Notes on DNN for HIN b-tagging

Goal: train the b-tag discriminator in HIN-like conditions to improve ttbar-event like selection with respect to pileup jets

On-going studies/results

Technical details

Software installation

Details on the HIN forest tree setup can be found here and on the DeepJet trees can be found in DeepJet. The setup needed to create the ntuples used to train the discriminator are the following:

cmsrel CMSSW_7_5_8_patch3
cd CMSSW_7_5_8_patch3/src
git cms-merge-topic -u CmsHI:forest_$CMSSW_VERSION
# Switch to the branch HEAD
git remote add cmshi
git fetch cmshi
git checkout -b forest_$CMSSW_VERSION remotes/cmshi/forest_$CMSSW_VERSION
scram b
git clone topskim

Creating the jets tree

Start by creating the HiForestTree with the baseline information on jets, tracks and centrality

cd topskim
cmsRun test/

Transform the HiForest tree to a jet by jet tree

root -l makeJetsSkim.C+\(\"test.root\",\"HiForestAOD.root\"\) 

The output file will contain a TTree called jets with the following information

Variable Comment
hibin centrality bin
{run,lumi,event} event identifier
jetIdx jet index in the original event
{pt,eta,phi,m} jet 4 momentum
rawpt uncorrected pT
genpt pt of the matched gen jet
tau{1,2,3} N-subjettiness
csv{V1,V2} csv discriminators v1 and v2
trackSip{2d,3d}SigAboveCharm impact parameter significance 2D,3D
trackSip{2d,3d}ValAboveCharm impact parameter value 2D,3D
svntrk #tracks associated to the secondary vertex
sv{dl,dls,dl2d,dls2d} flight distances and associated significances for the sec. vertex
sv{pt,m,mcorr} pt, mass and corrected mass of the sec. vertex
sv{e2e,ptrel} ratio of energies and pTrel of the sec. vertex
svtksumchi2 χ2 sum of the tracks attached to the sec. vertex
svcharge charge of the secondary vertex
svtkincone sec. vertex tracks inside the jet cone
mu{pt2jet,ptrel} similar for a muon candidate
mupt pt of the muon candidate
mudr ΔR between muon and jet
is{B,C,UDSG,Unmatched} flag if it's b,c, udsg or unmatched at gen level
ntk tracks associated to jet
tkdr ΔR to jet
tkprob0 track probability (association to PV)
tkip{2d,3d} impact parameter value 2D,3D
tkip{2d,3d}sig significance of the impact parameter 2D,3D
tkipdist2j distance to jet axis
tkipclosest2j dca to primary vertex
tkptratio fration of the momentum perpendicular to jet
tk{pparratio} fraction of the momentum parallel to the jet


Sample Name DAS Events Jet trees # jets pT η
b-enriched /Pythia6_bJet170_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 501748 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet170_pp502_Hydjet_MB    
/Pythia6_bJet120_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 490065 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet120_pp502_Hydjet_MB    
/Pythia6_bJet100_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 492034 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet100_pp502_Hydjet_MB 1758542
/Pythia6_bJet80_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 490167 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet80_pp502_Hydjet_MB 766450
/Pythia6_bJet50_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 494596 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet50_pp502_Hydjet_MB 660362
/Pythia6_bJet30_pp502_Hydjet_MB/HINPbPbWinter16DR-75X_mcRun2_HeavyIon_v13-v1/AODSIM das 501715 /store/cmst3/group/hintt/psilva/Pythia6_bJet30_pp502_Hydjet_MB 782159
tt /store/cmst3/group/hintt/CMSSW_7_5_8_patch2/TT1l_172v5_PowhegV2_hvq/RECO n/a      

Useful links

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng pthat100.png r1 manage 12.9 K 2017-04-07 - 09:41 PedroSilva  
PNGpng pthat30.png r1 manage 11.8 K 2017-04-07 - 09:41 PedroSilva  
PNGpng pthat50.png r1 manage 11.4 K 2017-04-07 - 09:41 PedroSilva  
PNGpng pthat80.png r1 manage 13.3 K 2017-04-07 - 09:41 PedroSilva  
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Topic revision: r9 - 2017-04-07 - PedroSilva
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