
Projects inside Run II preparation NEW 2014

This page contains information about the *Disk Spaces in All the GRID Computing Facilities for the HSGx [1-8] Groups*

Please refer to this two links for the status of the different HIGGS Disks in ATLAS:

Group Space Overview Tool
DQ2 Accounting: Storage Usage

NEW Samples to be saved for the HSGx Groups (October 2014)

NEW BASH Script to obtain the metadata from AMI + DQ2 (October 2014)

- To use this script please remember that you will need to have a valid proxy because you will use "GRID services"!
- The input file is any text file where you have as the first object of the line, the name of the dataset. Not mather of the next possibles fields after the name-dataset in the same line.
- To use the script just do: ./script.sh list_datasets.txt for example (using nohup for long lists): nohup ./script1.sh data_hsg1245.txt&;
- The output is another text file with the name => table_input_name. So, usign the same example, e.g. table_data_hsg1245.txt
- The idea is to obtain a table where the character to separate each of the properties in a line is " ; ". This will be particluary useful for subsequent importation to Google Docs.
- To use this script please create/take before a serie of files per group (HSGx) with this structure hsg*.list So, we can get all the groups that are using each particular dataset.


rm $current
rm $table

sed "s|_tid|\\n|g" $list | grep [a-z] >$current

while read line
   ami -v -f csv dataset info $line |
      grep \;                       |
      grep -v logicalDatasetName     >>tmp_$line

   grep $line hsg*.list |
      sed "s|_|\,\\n|g" |
      grep hsg          |
      tr ',\n' ','      |
      sed "s|,,|,|g"     >>tmp_$line

   echo ""               >>tmp_$line

   dq2-ls -f $line/             |
      grep :\                   |
      grep -v local             |
      sed "s|total size:\ ||g"  |
      sed "s|total files:\ ||g" |
      sed "s|date:\ ||g"         >>tmp_$line

   echo "<CENTER><a href=\"http://panda.cern.ch/server/pandamon/query?dataset=$line/\" target=\"_blank\">Panda Browser link</a></CENTER>" >>tmp_$line

   grep . tmp_$line |
      tr '\n' ';'    >tp_$line

   mv tp_$line tmp_$line

   sed "s|Flags;|Flags,|g" tmp_$line |
      sed "s|True;|True,|g"           > tp_$line

   mv tp_$line tmp_$line

   cat tmp_$line >>$table
   echo "      " >>$table

   rm tmp_$line
done < $current

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Topic revision: r3 - 2014-10-19 - ArturoS
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