DIRAC databases

The request DB

mysql> use RequestDB;
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_RequestDB |
| Channel             |
| Channels            |
| Datasets            |
| FTSReq              |
| FTSReqLogging       |
| FileToCat           |
| FileToFTS           |
| Files               |
| ReplicationTree     |
| Requests            |
| SubRequests         |

Channel table

Every row is a transfer request??


  • ChannelID
  • FileID
  • Status
  • SourceSE
  • SourceSURL
  • TargetSE
  • TargetSURL
  • FileSize
  • Retries
  • SchedulingTime
  • SchedulingTimeOrder
  • LastUpdate
  • LastUpdateTimeOrder
  • CompletionTime

Channels table

Every row is an FTS channel. Attributes are:
  • channel ID
  • source site
  • destination site
  • status
  • FTS server
  • files : files associated to the request. In general, whenever possible, requests are of bulk type, so one request has N files associated to it.
  • channel name


mysql> select * from Channels;
| ChannelID | SourceSite | DestinationSite | Status | FTSServer                                                                          | Files | ChannelName   |
|         1 | CERN       | CERN            | Active | https://fts22-t0-export.cern.ch:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/FileTransfer |    50 | CERN-CERN     |
|         2 | CERN       | CNAF            | Active | https://fts22-t0-export.cern.ch:8443/glite-data-transfer-fts/services/FileTransfer |    50 | CERN-CNAF     |

Datasets table

empty on volhcb12...


Every row is an FTS request

Files table

Every row is a file involved in some transfer

mysql> select * from Files;
| SubRequestID | FileID | Status    | LFN                                                                 | Size | PFN  | GUID | Md5  | Addler | Attempt | Error |
|          230 |   1778 | Waiting   | /lhcb/development/2010/DST/00000013/0000/00000013_00000024_3.dst    | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL   | 1       | NULL  |

ReplicationTree table

Every row is what? NOT CLEAR

mysql> select * from ReplicationTree;
| FileID | ChannelID | AncestorChannel | Strategy          | CreationTime        |
|      1 |        39 | -               | MinimiseTotalWait | 2010-07-20 13:25:43 |

Requests table

Every row is a request

mysql> show columns from Requests;
| Field           | Type         | Null | Key | Default   | Extra          |
| RequestID       | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL      | auto_increment |
| Status          | varchar(32)  | NO   | PRI | Receiving |                |
| RequestName     | varchar(128) | NO   | PRI | NULL      |                |
| JobID           | int(11)      | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| OwnerDN         | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| OwnerGroup      | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| DIRACSetup      | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| SourceComponent | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| CreationTime    | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| SubmissionTime  | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| LastUpdate      | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL      |                |

  • RequestID
  • Status
  • RequestName - the name of the xml file containing the request, i.e. 00000013_00000024_11352.xml
  • JobID - some job id internal to DIRAC (I guess)
  • OwnerDN
  • OwnerGroup - group of the owner of the request, i.e. lhcb_prod
  • DIRACSetup
  • SourceComponent - I see always NULL ... NOT CLEAR
  • CreationTime
  • SubmissionTime
  • LastUpdate

SubRequest table

Every row is a sub request. Usually, a request has N sub requests associated to it. This is very convenient because usually a request is associated to a job, and a job makes many operations, and any of this individual operations corresponds to a sub request.
mysql> show columns from SubRequests;
| Field          | Type         | Null | Key | Default   | Extra          |
| RequestID      | int(11)      | NO   | MUL | NULL      |                |
| SubRequestID   | int(11)      | NO   | PRI | NULL      | auto_increment |
| Status         | varchar(32)  | NO   | PRI | Receiving |                |
| RequestType    | varchar(32)  | NO   | PRI | NULL      |                |
| Operation      | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| Arguments      | blob         | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| ExecutionOrder | int(11)      | NO   |     | 0         |                |
| SourceSE       | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| TargetSE       | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| Catalogue      | varchar(32)  | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| Error          | varchar(255) | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| CreationTime   | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| SubmissionTime | datetime     | YES  |     | NULL      |                |
| LastUpdate     | datetime     | YES  | MUL | NULL      |                |


  • RequestID
  • SubRequestID
  • Status
  • RequestType - actually it is the sub request type! can be: diset, logupload, register, removal, transfer
  • Operation - operation to be done on the sub request (NOT on the request!). On the DB of volhcb12 this is what I see (but of course many more operations exists on these sub requests!):
    • for diset: sendBookkeeping
    • for logupload: uploadLogFiles
    • for register: registerFile
    • for removal: replicaRemoval
    • for transfer: replicateAndRegister
  • Arguments: NULL or the XML file with all the data necessary to process the subrequest. For a sedToBkk operation this is the big list of parameters to be sent. For the transfer and removal sub requests this is always NULL (at least in volhcb12)
  • ExecutionOrder: always 0, 1, 2. Always 0 for transfer, 1 for removal, 2 for register
  • SourceSE
  • TargetSE
  • Catalogue : NULL or BookkeepingDB
  • Error
  • CreationTime
  • SubmissionTime
  • LastUpdate

mysql> select distinct RequestType from SubRequests;
| RequestType |
| diset       |
| logupload   |
| register    |
| removal     |
| transfer    |
mysql> select distinct Operation from SubRequests where RequestType='transfer';
| Operation            |
| replicateAndRegister |

-- ElisaLanciotti - 01-Dec-2010

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