GUI Electron Validation (Gev) Help Page

In all the text below the sentences are classically in black, with some important words in bold. Some titles are in bold blue , while the warnings are in bold red .

Any important comment are in bold green .

here a small text describing why this program.

Overview of the GUI

Here is the Electron Validation GUI Help Page. What is validation ?

The GUI is composed by 5 steps in order to have a complete validation :

- the release (also named Target) choice. It is the release to compare with the reference.

- the reference choice.

- the options choice. It is the options for the comparison.

- the resume/options choice. Here the options are related to choose some other options not related to comparison.

- the web page creation. Here, the folders to save the web pages of the histograms will be created. Two main folders are created : one named with the target release name without the CMSSW_ prefix (such as 9_4_0_pre3) and one with the same target release name with 2 extensions : _DQM announcing on which file we work (DQMIO.root files) and _std or _dev extension precising if we are making some development or production work. Sometimes you will encount some folders as 9_4_0_pre3_xxx_DQM_dev; these are old development folders.

In the following, each step (step 1 to step 5) is presented by a short text describing globally what each step does, and by a main image showing the GUI, as well as several other smaller images specifying certain points.


The GUI have 4 stages :

part 1 : the options


On the top of the GUI, there is a lot of options, which can be acceded on steps 3 & 4.

Looking at the panel, we see 3 main parts :

part 1 A

on the left this part have 5 sub parts. From left to right we have : Calcul, Validation, Spec/Ref, All/None and Datasets.

  • Calcul

Here we have to chose what sort of comparison we want. We have 3 choices :

Only one choice is possible.

  • Validation - Spec/Ref

For the selected type of comparison, you have the following choices :

available for Release vs Reference





RECO vs miniAOD *

PU25 vs PU25

PUpmx25 vs PU25

PUpmx25 vs PUpmx25 *

miniAOD vs miniAOD



PU25 vs PU25 *

PUpmx25 vs PUpmx25 *

miniAOD vs miniAOD *

where * tell you that you are in the case where the Reference have the same value as Release.

  • All/None : by selecting All you have all the DataSets selected in respect to the default rules of selection (see below). By setting None, no Dataset is selected.

  • DataSets : dataset have a lot of values (see the following pictures).
step0-1g.png step0-1h.png

You can select more than one value at time as in the pictures above. The table below show you the DataSets selected by default.

Type of validation List of datasets

SingleElectronPt10, SingleElectronPt35, SingleElectronPt1000

QCD_Pt_80_120_13, TTbar_13, ZEE_13

PU25ns, PUpmx25ns


TTbar_13, ZEE_13
Those DataSets are located in the file in the filters functions such as DataSetsFilter_FullRECO(self). Note, if you want to add a DataSet, you have to add another line below all previous, keeping the format "!DataSet, 0/1".

After save the modification in the python file, you have to click on the reload button and your new path appears into the list. You do not have to close the GUI to do this !

Be careful! : the dataset is the name you want in the scroll list, 0/1 set the dataset to be checked (1) or not (0). The DataSet MUST have the same form as in the global list such as in the result of the command :

eos ls /eos/cms/store/relval/CMSSW_10_2_0 (CMSSW_10_2_0 is here for example). As we are working on RelVal you do not have to keep it into the scroll list. So if you want to add the RelValZMM_13 as preselected DataSet, you have to add the line

"ZMM_13, 1".

part 1 B

on the center, named web folder name customization leads to modifie the name of the folders.

  • Web folder name customization : you can add somme customization of your folders for some specific reason such as a new ROOT version to validate or another gcc version. You can customize each Release or Reference folder or the two !

You have only to write in the correct form the part of text to add and it will be added at the next step. Be careful, once you have clicked on Next button, the folder is created !

part 1 C

on the right, 3 sub parts named : std/dev, Location and release.

  • Location : location can have at least 3 values (see the following picture).


    You can select one value at time : local to have locally your histograms, Remote afs/eos to put them on the afs/eos (see table below).
Remote afs /afs/
Remote eos /afs/
Remote eos /eos/project/c/cmsweb/www/egamma/validation/Electrons/Dev/
Remote eos /eos/project/c/cmsweb/www/egamma/validation/Electrons/Releases/
Those paths are located in the file in the DataLocation (self) function. Note, if you want to save the web pages in the /eos/project/c/cmsweb/www/egamma/validation/Electrons/Releases/ path, you have 2 choices :

- first, you can un comment the line which is already written and comment the line with /afs/,

- second, you can add another line below all previous, keeping the format "path tag, 0/1, path". After save the modification in the python file, you have to click on the reload button and your new path appears into the list.

You do not have to close the GUI to do this !

the path tag is the name you want in the scroll list, 0/1 set the path to be checked (1) or not (0), and the path is ... the path. Note that if you have more than one path with 1, only the first into the list will be taken into account.

  • release which summarizes the releases (target and reference) you have selected


    Note that when you have selected some comparisons such as RECO vs miniAOD, PUpmx25 vs PU25 or Fast vs Full (RECO, PU, PUpmx25 and miniAOD) the Reference takes automatically the same value as the Release.

part 2 : the summary


Here are listed some informations such as the folder in which you are, the release base version (linked to the folder with cmsenv) and the release you are using. Note that this release may be different from those you will choose later.

In step 2 additionnal informations such as the target and reference releases are added, as the working directory.

In step 5, the folder in which are located the web pages and the histograms will be added and for those folders (working directory target & reference, resume folder for web pages) a colored notice will be added if they are already existing.

part 3 : the selections


In this section you will chose the baseline release and the target (or reference) release. We will see later in step 3 that in the same place you will chose the couples (Dataset, GlobalTag).

The selection is made by selecting (clicking on) one item in the" List" or in the window "Release" (or "Reference")

part 4 : the actions

Here, the actions are not specifically related to the validation.


you will find from right to left : one an Exit button, 2 buttons (About, Help) for help and 2 buttons those names are changing with your evolution followed by some text describing the next button function.

- The Exit button as his name says permit the exit from the GUI. Note that if you have some task being treated (histograms creation) or an open window (Help for example) you cannot exit before the end of the task or the closure of the window.

- About button explain you who is the developer of the GUI (and the help he had from).

- The Help button leads you to this wiki, directly in the section where you are, i.e. if you are in step 3 and you click on Help, you go directly at the step 3 part of this wiki.

Please, note the hint which say you have to wait for the browser launch.


Explanation - How to use it

This GUI can be used with the following commands :

cmsrel CMSSW_X_Y_Z[_preT]

cd CMSSW_X_Y_Z[_preT]/src


git cms-addpkg Validation/RecoEgamma and then

cd Validation/RecoEGamma/test

python /eos/project/c/cmsweb/www/egamma/validation/Electrons/GUI/Validation-Project-DEV/

or, more conveniently with the script : /eos/project/c/cmsweb/www/egamma/validation/Electrons/GUI/ CMSSW_RELEASE_VERSION where CMSSW_RELEASE_VERSION can be CMSSW_10_3_0_pre1 or any version you want.

Step 1

The step 1 is those of the choice of the release whose consistency we want to check.


In this step, 2 things to do :

1 : chose the baseline release, on the left in the window named "List"

2 : chose the release on the right in the window "Release".

so on the following picture:


we chosed in the List CMSSW_10_2_X, the Release 10_2_0_pre5. Note that when you have clicked on CMSSW_10_2_X the name of the window change from Release to CMSSW_10_2_X.

The only other thing to do for this step is to click on "Next".

Step 2

The step 2, after the step 1, allows you to choose the reference release.


In this step, you also 2 things to do :

1 : chose the baseline release, on the left in the window named "List"

2 : chose the release on the right in the window "Reference".

We chosed in the List CMSSW_10_2_X, and the Reference 10_2_0_pre4. You have also note that when you have clicked on CMSSW_10_2_X the name of the window change from Reference to CMSSW_10_2_X.

Here also, the only other thing to do for this step is to click on "Next".

Summary : you have chosen to compare CMSSW_10_2_0_pre5 (the new release) with CMSSW_10_2_0_pre4 (reference).

Step 3

step 3 : the choices for the validation ; what to do, what to select.

After the couple (Release/Reference) have been chosen, you have to chose what to do (FULL vs FULL, FAST vs FAST or FAST bs FULL) and which comparison you want.

As explained above (see part 1, Validation - Spec/Ref) you have the following choices :

  Release vs Reference





RECO vs miniAOD *

PU25 vs PU25

PUpmx25 vs PU25

PUpmx25 vs PUpmx25 *

miniAOD vs miniAOD



PU25 vs PU25 *

PUpmx25 vs PUpmx25 *

miniAOD vs miniAOD *

where * tell you that you are in the case where the Reference have the same value as Release. For example, in the case of the picture below, if you chose RECO vs miniAOD, you will have the Release equal to CMSSW_10_2_0_pre5 and the Reference also equal to CMSSW_10_2_0_pre5.

You can see that sometimes there is blue or black color for DataSets : this is due to the search algorithm. If there is for one case (Release or Reference) a selected DataSet that is not present for a given GlobalTag, so the color of the remaining DataSets is black. When all the selected DataSets are found, the color is blue.


Be careful : click on the datasets list you want to select or on the globaltag such as in the picture below. Do not click on the word DataSets nor GlobalTags nor on the numbers !


As explained on (part 1 A Datasets), you can unselect some datasets.

Step 4

step 4 (web page) : you can chose the path for saves and launch the web page creation


In this section, you ave the DataSets you want to use and the associated GlobalTags. You have noticed that the part 3 resume your choices (operations, DataSets selected and GlobalTags).

You have to chose where you want to store the web pages, and if you are testing some things (dev selection in std/dev) or not (std selection).

You can also customize the web pages folders. As explained in part 1, you can add somme customization of your folders.

You have only to write in the correct form the part of text to add and it will be added at the next step. Be careful, once you have clicked on Next button, the folder is created !

Sometimes, generally if you are re running some same old cases the folders name may be colored (working dir release and reference in red and resume folder in blue). It means that those folders already exist

Be careful : you will probably rewrite the web pages !

Step 5

step 5 (web page) : load the root files and create the web pages.


When you click on Next at the end of step 4, there is nothing more to do. All is automatic. The GUI will load all the root files and create the web pages where you have told it. When it's done you have the following notification :


and when the web pages are finished, you have something like :


and when each Dataset is done, the GUI warns you that it is done and give you the link (clickable) where you can see the web page.

When it's done, you have:


Note :

  1. if you are doing the validation locally, there is no links.
  2. as in step 4, the folders (working dir release, reference and resume folder) may be colored, and sometimes, even if it is a new validation with a new GlobalTag, due to multiple verifications.

Additional notes

-- ArnaudChiron - 2018-05-30

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