-- FranciscoJavierRosasTorres - 2022-10-26

How to run 0vBB at Nikhef

You need to clone and build the project of the repository ssWW Analysis in your local space at Stoomboot. You can use the disk space /project/atlas or /data/atlas.

Access to Stoomboot

You need to be in the Nikhef network

  • Connect to Nikhef wifi
  • SSH on Nikhef

1) Via SSH, type:

ssh -Y username@login.nikhef.nl 

2) Login to Stoomboot, you can use @stbc-i1 or @stbc-i2:

ssh -Y username@stbc-i1

From there, you can move to /project/atlas or /data/atlas.

If you are not sure of which place choose to clone the project, have a look to the slides of ATLAS Nikhef weekly meeting Sep 30 2022.

ssWW Analysis Repository

This is the gitlab repository where the 0vBB analysis code is stored. You can find more information about the analysis group in the twiki page of VBSHeavyMajoranaNeutrino or directly in the GLANCE website ANA-EXOT-2020-06.

3) Cloning the project: You are setting up the ATLAS environment. As an extra option of setupATLAS the git tool will be enabled. Create the folder where the project will be cloned (you can choose whatever name that you want for the folder). Move into the new folder.

lsetup git
mkdir ssWWAnalysis
cd ssWWAnalysis

Use the git command clone to cloning the project. You can use the link to clone by SSH, HTTP or Kerberos

git clone –recursive ssh://git@gitlab.cern.ch:7999/atlas-phys/exot/lpx/exot-2020-06-projects/ssWWAnalysisCode.git 

4) Building the project

mkdir build run
cd build
asetup AnalysisBase,21.2.204
cmake ../ssWWAnalysisCode
make -j4
source setupAnalysis.sh

ALERT! If you modify some code, you will need to run cmake, and make in the build folder. But if you modify one of the config files (*.cfg) you do not need to build the project again.

Comment: Every time that you login, you need to access to the build folder and source again.

source ../ssWWAnalysisCode/login.sh
As a suggestion, create an alias that includes setupATLAS, navigate to the build folder, and do the source of the login script.

All the previous steps are to get the correct configuration of the project in your space at Nikhef.

Find more details of instructions for cloning and building the project in the git repository ssWWAnalysisCode

Running the ssWW analysis

You need to run the four basic steps (prepare, initialize, analyze, and visualize) to get the data processed, or the plots requested. You can follow again the information of the gitlab repository of ssWWAnalysisCode, but you need to pay attention to the initialize step, because you need to use the correct configuration file that works with the sample list of Nikhef.

The config file for us is located in: share/config/master/0nuBB/initialize-0nuBB-NIKHEF.cfg

PxAODv5 samples

The samples of the version 5.1 are stored in /dcache/atlas/searches/0nuBB at Nikhef. For the PxAODv5.2 new diboson Sherpa low Mll and SMWeinberg samples need to be included, and the old (v5.1) SMWeinberg PxAODs will be removed. More information in the merge request !32.

The new samples were replicated at Nikhef but as Francisco had right’s problems to download the samples in the /dcache/ area, he downloaded them in his data space at Nikhef (/data/atlas/users/fjrosast/searches/)

ALERT! Someone with the correct rights need to move these samples to the /dcache/.

In addition to the changes mentioned, new Zjets samples also need to be added for mc16a and mc16d (We need to remove the version 5.1 of this files). These samples also are in the same folder in the Francisco’s data atlas nikhef space.

In the sample folder, Francisco updated the text files with the file list for mc16a, mc16d, and mc16e. These files will substitute to the current files of the directory /share/config/samples/inputFileLists/ssWW_0nuBB.

How update the file list

Every sample downloaded produce a folder with the name of the sample, in the folder are the root files that we need to write in the file list, but it is necessary include the complete path of the file. To know in which file list write one root file, you only need to check the name folder, this specify from which mc sample come (mc16a, mc16d, or mc16e).

For example: In the /data/atlas/users/fjrosast/searches/ folder we have the subfolder user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.SMWeinberg.mc16e.SSWW.sys.V5.2.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L/. As we can see these samples are coming from=mc16e=, so the root files that are in this folder should be write in the text file ssWW_mc16eFileList_NIKHEF.txt but with the full path.

So the root file is wrote as

and it will be write in the file list as

NOTE: We lost a lot of samples of the mc16a. We need to download they!

The full list of samples to download is below:

  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttbar_PhH7.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttbar_PhPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttbar_RadHigh.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttW_A14Var3Down.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttW_A14Var3Up.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttW_aMCPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttWW_MGPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttZ_A14Var3Down.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttZ_A14Var3Up.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttZ_aMCH7.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.ttZ_aMCPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.tWZ_aMCPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.tZ_aMCPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Vgamma_EWK_MGPy8.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.VVVfact_Sherpa.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.VVV_Sherpa.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Wgamma_EWK_MGH7.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Wgamma_Sherpa_new.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Wjets_MGPy8.mc16a.SSWW.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Wjets_Sherpa_new.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Zgamma_Sherpa_new.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Zjets_Sherpa.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L
  • user.karolos.mc16_13TeV.Zjets_Sherpa_new.mc16a.SSWW.sys.V5.1.PAOD_2L_PAOD_2L

How produce the 2D histogram for IFF Truth Classifier

You can produce ntuples when are running the analysis code. You only need to enable the option, and choose the variables to be dump in the root files. For more information, visit the ssWWAnalysis Repository. The goal is visualize some entries in the bin 11 that correspond to muons constructed with a mis-identified charge.

Francisco coded a script to plot the histogram of the IFF Truth Classifier numbers of two leptons in the final state. This histogram is 2 dimensional. In the horizontal axis the IFF number of the primary lepton is plotted, and the vertical axis is the IFF number of the secondary lepton. The grid of the histogram shown the number of entries.

This script is located in the folder: /data/atlas/users/fjrosast/ssWWAnalysis/scripts/ at Nikhef Stoomboot. A copy of this script is in the Francisco’s personal repository at Gitlab.

terminal_plot-2D-hist.png output_plot-2D.png
Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PNGpng output_plot-2D.png r1 manage 188.3 K 2022-10-28 - 01:35 FranciscoJavierRosasTorres 2D histogram of IFF truth numbers
PNGpng terminal_plot-2D-hist.png r1 manage 326.1 K 2022-10-28 - 01:35 FranciscoJavierRosasTorres 2D histogram of IFF truth numbers
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