} <= 168437 and {groupName} = 'Collisions11' and {datasetName} = '/Global/Online/ALL'

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R160404-R176023

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 160404 and {runNumber} <= 176023  and {groupName} = 'Collisions11' and {datasetName} = '/Global/Online/ALL'

Advanced Filter Command: ALL DSC GOOD: R172620-R175770

{parBeam1Present} = 1 and {parBeam2Present} = 1 and {parBeam1Stable} = 1 and {parBeam2Stable} = 1 and {parDcsBpix} = 1 and {parDcsFpix} = 1 and {parDcsCastor} = 1 and {parDcsCscPlus} = 1 and {parDcsCscMinus} = 1 and {parDcsDt0} = 1 and {parDcsDtplus} = 1 and {parDcsDtminus} = 1 and {parDcsEbplus} = 1 and {parDcsEbminus} = 1 and {parDcsEePlus}= 1 and {parDcsEeMinus} = 1 and {parDcsEsPlus} = 1 and {parDcsEsMinus} = 1 and {parDcsHbheA} = 1 and {parDcsHbheB} = 1 and {parDcsHbheC} = 1 and {parDcsHo}=1 and {parDcsHf} = 1 and {parDcsRpc} = 1 and {parDcsTibtid} = 1 and {parDcsTob} = 1 and {parDcsTecP} = 1 and {parDcsTecM} = 1 and {runNumber} >= 172620 and {runNumber} <= 175770 and {groupName} = 'Collisions11' and {datasetName} = '/Global/Online/ALL'

Instructions to Create your Own JSON File

1) Download the runregparse.py.txt for your working area;
2) configure runreg.cfg. Using this file, you can indicate the minimum run and maximum run which you would like to select, the beam energy, detector status and others;
3) execute the command to create your own json file:

python runregparse.py runreg.cfg

4) after execute the command above, you must do an intersection between the oficial json file and your own file. Make the command:

compareJSON.py --and Oficial.json CreatedFromRunRegParse.json Output.json

JSON Files Created: Castor GOOD Runs 2010

Oficial 2010 JSON File

Files Created from runregparse.py with Castor GOOD status

Intersected Files Between Oficial JSON and Castor with GOOD Status File

Instructions to Create your Own JSON File

Runparse script is not working well for 2011 data. It generated a error in beam energy. We have created our json files with castor DCS=1 using Run Register web page and the advanced filter command. Please look the topic Advanced Filter Command: 2011 data.

JSON Files Created: Castor GOOD Runs 2011

Oficial 2011 JSON File

Files Created from Run Register webpage with Castor DSC=1 status

Intersected Files Between Oficial JSON and Castor with GOOD Status File

Useful Commands

TMVA on Lxplus

source setup.csh /storage1/dmf/CMSPhysicsAnalysis/CMSSW_4_2_8/src/TMVA/TMVA-v4.2.0/

Check MC Cross Section, datasets

Open file with TBrowser and then open the directories Runs --> GenRunInfoProduct_generator__SIM. --> GenRunInfoProduct_generator__SIM.obj --> internalXSec_
The value_ leaf contains the cross section. Never trust the externalXSecLO_ and externalXSecNLO_, these are also manually put through the fragment, and therefore often even worse than the McM numbers.
But those are often not on a T2. You could also make some GEN-SIM yourself: copy the GEN-SIM configuration using the "Get setup button" in the actions column on the McM page above. Then you can play with the number of events to look for the best cross section estimate.

Using McM
Click on "Select View" and select Generator parameters and Generators

Root TTree Example Command

Event->Draw("GoldenVertexZ:VertexZPPS","GoldenVertexZ != -999. && VertexZPPS != -999.","", 1000, 0);

Luminosity Calculator for a Specific Trigger

lumiCalc2.py -i /storage2/dmf/Common/OutputFiles/PatSamples2010/lumiSummaryPATTupleMultijets2010B.json -norm pp7TeV -hltpath "HLT_ExclDiJet30U_HFAND_v*" recorded

Generate Estimated Pile Up Distributions for Data with Trigger

estimatePileup2.py --hltpath=HLT_Jet60 -i /storage2/sfonseca/CMSSW/FWD_production_2011_Oct2011/CMSSW_4_2_8/src/ForwardAnalysis/ForwardTTreeAnalysis/test/crab_MultiJet_Run2011A_v4_PAT_ROOTTREE_CASTOR_JSON/res/lumiSummary.json pu2011HLTJet60v4.root --nowarning

Merge Files

The parameter -g means the number of outputs file.

mergeTTree.py -i /storage2/dmf/phDAnalysis/DPE_Exclusive/CMSSW_4_2_8/src/ForwardAnalysis/ForwardTTreeAnalysis/test/crab_QCD_Pt-15to3000-Z2/res/ -o /storage2/dmf/Common/OutputFiles/MCPythia6_third -f QCD_Pt-15to3000-Z2_PUS3.root -g 510

Merge EDM Files

After make pick events, merging EDM files.

edmCopyPickMerge inputFiles_load=listOfInputFiles.txt outputFile=output.root maxSize=100000

Information EDM utilities twiki.

Sync Files from UERJ to CERN

rsync -Cravzp user@mydomain:/export/home/dfigueiredo/GridTools /storage1/dmf/ -e "ssh -p $PORT"

Total Size of Several Files

du -chs *.root

List Samples Using DAS Script

./das_client.py --query="/DYTo*7TeV*/*PU_S*_START42_V11-v2*" --limit=100000

Saving your Configuration File in HTML format (Useful to check Parameters)

edmConfigToHTML config.py

Invalidate Dataset at DAS

DBSInvalidateDataset.py --DBSURL=https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02_writer/servlet/DBSServlet --datasetPath=/test2_pompytQCD_4_4_2012/dmf-test2_pompytQCD_4_4_2012-9a5ff2313c08285b14e07faca8e06425/USER --files

Git Commands

Instructions to Import CMSSW package in your private area:


1) Adding/removing a Folder/File:

git add filename
git add Folder/*
git rm filename

2) Commit Command:

git commit -m "<Message>"

3) Send to Server:

git push -u origin master

4) Importing package, personal area:

cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z/src
git clone git@github.com:dfigueiredo/UserCode.git UserCode
git clone git@github.com:dfigueiredo/Torino.git Torino
git clone git@github.com:dfigueiredo/DiffractiveZTurin.git DiffractiveZTurin
git clone git@github.com:dfigueiredo/ForwardAnalysis.git ForwardAnalysis
git clone -b BRANCH git@github.com:dfigueiredo/ForwardAnalysis.git ForwardAnalysis

5) CMSSW Official Package Importing:

git cms-cvs-history import V01-15-12 Configuration/Generator

6) CMSSW Official Package Log:

git cms-cvs-history log <branch> <package>

7) Add new Branch:

git branch <branchname>
git checkout <branchname>
git push origin <branchname>

If two authentication factor is enabled. It will not work. Bug. Need to be disable.
Git support advices to use token. But it is too big and tedious to be used.

8) Error

error: failed to push some refs to 'git@github.com:Example/Example.git'
hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind
hint: its remote counterpart. Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull')
hint: before pushing again.
hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.


git config --global push.default current

9) Remove Server Branch

git push origin --delete <branch>

10) Remove Local Branch

git branch -d <branch>

11) Including Tag

git push origin --tags

Virtual Machine at Lxplus

Create your SLC6 virtual machine (VM) using openstack. In case you would like to install a SLC5, please follow here. Moreover, you can follow IT's recipes.

Install the packages

sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

sudo yum install vim-enhanced.x86_64
sudo yum install fuse-sshfs
sudo usermod -a -G fuse "user" (or sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/fusermount)
sudo yum install php-soap
sudo yum install libcurl-devel
sudo yum install zlib-devel
sudo yum install git
sudo yum install castor-ns-client
sudo yum install castor-stager-client
sudo yum install castor-rfio-client
sudo yum install xrootd-client
sudo yum install eos-server eos-client eos-testkeytab eos-fuse jemalloc
sudo yum install compat-readline5
sudo yum install gsl-static
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/cernvm.repo http://cvmrepo.web.cern.ch/cvmrepo/yum/cernvm.repo
sudo wget -O /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CernVM http://cvmrepo.web.cern.ch/cvmrepo/yum/RPM-GPG-KEY-CernVM
yum install cvmfs cvmfs-init-scripts
sudo yum install cvmfs cvmfs-init-scripts
yum localinstall http://eos.cern.ch/rpms/eos-0.1.1-1/slc-6-x86_64/eos-client-0.1.1-1.x86_64.rpm
yum localinstall http://eos.cern.ch/rpms/eos-0.1.1-1/slc-6-x86_64/xrootd-client-3.1.0-1.slc6.xu.x86_64.rpm

Edit/create the files default.local and cms.cern.ch.conf for CMS cvmfs configuration.

sudo vi /etc/cvmfs/default.local

# Repositories: cms.cern.ch is vital for CMS, grid.cern.ch provides a Grid-UI and is a recommended addition
# Make sure $CVMFS_CACHE_BASE has enough space
# Ensure that the file system hosting the cache has an additional 15% free space.
# Increase the size to 10000 or bit more if you can effort it

sudo vi /etc/cvmfs/config.d/cms.cern.ch.conf


Check the installation:

cvmfs_config setup
cvmfs_config probe (if command not work, try next commands)
service autofs restart 
cvmfs_config probe

In order to enable CMSSW, do:

 source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/cmsset_default.sh


source /afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/user/etc/setup.sh
export EOS_MGM_URL=root://eosuser.cern.ch


source /afs/cern.ch/project/eos/installation/cms/etc/setup.sh

Changing $HOME, check here.

sudo vi /etc/motd

More information here: recipe to install cvmfs, cvmfs client installation, cvmfs inside CERN, cvmfs documentation and eos recipe.

Creating a Simple Script

Stage Files: Castor

rfdir /castor/cern.ch/user/a/apana/OpenHLT/Commish2010/r149181__MultiJet_Run2010B-v1__20110217_1555/ | awk '{printf("\n stager_get -M /castor/cern.ch/user/a/apana/OpenHLT/Commish2010/r149181__MultiJet_Run2010B-v1__20110217_1555/%s \n",$NF);}' >generate_scripts.sh

Copying Multiple Files: Castor

rfdir /castor/cern.ch/cms/store/data/Run2010B/JetMETTauMonitor/RAW/v1/000/149/181/ | awk '{printf("\n rfcp /castor/cern.ch/cms/store/data/Run2010B/JetMETTauMonitor/RAW/v1/000/149/181/%s ./ \n",$NF);}' >generate_copy.sh

Trigger Commands

More information about trigger tools here.

Menu 2010

hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_3_8_1/GRun/V26 --cff --offline --mc --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag START42_V17C::All > hltdiego_cff.py

Menu 2011

 hltGetConfiguration /dev/CMSSW_4_2_0/GRun --cff --offline --data --unprescale --process TEST --globaltag auto:hltonline --l1-emulator --l1 L1GtTriggerMenu_L1Menu_Collisions2011_v6_mc > hlt_2011_cff.py

Crab Clean Server

[bash] export SERVERNAME=<the-server-name-indicated-in-the-mail> 
[tcsh] setenv SERVERNAME <the-server-name-indicated-in-the-mail> 
gsissh $SERVERNAME "ls -lgort"
gsissh $SERVERNAME "du -sm *|sort -n"
gsissh $SERVERNAME "rm -rf task_name"

Crab Log

crab -uploadLog

Condor Status Jobs @ UERJ

condor_q -global | grep uscmsPool1711 | grep R | wc -l

List Files @ any SE

srmls -count=999 srm://se-dcache.hepgrid.uerj.br:8443/srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/hepgrid.uerj.br/data/cms/store/user/dmf
lcg-ls -b -D srmv2 --vo cms "srm://cmssrm.hep.wisc.edu:8443//srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/hep.wisc.edu/store/"

Remove Files @ SE UERJ

srmrm srm://se-dcache.hepgrid.uerj.br:8443/srm/managerv2SFN=/pnfs/hepgrid.uerj.br/data/cms/store/user/dmf/DIRECTORY/FILE.root

Copy Files

lcg-cp -b -D srmv2 --vo cms "file:/..." "srm://srm-cms.cern.ch:8443//srm/managerv2?SFN=/castor/cern.ch/..."

srmcp -2 -streams_num=5 "file:////storage1/..." "srm://se-dcache.hepgrid.uerj.br:8443//srm/managerv2?SFN=/pnfs/hepgrid.uerj.br/data/cms/..."

lcg-cp -b -D srmv2 --vo cms "srm://cmssrm.hep.wisc.edu:8443/srm/v2/server?SFN=/hdfs/store/mc/Summer11/QCD_Pt-120to170_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6/AODSIM/PU_S3_START42_V11-v2/0000/00356018-617D-E011-A32F-002590200A94.root" "file:/storage2/antoniov/data1/QCD_Pt-120to170_TuneZ2_7TeV_pythia6_Summer11-PU_S3_START42_V11-v2_AODSIM/00356018-617D-E011-A32F-002590200A94.root"

Reading Files from T2 HepGrid at ROOT

Put in your root macro the complete path of your file in T2 at UERJ:


xcode-select --install
tar -zxvf root_v5.34.11.source.tar.gz
cd root
./configure macosx64 --enable-roofit --enable-cocoa --enable-python --enable-tmva --enable-x11 --enable-xft --enable-pythia6 --enable-pythia8
make -j2

Grid Control Tool by KIT

Creating your Private Monte Carlo Samples

2010 Global Conditions

For 2010 MC production there is a special CMSSW (4_2_8_lowpupatch1) release that is used with 2010 global conditions: low PU and detector conditions. Furthermore to simulate the Shower Library (SL) in HF calorimeter we should add some customization. The cmsDriver.py commands above remains these options. Please, see detailed information here. Using this release, the CASTOR detector is included.

If you do not like to use the cmsDriver.py commands, there is some templates for GEN-SIM step Monte Carlo storaged at Git. These templates were created using cmsDriver.py command.

git clone https://github.com/dfigueiredo/UserCode.git UserCode
cd UserCode/MCProduction

This folder should be added in the same directory of the Monte Carlo's interface: Exhume Interface, Pompyt Interface or Pomwig Interface.

If you would like to see some crab examples for publish your samples, see [https://github.com/dfigueiredo/UserCode/tree/master/Utilities][here]] or add this package:

git clone https://github.com/dfigueiredo/UserCode.git UserCode
cd UserCode/Utilities/

QCD Pythia 6 (TuneZ2) with Shower Library and Castor


cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1
cd CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1/src
git cms-cvs-history import V01-00-104 Configuration/GenProduction
scram b

You must copy the file MyShowerLib.py inside Configuration/GenProduction/python. After that, compile again:

scram b

Step1 - Creating Raw Sample: START42_V17D::All

cmsDriver.py Configuration/GenProduction/python/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff.py --step GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --customise Configuration/GenProduction/MyShowerLib.customise --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 30 --no_exec

ExHume with Shower Library and Castor


cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1
cd CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1/src
git cms-addpkg GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface
scram b

You must copy the file MyShowerLib.py inside GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/python. After that, compile again:

scram b

Step1 - Creating Raw Sample: START42_V17D::All

cmsDriver.py GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/python/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff.py --step GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --customise GeneratorInterface/ExhumeInterface/MyShowerLib.customise --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 30 --no_exec

cmsRun ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py

Pompyt with Shower Library and Castor


cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1
cd CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1/src
cd src/
git cms-addpkg GeneratorInterface/PompytInterface

After that, create the directory Configuration/GenProduction/python inside /src folder and copy MyShowerLib.py and pompyt_cff.py inside this folder.

scram b

Step1 - Creating Raw Sample: START42_V17D::All

cmsDriver.py GeneratorInterface/PompytInterface/python/pompyt_cff.py --step GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --customise GeneratorInterface/PompytInterface/MyShowerLib.customise --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 30 --no_exec

cmsRun pompyt_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py

Pomwig with Shower Library and Castor


cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1
cd CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1/src
cd src/
git cms-addpkg GeneratorInterface/PomwigInterface

After that, create the directory Configuration/GenProduction/python inside /src folder and copy MyShowerLib.py and pompyt_cff.py inside this folder.

scram b

Step1 - Creating Raw Sample: START42_V17D::All

cmsDriver.py GeneratorInterface/PomwigInterface/python/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff.py --step GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --customise GeneratorInterface/PomwigInterface/MyShowerLib.customise --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 30 --no_exec

cmsRun POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py


We are following the same official steps. Please see here. These steps are common for all GEN-SIN samples.

Step2: DIGI-L1

cmsDriver.py step2 --step DIGI,L1,DIGI2RAW --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM-RAW -n -1 --no_exec

Step3: RECO

cmsDriver.py step3 --step RAW2DIGI,L1Reco,RECO --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --customise Configuration/GlobalRuns/reco_TLR_42X.customisePPMC --eventcontent RECOSIM --datatier GEN-SIM-RECO -n -1 --no_exec

Print Particle PDGid Products

Add in your cmssw data card python:

process.printTree = cms.EDAnalyzer("ParticleTreeDrawer",
                                   src = cms.InputTag("genParticles"),
                                   printP4 = cms.untracked.bool(True),
                                   printPtEtaPhi = cms.untracked.bool(False),
                                   printVertex = cms.untracked.bool(True),
                                   printStatus = cms.untracked.bool(True),
                                   printIndex = cms.untracked.bool(True),
                                   status = cms.untracked.vint32( 3,2,1 )

process.analysis = cms.Path(<your path>*process.printTree)

Monte Carlo File
Pomwig Download
ExHuMe Download
Pompyt Download

Monte Carlo Info and Cross Sections

Monte Carlo Process File
PYTHIA6 QCD (qg -> qg), pT [15,3000] GeV Download
Pomwig DPE DPE Dijets, Pt > 30 GeV Download
Pomwig SD Plus SD+ Download
Pomwig SD Minus SD- Download
ExHumE CEP Dijets, gg M100 Download
Pompyt Minus SD- Download
Pompyt Plus SD+ Download
PowHeg DY (Z -> ll) Download

Monte Carlo samples (with 2010 conditions, 7 TeV and simulated with Shower Library at HF) are described above.

Monte Carlo Samples

Pythia 6

Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM/sfonseca-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM-c38d7ead30f31817f8cc27bad2af2fa2/USER GEN-SIM 300k
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_GEN_SIM/dmf-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW.root-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-RECO 590k
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM/sfonseca-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 300k
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_GEN_SIM/dmf-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_RAW2DIGI_L1Reco_RECO.root-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 588k
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM_Set_2013/sfonseca-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_pythia6_cff_py_GEN_SIM_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO_Set2013-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 500k


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL-0a7f13e68d89ee9888e3fd20aa028649/USER GEN-SIM 832k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-0a7f13e68d89ee9888e3fd20aa028649/USER GEN-SIM 884k
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-8b609156aa1ab2d5744260ac6ec29afa/USER GEN-SIM 927k
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL-8b609156aa1ab2d5744260ac6ec29afa/USER GEN-SIM 476k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-1fd238c2e832cf3b972d07d24a940049/USER GEN-SIM 892k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL-1fd238c2e832cf3b972d07d24a940049/USER GEN-SIM 225k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_15OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 326k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_9NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 860k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_15OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 218k
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_9NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 882k
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_21SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_15OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 139k
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_9NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 920k


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/sfonseca-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM-6a962cd8cb45e3e9bb4c61eb4b0f4e72/USER GEN-SIM 300k
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25Oct_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_25Oct_2012_START42_V17D_SL-6a962cd8cb45e3e9bb4c61eb4b0f4e72/USER GEN-SIM 954k
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_9NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_9NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-6a962cd8cb45e3e9bb4c61eb4b0f4e72/USER GEN-SIM 980k
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_28SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_15OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 297k
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_28SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_28SEP_2012_START42_V17D_SL-6a962cd8cb45e3e9bb4c61eb4b0f4e72/USER GEN-SIM 696k
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/sfonseca-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_DIGI_L1_DIGI2RAW_L1Reco_RECO-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 300k


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_15_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_15_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 293k
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 930k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_15_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_15_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 621k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 905k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 976k
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-11d25a3a306cb10663af12474470d4a6/USER GEN-SIM 948k
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_PLUS_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_1NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 925k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_1NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 870k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_19NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 970k
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_PLUS_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_RAW_prod_19NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-L1 945k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_25_OCT_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPTY_MINUS_7TeV_cff_py_RECO_prod_8NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 870k
/POMPTY_PLUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPYT_PLUS_7TeV_cff_py_RECO_prod_19NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 921k
/POMPTY_MINUS_GEN_SIM_prod_19_NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMPYT_MINUS_7TeV_cff_py_RECO_prod_19NOV_2012_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 965k


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events
/POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_GEN_SIM_prod_4_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_GEN_SIM_prod_4_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL-a417dcddb86bb04ddfae65c46dda2b1c/USER GEN-SIM 470k
/POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_GEN_SIM_prod_4_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_DIGI2RAW_prod_8_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI-RAW 470k
/POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_GEN_SIM_prod_4_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POWHEG_Z_7TeV_LHE_HADRONIZER_PYTHIA6_TuneZ2_RECO_prod_9_jan2013_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 470k

@ DBS = https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02_writer/servlet/DBSServlet

Monte Carlo Info and Cross Sections

Monte Carlo Process File
PYTHIA6 QCD (qg -> qg), pT [15,3000] GeV Gen Fragment
Pomwig DPE DPE Dijets, Pt > 30 GeV Gen Fragment
ExHumE CEP Dijets, gg M100 Gen Fragment

Monte Carlo samples (with 2010 conditions, 7 TeV and simulated with Shower Library at HF) are described above.

Monte Carlo Samples

Pythia 6

Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events T2
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_GEN_SIM_prod_13_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_GEN_SIM_prod_13_march2013_START42_V17D_SL-c38d7ead30f31817f8cc27bad2af2fa2/USER GEN-SIM 530k T2_Wisconsin
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_GEN_SIM_prod_13_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_DIGI_L1_prod_18_march2013_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI 430k T2_Wisconsin
/QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_GEN_SIM_prod_13_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-QCD_Pt_15to3000_TuneZ2_Flat_7TeV_PYTHIA6_RECO_prod_19_march2013_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 400k T2_Wisconsin


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events T2
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL-8b609156aa1ab2d5744260ac6ec29afa/USER GEN-SIM 430k T2_Wisconsin
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_DIGI_L1_prod_18_march_2013_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI 400k T2_Wisconsin
/POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-POMWIG_DPEDijets_7TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_RECO_prod_19_march_2013_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 400k T2_Wisconsin


Sample (START42_V17D::All) Type Number of Events T2
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL-6a962cd8cb45e3e9bb4c61eb4b0f4e72/USER GEN-SIM 277k T2_Wisconsin
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_DIGI_L1_prod_18_march_2013_START42_V17D_SL-a245662ccd4ce3197df6a3eade1b0afd/USER DIGI 277k T2_Wisconsin
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM_prod_12_march2013_START42_V17D_SL/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_7TeV_cff_py_RECO_prod_19_march_2013_START42_V17D_SL-35a0dc8c7cdf0a4d87dcc69389f75456/USER RECO 277k T2_Wisconsin

@ DBS = https://cmsdbsprod.cern.ch:8443/cms_dbs_ph_analysis_02_writer/servlet/DBSServlet

Monte Carlo Info and Cross Sections

Monte Carlo Process Gen Fragment MC Output Text
Pompyt EWK (DY to ll), SD (p+) Gen Fragment XS
Pompyt EWK (DY to ll), SD (p-) Gen Fragment XS
ExHume CEP Dijets Gen Fragment XS

Monte Carlo Samples, 2015 Conditions, Trigger Studies, 13 TeV

Sample (POSTLS162_V1::All) Type Number of Events T2
/POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March-15df3551c26ec06d00b611c6a5fd42ec/USER GEN-SIM 2M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March-15df3551c26ec06d00b611c6a5fd42ec/USER GEN-SIM 2.25M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_13March_DIGI2RAW-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER DIGI-RAW 1.75M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_13March_DIGI2RAW-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER DIGI-RAW 2M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_plus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_17March_RECO-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER RECO 1.75M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_12March/dmf-POMPYT_minus_Z_M50_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_17March_RECO-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER RECO 2M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM-b3c6189aab6ab0f2c286a563f4780f9d/USER GEN-SIM 1.6M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM-ffeddfb834fd9cef01bc35aaf535d109/USER GEN-SIM 1.6M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_DIGI2RAW_8April-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER GEN-SIM-RAW 1.6M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_24October2014_DIGI2RAW-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER DIGI-RAW 1.2M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M100_13TeV_cff_py_AODSIM_8April-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER AODSIM 1.25M T2_RU_IHEP
/ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_GEN_SIM/dmf-ExHuME_CEPDijetsGG_M40_13TeV_cff_py_AODSIM-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER AODSIM 1.25M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractivePlusZmumu_M50_13TeV_GEN_SIM/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractivePlusZmumu_M50_13TeV_GEN_SIM-39e6cfb7aac5162fcba65c8119e3ff64/USER GEN-SIM-RAW 1.1M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveMinusZmumu_M50_13TeV_GEN_SIM/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveMinusZmumu_M50_13TeV_GEN_SIM-95e4f2bba20fc136c59b77abc3096016/USER GEN-SIM-RAW 1.1M T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July-2a5497c1e9daf7294a8b9b3cc6775731/USER GEN-SIM 600k T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July-bf06ed1efb32d326e150d327c15d7842/USER GEN-SIM 600k T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SD_DIJETS_MINUS_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_31July_DIGI2RAW-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER DIGI-RAW 600k T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SD_DIJETS_PLUS_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_31July_DIGI2RAW-dd24ac44ecca7092ed3cb973499d6fc4/USER DIGI-RAW 600k T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsPlus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SD_DIJETS_PLUS_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_4Aug_AODSIM-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER AODSIM 600k T2_RU_IHEP
/POMWIG_SingleDiffractiveDijetsMinus_13TeV_Pt_30_cff_py_GEN_SIM_29July/dmf-POMWIG_SD_DIJETS_MINUS_13TeV_POSTLS162_V1_4Aug_AODSIM-7d9ad8f26548f72967911c05f338e6d3/USER AODSIM 600k T2_RU_IHEP

@ DBS = phys03

Powheg Tests

Description about running Powheg.


svn checkout --username anonymous --password anonymous svn://powhegbox.mib.infn.it/trunk/POWHEG-BOX
cd POWHEG-BOX-1.0/

Z Example

Enter in process folder:
cd Z
Compile code
cd testrun-lhc
The file powheg.input contains MC inputs and parameters. The command below will run Powheg using parameters from powheg.input file.

LHE to edm Format

You need Install CMSSW_X_Y_Z. Choose a directory.
cmsrel CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1
cd CMSSW_4_2_8_lowpupatch1/src
Install LHE Producer:
git cms-addpkg GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface
Copy Pythia Hadronizer with TuneZ2 to your Work Area
git cms-cvs-history import Configuration/GenProduction/python/SevenTeV/Hadronizer_TuneZ2_7TeV_generic_LHE_pythia_cff.py
scram b
cmsDriver command example uses as input lhe file created by Powheg MC.
cmsDriver.py Configuration/GenProduction/python/SevenTeV/Hadronizer_TuneZ2_7TeV_generic_LHE_pythia_cff.py --filein=file:pwgevents.lhe --filetype=LHE --step GEN,SIM --geometry DB --conditions=START42_V17D::All --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n 10 --no_exec

RAW Powheg File: for 2010 conditions and Shower Library

Copy MyShowerLib.py inside LHEInterface/python folder. If there is no python folder, create it. After that, compile with scram b.

cmsDriver.py Configuration/GenProduction/python/SevenTeV/Hadronizer_TuneZ2_7TeV_generic_LHE_pythia_cff.py --filein=file:pwgevents.lhe --filetype=LHE --step GEN,SIM --beamspot Realistic7TeVCollision2010B --conditions START42_V17D::All --pileup NoPileUp --datamix NODATAMIXER --customise GeneratorInterface/LHEInterface/MyShowerLib.customise --eventcontent RAWSIM --datatier GEN-SIM -n -1 --no_exec

After create RAW file, you are able to simulate your sample with CMS detector.


CMS Hardware Activities and Commissioning

GBTX Documentation:

IC Test: Credence Sapphire

UERJ: HF Upgrade

UERJ: HF Meeting

UERJ: FPGA Software

FirstName Diego
LastName Figueiredo
Email dmf@cernNOSPAMPLEASE.ch


Comment CT-PPS Core DAQ Team
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Topic revision: r217 - 2024-01-26 - DiegoFigueiredo
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