
Nuisance parameter renaming schema

Motivation for renaming:

  • So far we present our result with one uncertainty, that results from the combination of many sources
  • For publication we want to be able to separate and name the dominant theory and experimental uncertainty components
  • For internal validation we want to be able to understand in detail, how different sources/groups of uncertainties influence our results
  • Almost all of this is possible today, but it is very hard to identify which NPs belong into same categories. A consistent naming scheme should help here a lot!

Category old NP name new NP name def Meaning
ggH specific QCD scale QCDscale_ggH QCDscale_ggH   signal scale uncertainty
-QCDscale_ggH_e0, QCDscale_ggH1in QCDscale_ggH_ptH_m01 A shift towards harder radiation (more jets) has a positive uncertainty amplitude (i.e. a positive pull of the associated NP would mean that data favours harder radiation) signal scale uncertainty associated with both 0->1 jet migration in JVE method, and pT Higgs defined categories.
QCDscale_ggH_e1 QCDscale_ggH_e1   veto effiency for 1<->2 migration, used by JVE method to define the 1 jet exclusive category in the H->WW analysis
QCDscale_ggH2in QCDscale_ggH_m12   signal scale uncertainty associated with VBF and VH selection
QCDscale_ggH3in QCDscale_ggH_m23   signal scale uncertainty associated with 3rd jet veto

The following table shows which QCDscale ggH NPs affect which analysis, and in which category for the final Run 1 papers:

Source HSG1 HSG2 HSG3 HSG4
QCDscale_ggH low-pTt ggF 0,1,2in -
QCDscale_pTH_m01 low/high pTt ggF 0,1,2in (via e0) boost
QCDscale_e1 - - 1,2in -
QCDscale_m12 VBF, VH VBF VBF VBF, boost
QCDscale_m23 VBF - (no 3jveto) VBF VBF

Category old NP name new NP name def Meaning
QCD scale uncertainties for other production modes QCDscale_XX, QCDscale_XX1in, QCDscale_XX2in QCDscale_XX, QCDscale_XX1in, QCDscale_XX2in, QCDscale_XX3in XX=WH,ZH,qqH,ttH signal scale uncertainty
Theory signal uncertainties (names not changed, as they have to be in agreement with CMS)   pdf_Higgs_XX XX=ggH, qqH, VH, ttH or XX=1, 2, 3, 4 if a correlated signal pdf model is used signal pdf uncertainty (can be correlated to pdf_XX if needed/wanted)
ATLAS_BR_XX ATLAS_BR_XX: to be used by individual analysis. Uncertainty values to be taken from here XX=WW,ZZ,gg,tautau,bb,Zg signal BR uncertainty for individual channels
ATLAS_PW_XX : to be used by the combination for the correlated BR model. NPs will be added in the combinations, individual analysis don't have to include them. The ATLAS_PW_XX from the individual analysis will then be set constant in the combination to avoid double counting XX=WW,ZZ,gg,tautau,bb,Zg correlated signal BR uncertainty for the combination
use QCDscale_(XX_)ANA_ or pdf_Higgs_(XX_)ANA_ for any analysis specific uncertainties that are clearly related to signal scale or PDF changes but can't use the NPs above
Theory background uncertainties (names not changed, as they have to be in agreement with CMS) QCDscale_XX, QCDscale_XX1in, QCDscale_XX2in QCDscale_XX, QCDscale_XX1in, QCDscale_XX2in, QCDscale_XX3in XX=ttbar, VV, ggVV, ... background scale uncertainty (VV is WW, WZ, and ZZ up to NLO, ggVV is gg->WW and gg->ZZ)
pdf_XX XX=gg,qg,qq background pdf uncertainty (can be correlated to pdf_Higgs_XX if needed/wanted)
use QCDscale_(XX_)ANA_ or pdf_(XX_)ANA_ for any analysis specific uncertainties that are clearly related to some background scale or PDF changes but can't use the NPs above
Other theory uncertainties UEPS, ATLAS_UE UEPS, ATLAS_UE : to be clarified, list most likely not complete yet. For Moriond 2013 and beyond: ATLAS_UE_ggH, ATLAS_UE_qqH underlying event, parton shower
Jet energy scale
JES: new prefix ATLAS_JES_ for HCP2012 and Simple2011 as defined in JESCorrelationRecommendations ATLAS_JES, ATLAS_JES_TOP, ATLAS_VH_JES, alpha_JESBKGO_ll?, alpha_JESBKHH_hh?, alpha_JESBKLH_l? ATLAS_JES_XX(_ANA/BG) 2012 only: XX=BASE 2012 JES model to be updated further after HCP to a model more similar to 2011. References: JetUncertainties, JetUncertainties2011, JetUncertainties2012
2011 only: XX=BASE2011_1-BASE2011_6 or BASE2011, ATLAS_JES_NONCLOSURE2011
in addition for 2011 and 2012: XX=CLOSEBY, FLAV, BJET, NPV, MU, FWD
(_ANA/BG)=analysis specific suffix if uncorrelation is needed
use ATLAS_JES_ANA_ for any JES related NP that is not related to the NPs above
JES: ATLAS_JES_ and ATLAS_JES_2012_ for the full 2012 JES correlation treatment as defined in JESCorrelationRecommendations   ATLAS_JES_2012_Statistical1, ATLAS_JES_2012_Statistical2, ATLAS_JES_2012_Statistical3, ATLAS_JES_2012_Modelling1, ATLAS_JES_2012_Modelling2, ATLAS_JES_2012_Modelling3, ATLAS_JES_2012_Modelling4, ATLAS_JES_2012_Detector1, ATLAS_JES_2012_Detector2, ATLAS_JES_2012_Detector3, ATLAS_JES_2012_Mixed1, ATLAS_JES_2012_Mixed2, ATLAS_JES_Eta_Modelling, ATLAS_JES_2012_Eta_StatMethod, ATLAS_JES_HighPt, ATLAS_JES_NPV, ATLAS_JES_Mu, ATLAS_JES_2012_PilePt, ATLAS_JES_2012_PileRho_ANA_BG, ATLAS_JES_Closeby, ATLAS_JES_FlavComp_ANA_BG, ATLAS_JES_FlavResp, ATLAS_JES_Flavb, ATLAS_JES_NonClosure_MCTYPE for the details and the question of the 2011 and 2012 correlation see JESCorrelationRecommendations
JES: ATLAS_JES_ and ATLAS_JES_2011_ for the full 2011 JES correlation treatment as defined in JESCorrelationRecommendations   ATLAS_JES_2011_Statistical1, ATLAS_JES_2011_Statistical2, ATLAS_JES_2011_Statistical3, ATLAS_JES_2011_Modelling1, ATLAS_JES_2011_Modelling2, ATLAS_JES_2011_Modelling3, ATLAS_JES_2011_Modelling4, ATLAS_JES_2011_Detector1, ATLAS_JES_2011_Detector2, ATLAS_JES_2011_Mixed1, ATLAS_JES_2011_Mixed2, ATLAS_JES_Eta_Modelling, ATLAS_JES_2011_Eta_TotalStat, ATLAS_JES_HighPt, ATLAS_JES_NPV, ATLAS_JES_Mu, ATLAS_JES_Closeby, ATLAS_JES_FlavComp_ANA_BG, ATLAS_JES_FlavResp, ATLAS_JES_Flavb, ATLAS_JES_NonClosure_MCTYPE for the details and the question of the 2011 and 2012 correlation see JESCorrelationRecommendations
JER: new prefix ATLAS_JER_ ATLAS_JER, ATLAS_JER_TOP, ATLAS_VH_JER ATLAS_JER, ATLAS_JER_TOP, ATLAS_JER_VH   JER to be clarified with jet/etmiss group
use ATLAS_JER_ANA_ for any JER related NP that is not related to the NPs above
Btagging: new prefix ATLAS_BTag_ BTagXXEffic ATLAS_BTag_XXEFF XX=B0, B1, B2, B3, B4, C, L (to be updated as the b-tagging models+correlations to be used for different channels are not finalized) Btagging and mistag systematics
use ATLAS_MET_ANA_ for any MET related NP that is not related to the NPs above
Electron/Muon triggers
new name pattern ATLAS_YY_20XX_TRIG   ATLAS_YY_20XX_TRIG, YY=EL (for e and ee triggers), MU (for mu and mumu triggers), ELMU (for mixed emu triggers), XX=11, 12 Trigger systematics decorrelated between electron, muon and mixed triggers and decorrelated between 2011 and 2012
electrons: new prefix ATLAS_EL_ ATLAS_E_XX ATLAS_EL_XX XX=EFF, RES, ISO_YY; YY=HWW, HZZ, Hbb, Htautau electron systematics (including efficiency SF, isolation, ...). Electron isolation is decorrelated between Higgs channels as the isolation requirements are very different
extended electron efficiency model: new prefix ATLAS_EL_20XX_   ATLAS_EL_20XX_YY XX=11, 12; YY=IDST_high, ST_15, ST_10, ST_7, ID_low, REC_high, REC_low more detailed electron efficiency systematics model as discussed and agreed in this egamma meeting.
photons: new prefix ATLAS_PH_ ATLAS_E_XX ATLAS_PH_XX XX=? to be specified by H->gamgam
old 2011+2012 electron+photon energy scale model: prefix ATLAS_EM_ ATLAS_EM_XX ATLAS_EM_XX XX=ES_Z,PS1,PS2,MAT1,MAT2,ES_lowpt electron energy scale systematics as used for the first 2011+2012 combination paper published Summer 2013
final 2011+2012 electron+photon energy scale model: new prefix ATLAS_EM_ https://cds.cern.ch/record/1637535?   ATLAS_EM_XX XX=ES_Z, ES_Momentum, PS_Barrel, PS_EC, S12_Barrel, S12_EC, MatID_1 (eta<1.1), MatID_2 (1.1<eta<1.5), MatID_3 (1.5<eta<2.1), MatID_4 (eta>2.1), MatCalo_Barrel, MatCalo_EC, MatCryo_Barrel, MatCryo_EC, LArCalib_Barrel, LArCalib_EC, LArUnconvCalib_Barrel, LArUnconvCalib_EC, LArElecUnconv_Barrel, LArElecUnconv_EC, LArElecCalib, L1Gain, L2Gain, LatLeakUnconv, LatLeakConv, ConvEfficiency, ConvFakeRate, Geant4, Pedestal, ConvRadius final 2011 and 2012 photon and electron energy scale systematics for Hgamgam and HZZ
final 2011+2012 electron+photon resolution model: new prefix ATLAS_EM_ https://cds.cern.ch/record/1637528   ATLAS_EM_XX XX= mRes_CT (constant term), mRes_ST (sampling term), mRes_MAT (material), mRes_PU (pileup) final 2011 and 2012 signal resolution systematics for Hgamgam and HZZ
muons: new prefix ATLAS_MU_ ATLAS_M_XX ATLAS_MU_XX XX=EFF, RES, ISO_YY; YY=HWW, HZZ, Hbb, Htautau muon systematics (including efficiency SF, isolation, ...). Muon isolation is decorrelated between Higgs channels as the isolation requirements are very different
muons momentum scale: new prefix ATLAS_MU_ ATLAS_M_XX ATLAS_MU_XX XX=MS, MS_RES_MS, MS_RES_ID useless ?
taus: new prefix ATLAS_TAU_ ATLAS_T_XX ATLAS_TAU_XX XX=EFF, ... tau systematics (including trigger, SF, ...)
lumi: new prefix ATLAS_LUMI_ lumi, lumi2011, lumi2012 ATLAS_LUMI_XX XX=2011,2012,... possibly also including the run period if needed Luminosity uncertainty
shape uncertainties and data driven scale factors: new prefix ATLAS_shape_TH_ and ATLAS_shape_SF_ many different names, no schema so far ATLAS_shape_TH_ANA_XX, ATLAS_shape_SF_ANA_XX; if more appropriate also consider QCDscale_XX_ANA_shape or pdf_XX_ANA_shape or something similar ANA=analysis, e.g. WW0j, llll, ... ; XX=process, e.g. ttbar, Zjets, ... theory shape (TH) uncertainties between different regions and data driven CR -> SR shape extrapolation factors (SF)
data driven normalization scale factors: new prefix ATLAS_norm_SF_ many different names, no schema so far ATLAS_norm_SF_ANA_XX ANA=analysis, e.g. WW0j, llll, ... ; XX=process, e.g. ttbar, Zjets, ... data driven CR -> SR normalization/extrapolation factors (SF) or other type of data driven normalization scale factors
any other analysis specific NPs : ATLAS_ANA_ many different names, no schema so far ATLAS_ANA_XX ANA=analysis, e.g. WW0j, llll, ... ; XX=whatever it does intended for all remaining analysis specific NP that don't match any category above
signal strength parameter
overall signal strength mu
production signal strength mu_XS_XX mu_XS7_XX, mu_XS8_XX XX=ggH, VBF, WH, ZH, ttH, bbH; XS7 for 7TeV, XS8 for 8TeV analysis
decay signal strength mu_BR_XX XX=ZZ,WW,gamgam,tautau,bb

Major updates:
-- FabienTarrade - 26-Sep-2012

%RESPONSIBLE% ElisabettaPianori
%REVIEW% Never reviewed

-- ElisabettaPianori - 12 May 2014

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Topic revision: r5 - 2014-05-21 - ElisabettaPianori
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