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Physics Analysis:

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AN Summary:

Pile up Reweighting:

1 Data pileup is calculated by using the corresponding pileup JSON file by masking lumi sections out of the certain datasets. An important parameter is the minibias cross section. Now recommend is 69000+-5%, I used 69400, and 80000 was said being under review for run2. (The current results show the larger one in better, say 71000 is much better than 69000)

2 MC pileup is simulated based on the expected data pileup, but not accurate sometime(like the runII_spring _74x_mc, produced before the runII data taking, much like guess, pretty off). The same MC campaign (the same cmssw version), should has the same pileup input, which can be found in the cmssw pdf directly.

3 Get the pileup weight factor depends on the TrueNumInteractions(puTrue in ggNtuples) by data_pu/mc_pu

4 Apply the pu weight factor to the mc samples, using the nVtx to test to see how the data the mc agree.

The follows plots use data JSON: Cert_246908-260627_13TeV_PromptReco_Collisions15_25ns_JSON_Silver_v2.txt

MC pdf: mix__2015__25ns__Startup__PoissonOOTPU__cfi_8py_source.html from CMSSW_7_4_15_patch1

True PU distributions: PUTrue-data_vs_mc69400.png

Before PU, the nVtx probability distributions xxx.png

After PU, the nVtx probability distribution ele_vtxpu.png

Event Selection

Event Selection
Pre selection *Event cleaning and trigger requirement
*Exact one tight lepton, no additional loose lepton
*At least 3 jets and one of them should be btagged(CSVM)
Signal Region 1 (SR1) N(gamma)=1
Signal Region 2 (SR2) N(gamma)≥2

SUSY Signal
MC Background
Run2 Data

CMS Service:

ECal Trigger:

-CMS DQM GUI guide:

To change the low and high interest parameters of TTF

TT flag is sent from the TCC to the SRP and included in the DCC for debugging purposes. The last two bits characterize the TT energy state, while the third bit is enabled if the TT flag was produced with error conditions.

TT Flag (binary) Description
000 Low interest TT (Tower Et (transverse energy) is bellow the low threshold)
001 Mid-interest TT (Tower Et is between the low and high thresholds)
010 Not used
011 High-interest TT (Tower Et is above the high threshold)
100 Force TT readout (Agilent sync link error )
101 Force TT readout (Hamming code error )
11x Force TT readout (Other error conditions )

The selective readout algorithm classifies the trigger towers of the ECAL into 3 classes using the Level-1 trigger primitives. The transverse energy Et deposited in each trigger tower is compared to 2 thresholds. Trigger towers with an energy above the higher threshold are classified as high interest trigger towers(TTF==3),then the crystals of this trigger tower and its neighbour trigger towers ( 9 trigger towers in total of 225 crystals in the barrel case) are read with no suppression. Those with the transverse energy between the 2 thresholds as medium interest(TTF==1), then the crystals of this trigger tower (25 crystals in the barrel case) are read with no suppression. And those with an energy below the lower threshold as low interest trigger towers(TTF==0) and it is not the neighbour of a high interest trigger tower, then the crystals in it are read with zero suppression at about 3σnoise.

* In the following example, we want to set the High interest threshold to 2.5 GeV and Low interest threshold to 1.5 GeV. In TTF:

Et<1.5 Low Interest TTF=0
1.5 ≤ Et < 2.5 Medium Interest TTF=1
2.5 ≤ Et High Interest TTF=3

The first steps are the same as To_Load_the_New_Timing_Parameter

  • Log on to P5

  • This takes you to:
  • An example of script generating parameters:
  • dry run:
writeToDB = cms.bool(False),

  • To update OMDS (online database). Switch on the "writeToDB". And the DB will be updated.
writeToFiles = cms.bool(True),

  • Here we set the High interest: 2.5 GeV & Low interest: 1.5 GeV, change the parameters as the following lines:
 TTF_lowThreshold_EB = cms.double(1.5), ## EB Trigger Tower Flag low threshold in GeV
TTF_highThreshold_EB = cms.double(2.5), ## EB Trigger Tower Flag high threshold in GeV
TTF_lowThreshold_EE = cms.double(1.5), ## EE Trigger Tower Flag low threshold in GeV
TTF_highThreshold_EE = cms.double(2.5), ## EE Trigger Tower Flag high threshold in GeV
  • Execute the config below, then you will get the Output text file TPG_beamv6_trans_spikekill.txt (you can edit the output filename in the script as well) with the new TPG param updated

  • Open the Output file TPG_beamv6_trans_spikekill.txt to check the parameters, search for LUT until you find the lines below:
  • The last digit of each line shows the ADC counts, convert it to Et by mutiplying 0.5 GeV /ADC. The third digit from right is the TTF. So, 0x0 presents 0 ADC which converts to 0 GeV, goes to zere suppression region with TTF=0, here we omit the 0 (it should look like 0x000 by principle), 0x104 presents 4 ADC which converts to 2.0 GeV, TTF=1, and 0x305 presents 5 ADC which converts to 2.5GeV, TTF=3.
  • Why we have the same text printed four times? The original ADC are 10 digits binary with the last two digits for decimals part which have four possibilities .00, .01,.10, .11), while convert to Et, the decimal parts are left out, but each possibility still counts, so we get the "exact" same lines four times.

ECal upgrade simulation investigation:

Ecal Trigger Primitive comparison for Data/MC 2016

* To investigate the TP consistency between Data and MC for 2016 datasets, I performed the comparison study on behalf of the Ecal Trigger Team and delivered presentations in Ecal and L1 meetings. The quick summary here is, we got good agreement for the TP spectra. For the high energy TP region, the stats is limited and data indicates more high energy TP than mc which resulted to the discrepancy in the accumulative TP spectra. The accumulative TP spectra are treated as the roughly measurement of the rate and exaggerate the high energy difference.

ECAL DPG Meeting report: Joint L1T DPG - TSG Meeting report:

ECAL L1 weekly Laser correction Validation

L1Trigger EG weekly Certification

Central computing shift:

-- FanXia - 2016-02-26

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I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf PUTrue-data_vs_mc69400.pdf r1 manage 13.9 K 2016-04-25 - 17:17 FanXia  
PNGpng PUTrue-data_vs_mc69400.png r1 manage 162.9 K 2016-04-25 - 17:44 FanXia  
PNGpng ele_vtxpu.png r1 manage 17.8 K 2016-04-25 - 17:28 FanXia  
PNGpng xxx.png r1 manage 22.6 K 2016-04-25 - 17:28 FanXia  
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Topic revision: r10 - 2016-07-28 - FanXia
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