How to reproduce Moriond 2013 H→γγ results (Page in construction be carefull)

install CMSSW_5_3_X release

cd CMSSW_5_3_X/src/
git clone -b massfac_moriond2013_approved
cd h2gglobe
cd AnalysisScripts/
vi massfac_mva_binned/datafiles_massfacmva_Moriond2013.dat
change "histfile=..." (example histfile=CMS-HGG_massfit.root)
./ -i massfac_mva_binned/datafiles_massfacmva_Moriond2013.dat -o scriptoutput/sub -l joboutput -n 200
./ -d scriptoutput -q 8nh 
./ scriptoutput   ##check the job status and call once all the jobs are done

Some other extra info: If you don't want to identify yourself in lxplus you can also clone with:

git clone -b massfac_moriond2013_approved

To refit :

./ -i <task_folder>/filestocombine_refit.dat 

To to the binned model :

cd CMSSW_5_3_X/src/h2gglobe/Macros
cp ../AnalysisScripts/scriptoutput/CMS-HGG_massfit.root .
./ -i CMS-HGG_massfit.root --doSmoothing --pval | tee interpolation.log & 

To see if the interpolation went well, you can do the EfficiencyXAcceptance plot :

python CMS-HGG_massfit_interpolated.root (if it doesn't work, copy the version of from the master branch of h2gglobe)

To do the parametric model (use CMSSW_6_1_1 and the head of globe) (Be really carfull here, things are changing):

cd SimultaneousSignalFitting
(Modify dat/config.dat and put your workspace) out of date
(./scripts/ -i dat/config.dat -o $PWD/files -f 8 -q 8nh --submit) out of date
./bin/SignalFit -i CMS-HGG_massfit.root -d dat/newConfig.dat -s dat/photonCatSyst.dat --skipSecondaryModels
Use the option --loadPriorConstraints to load officials parameters and put the parameters in dat/config.dat
./scripts/ –I dat/config.dat -o mySigJobs --runLocal --linearInterp --loadPriorConstraints --constraintValue=0.1
./bin/PackageOutput -i mySigJobs/filestocombine.dat -o mySigJobs/CMS-HGG_sigfit.root

To do the Limits :

cd CMSSW_6_1_1/src/h2gglobe/Macros/FinalResults
cp /afs/

./ --card2012=datacard_massfacmva_2012.txt (--unblind) -M Asymptotic -L 110 -H 150 -S 0.5 --run2012 -q 8nm
cd 8TeV/Asymptotic
hadd Asymptotic.root higgsCombine*.root
./ -m Asymptotic -f 8TeV/Asymptotic/Asymptotic.root (--expected) --limit

./ --card2012=datacard_massfacmva_2012.txt (--unblind) -M ExpProfileLikelihood -L 110 -H 150 -S 0.5 --run2012 -q 8nm
cd 8TeV/ExpProfileLikelihood
hadd ExpProfileLikelihood.root higgsCombine*.root
./ -m ExpProfileLikelihood -f 8TeV/ExpProfileLikelihood/ExpProfileLikelihood.root (--expected) --pval

To plot, you can use instead :
./ --run2012 --lumi2012=19.6 -M ExpProfileLikelihood (--parametric)
./ --run2012 --lumi2012=19.6 -M Asymptotic (--parametric)

./ --card2012="datacard_massfacmva_2012.txt" --run2012 (--unblind)
./ --makePlots --lumi2012=19.6 --run2012 (--unblind)

If you want to look at the fits :

cd CMSSW_5_3_X/src/h2gglobe/Macros/
vi makeBkgPlotsGeneric.C
   std::string filebkg = "CMS-HGG_massfit.root" and std::string filesig = "CMS-HGG_massfit.root"
root -l -b -q makeBkgPlotsGeneric.C

Or you can use (example):

cd CMSSW_6_1_1/src/h2gglobe/BackgroundProfileFitting/
./scripts/ -bCMS-HGG_massfit.root -d BkgPlots -c 9 --useBinnedData --doBands --massStep=0.5
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Topic revision: r9 - 2013-11-28 - CamiloCarrillo
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