pathena usage

usage: pathena [options] <> [<> [...]]

'pathena --help' prints a summary of the options


Option Description Ganga can do this right now?
-h, --help show this help message and exit yes
--split=SPLIT Number of sub-jobs to which a job is split yes
--nFilesPerJob=NFILESPERJOB Number of files on which each sub-job runs yes
--nEventsPerJob=NEVENTSPERJOB Number of events on which each sub-job runs ?
--site=SITE Site name where jobs are sent (default:ANALY_BNL_ATLAS_1 yes
--inDS=INDS Name of an input dataset yes
--minDS=MINDS Dataset name for minimum bias stream ?
--nMin=NMIN Number of minimum bias files per one signal file ?
--cavDS=CAVDS Dataset name for cavern stream ?
--nCav=NCAV Number of cavern files per one signal file ?
--libDS=LIBDS Name of a library dataset sortof
--beamHaloADS=BEAMHALOADS Dataset name for beam halo A-side ?
--beamHaloCDS=BEAMHALOCDS Dataset name for beam halo C-side ?
--nBeamHaloA=NBEAMHALOA Number of beam halo files for A-side per sub job ?
--nBeamHaloC=NBEAMHALOC Number of beam halo files for C-side per sub job ?
--beamGasHDS=BEAMGASHDS Dataset name for beam gas Hydrogen ?
--beamGasCDS=BEAMGASCDS Dataset name for beam gas Carbon ?
--beamGasODS=BEAMGASODS Dataset name for beam gas Oxygen ?
--nBeamGasH=NBEAMGASH Number of beam gas files for Hydrogen per sub job ?
--nBeamGasC=NBEAMGASC Number of beam gas files for Carbon per sub job ?
--nBeamGasO=NBEAMGASO Number of beam gas files for Oxygen per sub job ?
--outDS=OUTDS Name of an output dataset. OUTDS will contain all output files yes
--destSE=DESTSE Destination strorage element. All outputs go to DESTSE (default :%BNL_ATLAS_2) yes
--nFiles=NFILES, --nfiles=NFILES Use an limited number of files in the input dataset yes
--nSkipFiles=NSKIPFILES Skip N files in the input dataset no
-v Verbose trivial
-l, --long Send job to a long queue trivial
--blong Send build job to a long queue trivial
--cloud=CLOUD cloud where jobs are submitted (default:US) trivial
--noBuild Skip buildJob yes
--individualOutDS Create individual output dataset for each data-type. By default, all output files are added to one output dataset no
--noRandom Enter random seeds manually trivial
--memory=MEMORY Required memory size trivial
--official Produce official dataset no
--extFile=EXTFILE pathena exports files with some special extensions (.C, .dat, .py .xml) in the current directory. If you want to add other files, specify their names, e.g., data1,root,data2.doc yes
--extOutFile=EXTOUTFILE define extra output files, e.g., output1.txt,output2.dat yes
--supStream=SUPSTREAM suppress some output streams. e.g., ESD,TAG ?
--noSubmit Don't submit jobs yes
--tmpDir=TMPDIR Temporary directory in which an archive file is created trivial
--shipInput Ship input files to remote WNs ?
--noLock Don't create a lock for local database access n/a
--fileList=FILELIST List of files in the input dataset to be run ?
--dbRelease=DBRELEASE DBRelease or CDRelease (DatasetName:FileName). e.g., do.000001.Atlas.Ideal.DBRelease.v050101:DBRelease-5.1.1.tar.gz ?
--addPoolFC=ADDPOOLFC file names to be inserted into PoolFileCatalog.xml except input files. e.g., MyCalib1.root,MyGeom2.root ?
--skipScan Skip LRC/LFC lookup at job submission n/a
--inputFileList=INPUTFILELIST name of file which contains a list of files to be run in the input dataset no
--removeFileList=REMOVEFILELIST name of file which contains a list of files to be removed from the input dataset no
--corCheck Enable a checker to skip corrupted files n/a
--prestage EXPERIMENTAL : Enable prestager. Make sure that you are authorized no
--useAMGA use AMGA for location lookup n/a
--voms use VOMS extensions ?
--ara use Athena ROOT Access yes
--araOutFile=ARAOUTFILE define output files for ARA, e.g., output1.root,output2.root yes
--trf=TRF run transformation, e.g. --trf " %IN %OUT.AOD.root %OUT.ntuple.root -1 0" ? AtlasAthenaMC?
--notSkipMissing If input files are not read from SE, they will be skipped by default. This option disables the functionality n/a
--burstSubmit=BURSTSUBMIT Please don't use this option. Only for site validation by experts GangaRobot
--inputType=INPUTTYPE File type in input dataset which contains multiple file types ?
--mcData=MCDATA Create a symlink with linkName to .dat which is contained in input file ?
--pfnList=PFNLIST Name of file which contains a list of input PFNs. Those files can be un-registered in DDM ?
-c COMMAND One-liner, runs before any jobOs no
-p BOOTSTRAP location of bootstrap file ?

pathena flow

  • import libs
  • import Client
  • set defaults
  • parse options
  • sanity check options:
    • require outDS, split>=0, nEventsPerJob not used when nFilesPerJob
    • set site=AUTO if cloud specified
    • start preparing file list: filelist, inputFileList, removeFileList
    • check grid proxy
      • get DN
    • verify outDS matches DN and format
    • check if outDS is unique (and check shadowDS also)
  • parse cmt environment: cmt show projects
    • gets athenaVer, groupArea, cacheVer, nightVer
  • get run directory
  • get job options file
  • use runBrokerage to choose site (if site==AUTO and inDS not specified)
  • correct site (add ANALY_) and destSE (destSE=site if destSE=='')
  • extract run configuration
    • uses ConfigExtractor to determine output files
    • verify that there are output files.
  • archive sources, InstallArea
    • send to panda
  • get outDS location if it already exists
  • handle input files:
    • get list of files: fileList
      • if inDS: runBrokerage against list of sites holding the inDS
      • if pfnlist: add the pfns
      • if shipFiles: fileList=shipFiles
      • do splitting of input
    • handle other types: cavernList, minbiasList, eamHaloAList, beamHaloCList, beamGasHList, beamGasCList, beamGasOList
  • get DB datasets
  • index the output files
  • submit the job
    • build job and subjobs if splitting
    • attach input and output file descriptions
    • create outDS and libDS
    • submit the job to panda
  • log job in local record db for pathena_util

Panda Client functions - provides functions:
    def _x509():
        def __init__(self):
        def get(self,url,data):
        def post(self,url,data):
        def put(self,url,data):
        def convRet(self,ret):
    def getSiteSpecs():
    def getLRC(site):
    def getLFC(site):
    def getSE(site):
    def submitJobs(jobs,verbose=False):
    def getJobStatus(ids):
    def killJobs(ids):
    def reassignJobs(ids):
    def queryPandaIDs(ids):
    def queryLastFilesInDataset(datasets,verbose=False):
    def putFile(file,verbose=False):
    def deleteFile(file):
    def queryFilesInDataset(name,verbose=False,v_vuids=None):
    def getDatasets(name,verbose=False):
    def addDataset(name,verbose=False):
    def getElementsFromContainer(name,verbose=False):
    def convSrmV2ID(tmpSite):
    def getLocations(name,fileList,cloud,woFileCheck,verbose=False,useAMGA=False):
    def eraseDataset(name,gridSrc,verbose=False):
    def nEvents(name, verbose=False, askServer=True, fileList = {}, scanDir = '.'):
    def _getPFNsLRC(lfns,dq2url,verbose):
    def getMissLFNsFromLRC(files,url,verbose=False):
    def _getPFNsLFC(fileMap,site,explicitSE,verbose=False):
    def getMissLFNsFromLFC(fileMap,site,explicitSE,verbose=False):
    def _getGridSrc():
    def getDN(origString):
        def __init__(self):
        def getMap(self):
        def handle_data(self, data):
        def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        def handle_endtag(self, tag):
    def getJobStatusFromMon(id,verbose=False):
    def runBrokerage(sites,atlasRelease,cmtConfig=None,verbose=False):
    def isExcudedSite(tmpID):

-- DanielVanDerSter - 30 Jul 2008

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