
This page is obsolete. Please go to MuonIDAnalysis.

The Harvard Analysis Framework is a combination of Athena and ROOT code designed for quick and efficient analysis of ESD's, with specific focus on muon related quantities. It is designed to be lightweight, easy to run, update, and share code, and have room to grow as more information is needed and the amount of data collected by ATLAS increases.

Quick Start

This section contains very brief instructions on how to get up and running as quickly as possible. For more information, please see later sections.

Making Ntuples

The Harvard Analysis Framework is designed to be run in release 15.6.3, so start by setting up your environment:

mkdir -p ~/testarea/15.6.3/run
source ~/cmthome/setup.sh -tag=15.6.3
cd ~/testarea/15.6.3

(Note that your setup may look slightly different - see the Computing workbook for more info)

Next, check out and compile the ntuple making package:

cmt co ${SVNGRP}/Institutes/Harvard/AthenaAnalysis/NtupleMakers
cd NtupleMakers/cmt

Finally, grab the example job options file, and run it!

cd ../../run
get_files -jo NtupleMaker_Example.py
athena NtupleMaker_Example.py

By default, the job runs on a DESD from the 2009 collisions that's on CERN AFS. If you don't have access to CERN AFS, please change the InputCollections at the beginning of the file.

Once the job is finished, you should an ntuple called ntuple.root in your run directory!

Adding Info to the Ntuple

Lets say you've made your first ntuple, but there's something missing that you need for an analysis. As an example, lets say that you're unhappy that TrackDumper stores the track theta, and you'd like to add the track eta.

(A note - all the line numbers here refer to NtupleMakers-00-00-15 which is available here. If you've checked out a more recent version, the line numbers might be slightly different. If you'd like to follow along, please use the links below, or check out that version of NtupleMakers with the command

cmt co -r NtupleMakers-00-00-15 ${SVNGRP}/Institutes/Harvard/AthenaAnalysis/NtupleMakers
cd NtupleMakers/cmt

Note that it probably very easy to figure out the exact line on the head version if you'd prefer to do it that way)

Start by looking at the header file for TrackDumper here. Specifically, look at line 64 - that's where we declare the vector to hold track theta:

std::vector *m_theta;

we'll need to also have a vector for track eta, so right after that line, add a similar line:

std::vector *m_eta;

Now that we've declared it, we have to add it to the ntuple and fill it!

Look at the src file for TrackDumper here. Specifically, look at line 113:

addBranch("track_theta", m_theta);

That's how we add the variable to the ntuple - the first argument is the name in the ntuple and the second is the vector that holds the info. So add a new line after that one that's similar:

addBranch("track_eta", m_eta);

Now look at line 157:


This code is called every event before execution and insures when you write out the tracks for event 1053, you don't still have info left over from tracks from event 1052.

Lastly, look at line 260:


This is where you fill the information. In this case, we calculate the theta at the origin. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll just cheat and calculate the eta from the theta, so add this line right after:

m_eta->push_back(-1. * ln ( tan(origin_theta/2.) ));

And now you're all set! Compile the code and run it as above, and your ntuple will now contain a variable called track_eta!

Examining the ntuples in ROOT

The easiest way to examine the ntuples in ROOT is whatever way you're most comfortable with. You can browse the ntuple as usual with:

root -l ntuple.root
TBrowser b;

You can call make class or make selector on it like with a normal ntuple.

Lastly, if you'd like to use the ROOT framework designed to work with the ntuple, you can run an example job in the following way:

First, checkout and build the ROOT framework:

cd ~/testarea/15.6.3
cmt co ${SVNGRP}/Institutes/Harvard/RootAnalysis
cd RootAnalysis

Run the analysis example:

cd Analysis/AnalysisExample
root -l run.C

You can change the input ntuple by altering run.C . It currently points to an ntuple available on CERN AFS, so if you don't have access to CERN AFS, you should change the input before running.

To see a more sophisticated example, take a look at, for example, JPsi, which looks for two track resonances and uses some of the tricks available from the framework.

Athena Framework

The athena framework consists of a collection of algorithms called dumpers, each of which dump information about a single (or closely related) athena object. This section describes why this approach was chosen, how the dumpers work, and what information they currently put in the ntuple.

Framework design

The HarvardAnalysisFramework had three basic design goals

  • Begin analysis quickly
  • Ability to develop code in parallel
  • Room to grow the framework as data quantity and complexity increases

To achieve these goals, we made a number of design choices. First, we chose to make the framework be as similar as possible to existing code while still achieving our objectives. This meant it was easy to include existing code and was easy to learn how to make new code for the framework. Second, we chose to make the framework as modular as possible by breaking it into small, distinct pieces. This allows developers to work in parallel without fear of creating conflicts. It also allows users to easily add or remove information based upon their analysis needs. Third, we chose to write the code in such a way as to promote good bookkeeping about versioning and input files. Finally, we chose to reduce the size of the ntuples whenever possible, in order to decreases disk space and speed up analysis.

There are three basic parts to the athena framework

  • NtupleMakerBase is a base class from which all ntuple dumpers derive. This class handles basic data flow as well as performs bookkeeping.
  • A dumper is an athena algorithm that fills the ntuple with information about a basic athena object (or collection of similar objects).
  • A job configuration is a job options file specifying which algorithms should be run and in what order.

These three parts are described below


The NtupleMakerBase class (src, header) is a base class for all ntuple dumpers in the framework. It was chosen to be very similar to the common ntuple making base class CBNT_AthenaAwareBase (which it inherits from) in order to allow ease of code transition and little time required to learn the new framework.

The basic concepts are very similar: for each variable you wish to fill in your ntuple, you declare memory in your class to hold the information; you then add a branch for that variable in the ntuple, and fill it as desired. However, there are a few differences in the flow of an algorithm in this framework.

Instead of an initialization function, NtupleMakerBase offers three functions in order to promote better coding:

virtual StatusCode loadServices()
virtual StatusCode loadTools()
virtual StatusCode addBranches()

The first two functions are overloaded in child classes to load services and tools, respectively, while the last is used to add branches to the ntuple. For example:

   StatusCode TrackDumper::loadTools() {
       StatusCode sc = m_trackSummaryTool.retrieve();
       if(sc.isFailure()) {
           ATH_MSG_WARNING("Unable to load summary tool!");
           m_trackSummaryTool = 0;

       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   StatusCode TrackDumper::loadServices() {
       StatusCode sc;
       sc = this->detStore()->retrieve(m_sctMgr, "SCT");
       if(sc.isFailure() || !m_sctMgr) {
           ATH_MSG_FATAL("Unable to retrieve SCT detector manager");
           return sc;
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
   StatusCode TrackDumper::addBranches() {
       addBranch("track_ntracks", m_NumberOfTracks,"nTracks/i");
       addBranch("track_index", m_index);
       addBranch("track_qoP", m_qOverP);
       addBranch("track_phi", m_phi);
       addBranch("track_theta", m_theta);
       addBranch("track_d0",   m_d0);
       addBranch("track_z0",   m_z0);

       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

From the example, you can see how branches are added to the ntuple:

       addBranch("track_phi", m_phi);

The first argument is the name of the branch in the ntuple and the second is the location in memory of the information (such as a std::vector* in this case).

To clear branches between events, NtupleMaker base offers the function to be overloaded:

virtual StatusCode clearBranches()

For example:

   StatusCode TrackDumper::clearBranches() {
       m_NumberOfTracks = 0;

       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

During execution, NtupleMakerBase offers four functions to be overloaded:

virtual StatusCode processNewJob()
virtual StatusCode processNewRun()
virtual StatusCode processNewBlock()
virtual StatusCode processNewEvent()

The first is called only upon loading the first event of the job, the second whenever a new run is encountered, the third whenever a new lumiblock is encountered, and the last every event. This offers very simple ways for filling metadata or other data that need not change every event. For example:

   StatusCode TriggerDumper::processNewBlock() {
       // add the prescales to the ntuple
       for(std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator iter = m_configuredTriggers.begin();
               iter != m_configuredTriggers.end(); ++iter)
       return StatusCode::SUCCESS;

dumps trigger prescales only every lumiblock (as they cannot change otherwise) rather than every event. Correctly placing data dumping can dramatically improve performance and decrease ntuple size.

Lastly, for finalizing, NtupleMakerBase offers a function for overloading:

virtual StatusCode finish()

In addition to the above, NtupleMakerBase also provides some bookkeeping by marking the ntuple with algorithms used and their version. Specifically, every ntuple will have a branch for each algorithm run of the form


For example, if TriggerDumper is run from the version of the code NtupleMakers-00-00-15, it will tag the ntuple with a branch called



Each dumper is responsible for dumping the information about a single athena object or a collection of closely related athena objects. This breakdown of the work offers a number of benefits

  • It reduces conflicts from developers making changes on the same file at the same time
  • It provides a primary contact or person responsible for each piece of code
  • It allows users to customize exactly what information they want in their ntuple

A list of dumpers is available here

Currently, they are:

  • BookKeeper
  • CaloDumper
  • EGammaDumper
  • ElectronDumper
  • LumiDumper
  • METDumper
  • MuonDumper
  • MuonSegmentDumper
  • PhotonDumper
  • TrackDumper
  • TriggerDumper
  • V0Dumper
  • VxDumper

A more detailed description of the contents of each dumper is available in later sections

Job Configuration

The job is configured by a job options file. This must do two things:

  • It must configure the detector services and tools correctly so they are available for the job
  • It must add the desired dumpers to the job

The current job options is available here

To add a dumper to the job, import the algorithm from the NtupleMaker configurable, configure the desired properties, and then add it to the job sequence. For example:

from NtupleMakers.NtupleMakersConf import MuonSegmentDumper
MuonSegmentDumper = MuonSegmentDumper()
MuonSegmentDumper.EventInfoKey = EventInfoKey
MuonSegmentDumper.NtuplePrefix = "seg"
MuonSegmentDumper.MuonSegmentContainerKey = "MooreSegments"
Sequencer += MuonSegmentDumper

The first line loads the MuonSegmentDumper class The second creates an instance The next three lines configure properties of the class The last line add its it to the job.

Ntuple contents

In this section of the contents of the ntuple as dumped by each dumper are described in detail

Book Keeping

Book keeping is performed by the BookKeeper algorithm (src, header). It contains information about the job structure.

Default name Filled on Description
job_tag Job Job tags (release number, geometry, etc.)
job_inputfiles Job Physical file name of input files
block_number Block Current luminosity block


Calorimeter information is dumped by the CaloDumper algorithm (src, header). It contains information about calo clusters and calo towers

Default name Filled on Description
caloCluster_nClusters Event Number of calo clusters in event
caloCluster_totE Event Total energy in calo clusters
caloCluster_eta Event Calo cluster eta
caloCluster_phi Event Calo cluster phi
caloCluster_hadEnergy Event Calo cluster hadronic energy
caloCluster_emEnergy Event Calo cluster EM energy
caloCluster_em0 Event Calo cluster EM energy in layer 0
caloCluster_em1 Event Calo cluster EM energy in layer 1
caloCluster_em2 Event Calo cluster EM energy in layer 2
caloCluster_em3 Event Calo cluster EM energy in layer 3
caloCluster_had1 Event Calo cluster hadronic energy in layer 1
caloCluster_had2 Event Calo cluster hadronic energy in layer 2
caloCluster_had3 Event Calo cluster hadronic energy in layer 3
caloCluster_larB Event Calo cluster energy in LAr barrel
caloCluster_larE Event Calo cluster energy in LAr endcap
caloCluster_fCal Event Calo cluster energy in forward calorimeter
caloCluster_hadE Event Calo cluster energy in hadronic endcap
caloCluster_tileB Event Calo cluster energy in tile barrel
caloCluster_tileG Event Calo cluster energy in tile gap
caloCluster_tileExB Event Calo cluster energy in tile extended barrel
caloTower_nTowers Event Number of calo towers in event
caloTower_totE Event Total energy in calo towers
caloTower_energy Event Calo tower energy
caloTower_eta Event Calo tower eta
caloTower_phi Event Calo tower phi


Information about Egamma objects is dumped by three dumpers. First, egammaDumper (header, icc) dumps information that similar for both electron and photon objects. Then, electron specific info is dumped by ElectronDumper (src, header) and photon specific info is dumped by PhotonDumper (src, header)


Default name Filled on Description
eg_et Event egamma transverse energy
eg_eta Event egamma eta
eg_phi Event egamma phi
eg_deteta Event egamma eta ( at calorimeter )
eg_ethad1 Event egamma transverse energy in first layer of hadronic calorimeter
eg_hadleak Event egamma transerse energy in hadronic calorimeter
eg_f1 Event egamma fraction of total energy in the first of the three samplings
eg_isocone2 Event egamma isolation transverse energy in cone of 0.2
eg_isocone4 Event egamma isolation transverse energy in cone of 0.4
eg_fracs1 Event egamma ratio of energy outside of core (but in seven strips) to energy inside shower core (three strips)
eg_deltaemax2 Event egamma mysterious "parametrization of E(2nd max)"
eg_deltae Event difference between 2nd maximum and energy minimum between it and the maximum
eg_demaxs1 Event relative difference in magnitude between first and second energy maxima
eg_wtot Event egamma sum runs over all strips in a width of d_eta x d_phi = 0.0625 x 0.2, roughly 40 strips across
eg_weta1 Event egamma like wtot, but summing over only three strips in making the RMS
eg_e277 Event egamma energy in a 7x7 (in eta x phi, cell unit width is 0.025 x 0.0245) cluster
eg_reta37 Event egamma e277/e237
eg_rphi33 Event egamma e233/e237
eg_weta2 Event egamma width of shower in second sampling


Default name Filled on Description
ele_isTight Event Does electron pass isTight pid requirements
ele_isMedium Event Does electron pass isMedium pid requirements
ele_isLoose Event Does electron pass isLoose pid requirements
ele_charge Event electron charge
ele_trkindex Event Index of ID track (for linking with info from TrackDumper)
ele_trkz0 Event electron ID track z0


Default name Filled on Description
pho_isTight Event Does photon pass isTight pid requirements
pho_isLoose Event Does photon pass isLoose pid requirements
pho_isConv Event Is the photon flagged as a conversion
pho_conv_vtx_ntracks Event Number of tracks coming from photon conversion vertex
pho_conv_vtx_R Event Radius of conversion vertex postion
pho_conv_vtx_phi Event Phi of conversion vertex position
pho_conv_vtx_z Event z position of conversion vertex position


Jets information is dumped by the JetDumper algorithm (src, header). It contains information about each JetCollection specified in the JobOptions.

Default name Filled on Description
JetCollectionName_nJets Event Number of jets in event
JetCollectionName_e Event Energy of Jet in GeV
JetCollectionName_px Event Momentum of Jet in the x direction in GeV
JetCollectionName_py Event Momentum of Jet in the y direction in GeV
JetCollectionName_pz Event Momentum of Jet in the z direction in GeV
JetCollectionName_pt Event Transverse momentum of Jet in GeV
JetCollectionName_eta Event Eta of Jet
JetCollectionName_phi Event Phi of Jet
JetCollectionName_Ncon Event Number of constituents in a Jet
JetCollectionName_ptcon Event Transverse momentum of constituent in GeV
JetCollectionName_econ Event Energy of constituent in GeV
JetCollectionName_etacon Event Eta of constituent
JetCollectionName_phicon Event Phi of constituent
JetCollectionName_weightcon Event Weight of constituent
JetCollectionName_emfrac Event ElectroMagnetic fraction of Jet energy
momentList Job Jet moments (specified in JobOptions)
JetCollectionName_moments Event Moments of Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_Nmu Event Number of Muons associated with Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_pt Event Pt of Muon associated with Jet in GeV
JetCollectionName_mu_eta Event Eta of Muon associated with Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_phi Event Phi of Muon associated with Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_charge Event Charge of Muon associated with Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_d0 Event d0 of Muon associated with Jet
JetCollectionName_mu_z0 Event z0 of Muon associated with Jet

Missing Energy

Information about the event missing energy is dumped by the METDumper (src, header).

Default name Filled on Description
mu_name Event Name of MET algorithm
met_metx Event MET in x direction
met_mety Event MET in y direction
met_source Event Detectors/Objects used for MET calculation


Muon information is dumped by the MuonDumper algorithm (src, header) for muon tracks and hits, and by the MuonSegmentDumper algorithm (src, header) for muon segments.

Naming convention

The muon variable names follow the D3PD scheme, to permit easier re-use of muon ntuple analysis code between the HarvardAnalysisFramework and MuonD3PDMaker.

Track information is filled for combined, muon spectrometer and inner detector muons. The corresponding variable affixes are:

Track kind Affix
Combined -
Muon Spectrometer ms
Inner Detector id

For each type of track (muon spectrometer, cobmined, inner detector), track parameters are filled relative to the following locations:

Extrapolation location suffix
Default perigee -
Origin ex0
Primary vertex exPV
Muon Spectrometer entrance exMS

Combined Muon information

Default name Filled on Description
mu_hasCombinedMuonTrackParticle Event whether the muon has a combined TrackParticle
mu_numberOfSegments Event Number of muon segments for muon
mu_matchchi2 Event chi2 of match between ID and MS
mu_bestMatch Event whether the combined muon is the best match to an MS muon
mu_author Event Primary muon author
mu_isLoose Event Test loose muon
mu_isMedium Event Test medium muon
mu_isTight Event Test tight muon
mu_etcone40 Event Calorimeter isolation energy in cone of size 0.4
mu_alsoFoundByCaloMuonId Event Whether seen by calo muon id
mu_energyLoss Event Energy loss in the calorimeter

Track parameters/errors

Default name Filled on Description
mu_pt Event Transverse momentum in GeV (combined muon)
mu_qoverp Event Charge divided by magnitude of momentum (combined muon)
mu_eta Event Eta (combined muon)
mu_phi Event Azimuthal angle (combined muon)
mu_d0 Event Transverse impact parameter (combined muon)
mu_z0 Event Longitudinal impact parameter (combined muon)
mu_vx Event perigee x coordinate (combined muon)
mu_vy Event perigee y coordinate (combined muon)
mu_vz Event perigee z coordinate (combined muon)

  • These are replicated for MS and ID tracks. Hence, mu_id_pt is the transverse momentum for the ID track while mu_ms_eta gives the eta of the spectrometer track
  • The above are also filled for extrapolated parameters. Hence, mu_id_vx_exMS is the extrapolated perigee for the ID track extrapolated to the entrance of the muon spectrometer. Similarly, mu_pt_exBI is the transverse momentum of the combined track at the BI chambers.

We also store the track parameters for the extrapolated MS track contained in the combined muon

Default name Filled on Description
mu_msextrap_pt Event extrapolated MS pt
mu_msextrap_d0 Event extrapolated MS D0
mu_msextrap_z0 Event extrapolated MS Z0
mu_msextrap_phi Event extrapolated MS Phi
mu_msextrap_eta Event extrapolated MS Eta

The diagonal errors:

Default name Filled on Description
mu_covqoverp Event fit error in q/p
mu_covtheta Event error in theta
mu_covphi Event error in phi
mu_covd0 Event error in d0
mu_covz0 Event error in z0

  • The errors above are also stored for ms and id tracks. In each case, the stored errors are relative to the default perigee.

The track's charge and fit chi2 with degrees of freedom are always stored (combined, muon spectrometer and inner detector)

Default name Filled on Description
mu_charge Event track charge
mu_fitchi2 Event chi2 of track fit
mu_fitndof Event fit degrees of freedom

Hit-on-track summary

Default name Filled on Description
mu_hasBM Event Whether the track has a measurement in the BI station
mu_hasBM Event Whether the track has a measurement in the BM station
mu_hasBM Event Whether the track has a measurement in the BO station
mu_hasEI Event Whether the track has a measurement in the EI station
mu_hasEM Event Whether the track has a measurement in the EM station
mu_hasEO Event Whether the track has a measurement in the EO station
mu_hasRPC1Eta Event Whether the track has an RPC eta hit in layer 1 (BM)
mu_hasRPC2Eta Event Whether the track has an RPC eta hit in layer 2 (BM)
mu_hasRPC3Eta Event Whether the track has an RPC eta hit in layer 3 (BO)
mu_hasRPC1Phi Event Whether the track has an RPC phi hit in layer 1 (BM)
mu_hasRPC2Phi Event Whether the track has an RPC phi hit in layer 2 (BM)
mu_hasRPC3Phi Event Whether the track has an RPC phi hit in layer 3 (BO)
mu_barrelSectors Event Number of barrel (phi) sectors in which the track has MDT hits
mu_endcapSectors Event Number of endcap (phi) sectors in which the track has MDT hits
mu_nBLHits Event Number of hits in the pixel B-layer
mu_nPixHits Event Number of hits in the pixels
mu_nSCTHits Event Number of hits in the SCT
mu_nTRTHits Event Number of hits in the TRT
mu_nTRTHighTHits Event Number of hits in the TRT passing high-threshold
mu_nBLSharedHits Event Number of shared hits in the pixel B-layer
mu_nPixSharedHits Event Number of shared hits in the pixels
mu_nSCTSharedHits Event Number of shared hits in the SCT
mu_nPixHoles Event Number of pixel layers on track with hit absence
mu_nSCTHoles Event Number of SCT holes
mu_nTRTOutliers Event Number of TRT outliers
mu_nTRTHighTOutliers Event Number TRT high-threshold outliers
mu_nMDTHits Event Number of MDT hits on track
mu_nMDTHoles Event Number of MDT holes
mu_nRPCEtaHits Event Number of RPC eta hits on track
mu_nRPCEtaHoles Event Number of RPC eta holes
mu_nRPCPhiHits Event Number of RPC phi hits on track
mu_nRPCPhiHoles Event Number of RPC phi holes
mu_nTGCEtaHits Event Number of TGC eta hits on track
mu_nTGCEtaHoles Event Number of TGC eta holes
mu_nTGCPhiHits Event Number of TGC phi hits on track
mu_nTGCPhiHoles Event Number of TGC phi holes
mu_nCSCEtaHits Event Number of CSC eta hits on track
mu_nCSCEtaHoles Event Number of CSC eta holes
mu_nCSCPhiHits Event Number of CSC phi hits on track
mu_nCSCPhiHoles Event Number of CSC phi holes
mu_nOutliersOnTrack Event Number of measurements marked as outliers

  • Again, the above variables are replicated for MS and ID tracks as well, hence mu_ms_nRPCPhiHits or mu_id_nPixHits
  • ID technology hit summary variables exist only for combined and ID muons. So, mu_ms_nPixHits does not exist, but mu_id_nPixHits and mu_nPixHits do.
  • MS technology hit summary variables exist only for combined and MS muons. So, mu_id_nTGCEtaHits does not exist, but mu_ms_nTGCEtaHits and mu_nTGCEtaHits do.

Hit-on-track details

Default name Filled on Description
mu_hitResidual Event hit residual w.r.t. track
mu_hitError Event hit error
mu_hitTech Event 0/1/2/3 for MDT/CSC/TGC/RPC
mu_hitId Event MuonFixedId for the hit
mu_hitX Event Global position, x
mu_hitY Event Global position, y
mu_hitZ Event Global position, z
mu_hitR Event Hit radius for MDT
mu_hitT Event Hit drift time for MDT
  • Individual track hits are stored only for the combined track. This behavior can be modified by changing (compile-time) flags.

Running over multiple track collections

By default, the MuonDumper filler runs once, for a combined muon collection. However, it is also possible to run it multiple times over track collections, and over multiple muon collections. This is useful, for example, to perform comparative studies between Muonboy and Moore tracks, or MS and ID tracks, or Staco and Muid etc. TrackCollection mode can be toggled on in the job obtions by setting DoAnalysisMuon to false. (the requisite configurations are included in the joboptions file NtupleMaker_ESD.py.)

In this mode, the relevant track parameters, extrapolations, hit summaries and details above are dumped depending on the track kind (ms or id), specified using the option TrackType.


Default name Filled on Description
mu_tag_pt Event Transverse momentum (GeV)
mu_tag_charge Event Charge
mu_tag_eta Event Eta
mu_tag_phi Event Azimuthal angle
mu_tag_chi2ndof Event chi2 per degree of freedom
mu_tag_d0 Event Transverse impact parameter
mu_tag_z0 Event Longitudinal impact parameter

Muon Segments

Default name Filled on Description
seg_nSeg Event Number of muon segments in event
seg_X Event Segment global X position
seg_Y Event Segment global Y position
seg_Z Event Segment global Z position
seg_phi Event Segment global phi direction
seg_theta Event Segment global theta direction
seg_locX Event Segment local X position
seg_locY Event Segment local Y position
seg_locAngleXZ Event Segment local XZ angle
seg_locAngleYZ Event Segment local YZ angle
seg_chi2 Event Segment fit chi2
seg_ndof Event Segment fit degrees of freedom
seg_sector Event Segment phi sector 1-16 (all technologies except TGC)
seg_nHits Event Number of hits on segment
seg_hitResidual Event hit residual w.r.t. segment
seg_hitError Event hit error
seg_hitTech Event 0/1/2/3 for MDT/CSC/TGC/RPC
seg_hitId Event MuonFixedId for the hit
seg_hitX Event Global position, x
seg_hitY Event Global position, y
seg_hitZ Event Global position, z
seg_hitR Event Hit radius for MDT
seg_hitT Event Hit drift time for MDT

Raw hits for the muon spectrometer

Default name Filled on Description
nMdtPRD Event Number of MDT PRDs in Event
MDT_fixedId Event Fixed Identifier of PRD
MDT_x Event Global x Position of MDT Prd
MDT_y Event Global y Position of MDT Prd
MDT_tdc Event TDC of MDT Prd
MDT_adc Event ADC of MDT Prd
MDT_driftRadius Event Drift Radius of MDT Prd
MDT_driftRadius Error Event Drift Radius error of MDT Prd
MDT_status Event Status of PRD

Default name Filled on DescriptionSorted ascending
RPC_x Event Global x Position of RPC Prd
RPC_y Event Global y Position of RPC Prd
RPC_inRibs Event in Ribs ?
RPC_measuresPhi Event Measures Phi
nRpcPRD Event Number of Rpc PRDs in Event
RPC_doubletR Event R doublet of RPC
RPC_ambiguityFlag Event RPC ambiguity flag
RPC_station Event Rpc Station
RPC_time Event RPC time
RPC_trigInfo Event RPC trigInfo
RPC_stripLength Event strip Length
RPC_stripPitch Event strip Pitch
RPC_stripWidth Event strip Width
RPC_doubletZ Event Z doublet of RPC

Default name Filled on Description
nTgcPRD Event Number of TGC PRDs in Event
TGC_x Event Global x Position of TGC Prd
TGC_y Event Global y Position of TGC Prd
TGC_z Event Global y Position of TGC Prd
TGC_shortWidth Event short Width of TGC strip
TGC_longWidth Event long Width of TGC strip
TGC_isStrip Event is strip or wire
TGC_channel Event channel no
TGC_eta Event eta of Station
TGC_phi Event phi of Station
TGC_bunch Event bunch (1 - previous, 2 - current , 3 - next one )

Default name Filled on Description
nCscPRD Event Number of CSC PRDs in Event
CSC_x Event Global x Position of CSC Prd
CSC_y Event Global y Position of CSC Prd
CSC_z Event Global y Position of CSC Prd
CSC_time Event CSC time
CSC_charge Event CSC charge
CSC_status Event CSC status
| CSC_station | Event | CSC station
CSC_charge Event vector of sampling charges
CSC_samplingPhase Event Sampling phase
CSC_measuresPhi Event Measures Phi
CSC_strip Event is Strip

Inner Detector Tracks

Information about inner detector tracks is dumped by TrackDumper (src, header)

Default name Filled on Description
track_ntracks Event Number of ID Tracks in event
track_index Event Index of track for linking to other algorithms
track_qoP Event Track charge divided by momentum (at 0,0)
track_phi Event Track phi (at 0,0)
track_theta Event Track theta (at 0,0)
track_d0 Event Track d0 (wrt 0,0)
track_zo Event Track z0 (wrt 0,0)
track_corr_qoP Event Track charge divided by momentum (at primary vertex)
track_corr_phi Event Track phi (at primary vertex)
track_corr_theta Event Track theta (at primary vertex)
track_corr_d0 Event Track d0 (wrt primary vertex)
track_corr_zo Event Track z0 (wrt primary vertex)
track_caloLossEnergy Event Energy in calorimeter along track
track_caloLossEnergyLoose Event Energy (no calo cell cut) in calorimeter along track
track_caloEnergyInCone Event Energy in calorimeter in cone around track
track_caloEnergyInCone Event Energy (no calo cell cut) in calorimeter in cone around track
track_vtx_x Event Track vertex x position
track_vtx_y Event Track vertex y position
track_vtx_z Event Track vertex z position
track_trthits Event TRT hits on track
track_scthits Event SCT hits on track
track_pixelhits Event Pixel hits on track
track_blayerhits Event B-layer hits on track
track_fixX2OverNDOF Event X^2 over number of degrees of freedom for track fit
sct_barrel_bias Block SCT barrel bias voltage
sct_endcap_abias Block SCT endcap a bias voltage
sct_endcap_cbias Block SCT endcap c bias voltage
track_cell_trkIndex Event Index of track calo cell is associated with
track_cell_eta Event CaloCell eta
track_cell_eta Event CaloCell phi
track_cell_energy Event CaloCell energy
track_cell_layer Event CaloCell layer in calorimeter
track_cell_isOnTrack Event Whether or not the extrapolated track goes through the cell
track_cell_isLoose Event Whether or not the calo cell passes noise suppression


Information about the trigger is dumped by the TriggerDumper ( src, header)

Default name Filled on Description
trig_triggers Run Name of each trigger chain in the configuration
trig_prescales Block Prescale of each trigger chain in the configuration
trig_bits Event Trig decision bits for each trigger chain in the configuration
trig_mbts_times Event Timing of MBTS cell
trig_mbts_energy Event Energy of MBTS cell
trig_mbts_quality Event Quality of MBTS cell
trig_mbts_eta Event Sign of eta of MBTS cell
trig_mbts_phi Event Phi of MBTS cell
trig_mbts_channel Event Channel ID of MBTS cell
trig_calo_ncellA Event Number of calo cells on endcap A above noise threshold
trig_calo_ncellC Event Number of calo cells on endcap C above noise threshold
trig_calo_timeA Event Energy weighted average time of calo cells in endcap A above noise threshold
trig_calo_timeC Event Energy weighted average time of calo cells in endcap C above noise threshold
trig_calo_energyA Event Total energy of calo cells in endcap A above noise threshold
trig_calo_energyC Event Total energy of calo cells in endcap C above noise threshold


Information is provided about two types of vertices: The primary vertex is filled from VxDumper (src, header) and displaced verticies are filled from V0Dumper (src, header)

Primary Vertex

Default name Filled on Description
vx_id Event ID of primary vertex for connecting to tracks
vx_x Event X position of primary vertex
vx_y Event Y position of primary vertex
vx_z Event Z position of primary vertex
vx_ntrks Event Number of tracks from this vertex
vxtrk_v0id Event ID of vertex this track belongs to
vxtrk_trkid Event ID of track to link to

Displaced Verticies

Default name Filled on Description
v0_id Event ID of displaced vertex for connecting to tracks
v0_x Event X position of displaced vertex
v0_y Event Y position of displaced vertex
v0_z Event Z position of displaced vertex
v0_ntrks Event Number of tracks from this vertex
v0trk_v0id Event ID of vertex this track belongs to
v0trk_trkid Event ID of track to link to


The section contains information about development plans for the framework.


This section contains information about getting help with using the HarvardAnalysisFramework. The first section contains answers to frequently asked questions, while the next section contains information about who you should contact if you need help or want to offer suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

None yet!

Where to go for help

The best way to get help is to contact the people in charge of the code you are interested in. They are listed below:

Role Contact information
Primary contact, framework development, urgent requests/bugs BenSmith
Secondary contact if above is not responding CorrinneMills , KevinBlack
Muon and Muon segment SrivasPrasad, KevinBlack, AlbertoBelloni, VerenaMartinez
Electron and photon CorrinneMills
Trigger BenSmith
ID Tracking BenSmith, CorrinneMills
Calorimeter LauraJeanty
MC Truth MichaelKagan
Jets GiovanniZeviDellaPorta

-- BenSmith - 11-Feb-2010

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Topic revision: r16 - 2010-04-16 - SrivasPrasad
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