HIN-16-013 PreCWR Comments

Comments from Ferenc(paper v0)

C1:Do you have any other MC generator to compare to? Epos is only one. As far as I can understand Hijing is only used for estimating the DS efficiency?

Response1 Unfortunately, for now, EPOS LHC is the only model we have. We contacted one of the EPOS authors again, he said the EPOS 3.2 still needs a lot of work. Yes, a small sample of Hijing is only used for estimating the DS efficiency in pPb.

C2:Since the data-MC comparison are based on Epos Lhc, you should devote a paragraph to the details and ideas built into that generator. Right now you only have "including collective flow in pp and pPb collisions".

Response2 Added more details in that sentence. One paragraph might be too much. The model starts with Gribov Regge Theory as initial condition. For the produced system with strings, if the density os a area is larger than a critical density, it is referred as core, otherwise, corona. Parametrized flow is only added for the core areas.

C3:Particles vs tracks: these two appear often; is there a difference between the two or do you use them interchangeably? would be good to better differentiate.

Response3 Tracks are used for reconstruction part. For other parts we use particles.

C4:L 31: you say that low multiplicity region is inconclusive, but in the next sentence it is about "wide kinematic range". The two do not match.

Response4 "wide kinematic range" has been deleted, to avoid confusion.

C5:L 88-102: it would be important to make clear why you select pp and pPb events differently

Response5 "to further remove background events" has been added.

C6:L 103: efficiency wrt what?

Response6 The sentence has been modified to "efficiency with respect to the inelastic events".

C7:L 103-112: again, why do you employ the DS selection for pPb, and a different one (inelastic?) for pp; needs a justification; not clear if by correcting to different collision selections (inelastic vs DS) how much bias or distortions you introduce

Response7 To avoid model dependent event selection correction, pPb was corrected to DS events, as what has been done in previous charged hadron publication. The bias or distortions has also been mentioned in the paper.

C8:L 133-141: can you somehow justify the choices, I mean the concrete values of the cuts? especially words on the decay length significance for Lambda (10) is needed

Response8 Actually, the "decay length" for associated lambda here should be called 3D separation between lambda vertex and primary vertex. The paper has been changed accordingly. We also added "due to the long life time of Ks, Lambda" in previous paragraph, where we mentioned the decay length cut of Ks and lambda.

C9:L 148: you could argue here that q^B mimics the available phase space volume

Response9 "to mimic the available phase space volume" is added

C10:L 150: "good description" should be quantified

Response10 "good"->"reasonable"

C11:L 158-: please indicate the overall/average reconstruction efficiency at a representative pT

Response11 Since this analysis presents spectra of four strange particles in both pp and pPb for several center of mass rapidity bins, it would be not easy to indicate the reconstruction efficiency in a short paragraph. The authors would prefer not to add extra sentences, however, this can be discussed.

C12:L 228: the DS and inelastic efficiencies come too late here; I would think that they should be mentioned where they were mentioned first

Response12 It has been moved to earlier section.

C13:Figs 3 and 4: what is the reason for Epos Lhc not describing the higher pT region for K0s and Lambda (maybe I missed that in the text)


We don't have a sentence to illustrate the reason. In EPOS the paper, PHYSICAL REVIEW C 92, 034906 (2015), it gives the following reasons. It is because of "the strong screening in nuclear collisions in EPOS which reduces the number of binary collision in the initial state". We have quoted the paper but not this sentence. We can definitely add one sentence if ARCs think it is needed.

Update: A sentence regarding this part has been added. This will show up in paper v2.

C14:Figs 3 and 4: it would be great - to have more MC events - or if that is not possible then to smooth the Epos curves

Response14 We have tried to smooth the EPOS curves. Please check whether the plots look better.

C15:Summary: I understand that the various effects interfere, but some more solid conclusion are needed

Response15 One sentence about the EPOS comparison is added in the summary. The last sentence is also rewritten.
C16: Text Related:

L 4: overall strangeness

L 9-15: very long sentence, please split in two

L 73-75: theta and eta do not need a definition (check if you use theta later)

L 83: sqrt(sNN) and = etc have to much space in between

L 84: extra "

L 113: candidate

Table 1 and 2: what is the reason for missing values/empty cells? are the 0, negligible or something else? could indicate that with "--"

Ref 46 is published in PLB

Response16 Done

Comments from Kong(paper v0)

C1:Please make sure that all the symbols or shorthands are defined the first time they show up, for example, - proton-proton to pp collisions (line 11) - proton, kaon, and pion, in the reconstruction section. Use them consistently. - GEANT4, find the right format and use it consistently and please double check with others.

Response1 Done

C2:Figures: - remove the preliminary label - Fig.1, in the caption, mention what is ave.sigma. - Unify the font size, for example, figure.4 the "EPOS LHC Data" looks small. I suggest you compile the paper into your journal format (double column) and make sure your figures look ok in those format and unify all the styles and font size, to save time in a later stage. - on a gray scale, some of your band are not distinguishable

Response2 Done

C3:Abstract:- do we need "as functions of pT"? Can transverse momentum spectra be function of something else? - not sure if you need to mention pT for transverse momentum, check with the rules

Response3 Right, we don't need "as functions of pT". Have deleted this.

C4:In general, I still think the introduction needs some work. It seems to me that all the information are mentioned somewhere, but not in a straightforward order. For example, the motivation of doing a RpA is not given before you start defining the RpA. line 8-9, seems too general and simply "serves as baseline" means nothing to the reader, people may wonder "baseline of what". I encourage the analyzers to think more carefully about what motivates the RpA analysis or what motivates pA collisions in general.

Response4 This part is rewritten in the new version.

C5:Later starting from line 21, it starts to talk about the strangeness production in small systems, and that, in my opinion, is part of your analysis motivation, which can be mentioned earlier at the second paragraph. So does those lines that talk about "collectivity" in small systems. Therefore, I suggest to rearrange the introduction so the paper can be easier to understand.

Response5 Done. This part is rewritten in the new version.
C6: Specifiy comments:

line 3-4: "The strangeness enhancement"

line 5: "proton-proton (pp)"

line 22: "CMS[21] and ALICE[22] experiment"

line 29-30: the collectivity seems to come from nowhere and in between discussion of RpPb. See general comment.

line 40: Reference? Maybe add a sentence explicitly saying what the RpPb expectation is? below 1 or greater 1? similar to line 45

line 44: do we need to define x?

line 48: "forward (p-going) and backward (Pb-going) rapidity regions."

line 84: typo " line 162: ", while up to 4\% of the lambda candidates are found to be nonprompt from simulations." line 223, ", <Ncoll> = 6.9, which is obtained from a Glauber MC simulation[7,8]."

line 226-229, does this paragraph imply that the spectra is corrected by the DS events? It seems like only the difference between DS and inelastic collisions is mentioned, but which one is the result corrected for?

Response6 l3, done. l5, done. l22, done. l44, we do not need to define x, same as HIN-12-017. l48, done. l84, done. l223, done. l226, pPb is corrected to DS events, pp is corrected to inelastic events. This sentence has been removed to event selection part.

Comments from Michael (paper v2)

C1:6th line of abstract say

"The observed values of RpPb are larger than unity for baryons in the pT range from 3 to 6 GeV, and this enhancement is larger for multistrange baryons which also have larger mass."


"For Ko mesons RpPb increases from Pt = 0.5 to 3 GeV but is consistent with unity for Pt> 3 GeV. In the pT range from 3 to 6 GeV, RpPb is above unity for the three baryons with R_pPb^Omega> R_pPb^Xi>R_pPb^Lambda > R_pPb^K0.

Response1 Done

C2:The asymmetries increase away from mid-rapidity and for up to 2.0 GeV are found to be larger for K0 and Lambda than for charged hadrons. For pT> 2.0 GeV the asymmetries are greater for Lambda than for K0.

Response2 Done

C3:L11 Delete the sentence "All these results make pPb collisions worth to be studied thoroughly."

Response3 Done

C4:Paragraph 2 should be broken at line 18 since here you start to introduce RpPb.

Response4 Done

Comments from Vicki (LE) (paper v3)

File for all the comments.

selected comments:

C1:L17-20: Particle production in pA and dA as compared to pp collisions has been extensively studied at both RHIC [16–19] and the LHC [20–22] using the nuclear modification factor RAB. For collisions between two nuclei, …


Since AB hasn't been defined yet, we think it would be better to mention RAB later.

We changed this sentence to :

"Particle production in pA and dA as compared to pp collisions gas been extensively studied at both RHIC [16–19] and the LHC [20–22] using the nuclear modification factor. For collisions between two nuclei, A and B, the nuclear modification factor, RAB, is defined as the ratio of particle yield in AB collisions to those in pp collisions ..."

C2:L109-110: About 99% of pPb events are selected with respect to the DS events from simulations… Do you mean that 99% of the pPb events are selected as DS events? Please write this more clearly.


Sorry about the ambiguity. The sentence has been changed to following:

"About 99% of pPb DS events are selected from simulations using the HIJING MC generator"

C3:L113: are corrected to inelastic collisions… Do you mean “are corrected for inelastic collisions”? Please clarify.

Response3 We mean, the spectra measured are inelastic after the correction.
-- HongNi - 2017-12-06
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