Learning Roostats

This twiki is the product of my efforts to teach myself statistics and what Roostats is doing so that I could actually use it for my physics analysis. Please let me know if you find it useful...

0. Roofit basics


All continuous variables are represented by a RooRealVar.
RooRealVar v("v","My Variable",5,0,10); //value is 5, range is 0->10
v.setVal(6); //change value
v.setMin(-5); //change min
v.setMax(11); //change max
v.setConstant(true); //make a constant


Discrete variables can be represented using RooCategory:
RooCategory c("c","My Discrete var");
c.defineType("val1",1); c.defineType("val2",5);
c.setIndex(1); //to set using the type index
c.setLabel("val2"); //to set using the name of the type


You can construct functions (RooAbsReal) from variables using the RooAddition and RooProduct classes, for example (these two are examples of functions). You can also construct generic functions with RooFormulaVar. e.g.:

RooAddition add("add","my add",RooArgSet(v1,v2));
RooFormulaVar add2("add","alternative add", "@0+@1",RooArgList(v1,v2)); //the same thing

Note the use of the RooArgList, since is an ordered version of a RooArgSet... the ordering is important clearly to get the formula right.


Pdfs are a subclass of functions, with extra functionality to help keep the function normalized. Examples are RooPoisson and RooGaussian.


Using a RooWorkspace appears to have become the standard way to work with RooFit, instead of defining all the model elements seperately and keeping track of all the instances yourself. You can create many objects for your workspace through the factory method... other objects can be created and added to the workspace manually if necessary. So after doing:
RooWorkspace w
You can do:
Old way New way
Variables RooRealVar n("n","number of events",10,0,5000) w.factory("n[10,0,5000]")
Var Addition RooAddition mean("mean","s+b",RooArgSet(s,b) w.factory("sum::mean(s[5,0,100],b[5,0,100])")
Var Product RooProduct myProduct("myProduct","myProduct",RooArgSet(v1,v2)) w.factory("prod::myProduct(v1,v2)")
Generic Function RooFormulaVar myFunc("myFunc","","@0*@1+sin(@2)",RooArgList(v1,v2,v3)) w.factory("expr::myFunc('v1*v2+sin(v3)',v1,v2,v3)
Pdfs RooPoisson pois("pois","my poisson",n,mean) w.factory("Poisson::pois(n,mean)")
Pdf Addition RooAddPdf model("model","my model",RooArgList(pdf1,pdf2),coeff1) w.factory("SUM::model(coeff1[0.5,0,1]*pdf1,pdf2)")
Pdf Product RooProdPdf model("model","my model",RooArgSet(pdf1,pdf2)) w.factory("PROD::model(pdf1,pdf2)")
Generic pdf RooGenericPdf.... w.factory("EXPR::myPdf('a+b',a,b)")
Category RooCategory c("c","");c.defineType("val1=3"); w.factory("c[val1=3]");
Note that RooArgLists are specified inside braces (see the Generic function example).

You can then access the variables (as pointers) through the workspace:

To add manually created stuff, use the import method.

Roostats likes to make use of arg sets (RooArgSet), and these can be defined, stored, and accessed through the workspace like this:

w.set("observables"); //pointer to observables RooArgSet

To inspect your workspace, just call

on it, and it will show you whats in there!


You'll need one of these to define the observables for your analysis. A RooDataSet was traditionally intended to be like a TTree (internally it is one) where each entry is one of your events, but in cases of simple counting experiments the number of events is frequently viewed as one of the (or the only) observable. So lets say we have one observable n, inside our workspace
RooDataSet data("myData","myData",*w.var("n")) 
If we wanted a dataset with many observables, we define a set in the workspace and then construct from that:
RooDataSet data2("myData2","myData2",*w.set("mySet"))
You could add the dataset to the workspace as well, but it usually isn't necessary.... the use of the workspace was only to exploit the factory method of creating models, you don't use that method to define datasets. But anyway, here's how you would do it:
w.import(data); //NOTE this makes a copy of your dataset, modifying data wont change the dataset in the workspace
w.data("myData"); //gives you a pointer to it for future use/modifications
To set the value of your "n" you will set the value of the var that is included in the dataset and then add that var (or set of vars)
Inspecting the dataset can be done like this:
data.Print("v"); //tells you how many entries and what variables are in the dataset
data.get(0)->Print("v"); //gets the 0th entry of the dataset (if it exists), which is a RooArgSet, and prints the values of all the vars in that set


This should be thought of as a collection of pointers to variables (note to self: it's like a CamDeque). It inherits much of its functionality from the RooAbsCollection class. Important features to remember:

1. The way the first arg is added to the set determines if the set owns the args. addOwned(..) will activate ownership (all subsequent calls must be addOwned). add(..) will activate nonOwnership (all subsequent calls must be add). addClone(...) creates a clone of the arg (arg->Clone()) and takes ownership of that clone. Therefore you cannot addClone followed by add, or vice versa - i.e. a set with a clone must own all its args (set->isOwning() == true).
2. If it owns, it will try to delete the args when it is destroyed
3. All constructors (including the copy constructor) will use "add", i.e. the RooArgSet you make will not own the args it is "copying" from the rvalue collection.

Basically, you can run into all sorts of troubles if you dont keep track of ownership, for example:

RooArgSet* set1 = new RooArgSet; set1->addOwned(*someVar); //someVar should not be deleted by anything else
RooArgSet set2(*set1); //asking for trouble... if set1 is now deleted (or if it had been on the stack and goes out of scope) then you have a bunch of pointers to bad objects
set1->releaseOwnership(); //now it wont delete the args when it is deleted
set2.takeOwnership(); //if we dont do this, we have a potential memory leak, if nothing deletes the variable. 
delete set1; //this is now ok, set2 has ownership

You can take a 'snapshot' of any RooAbsCollection, which returns an owning collection of clones.


When you plot a pdf on a RooPlot, the normalization of the pdf is taken from getFitRangeNEvt() of the plot.

The value of a plotted pdf is NEvt times binWidth times getVal(observables), where observables are the variables of the frame, and are used are integrated over to give the denominator of the pdf value

1. Parameter Estimation


I wanted to measure the cross-section for a particular process, using a frequentist maximum likelihood estimate method. I'll start from a very basic setup but slowly develop things into a more sophisticated result.

I start with one channel, a simple counting experiment (i.e. one bin), one single background estimate with an uncertainty (this uncertainty would include everything, including lumi uncertainty if the estimate includes MC estimates), luminosity with an uncertainty, and an overall acceptance estimate, with uncertainty.

Description Quantity Measurement
Luminosity 5.0 +/- (3.9%) fb-1
Number of observed events 61
Background estimate 41.7 +/- 4.6
Signal Acceptance 0.71 +/- 0.09

Here's a quick estimate for what the cross-section should come out to be:

Constructing a model

We start by defining, on paper, our model - the PDF for our observables (the data), parameterized in terms of the cross-section (our parameter of interest) and other parameters (nuisance parameters). OK... here's a first attempt at a pdf:

Here I introduce the convention that parameters (i.e. anything that is allowed to float during the likelihood maximization) are primed. So here I have used gaussian constraint terms for each of the nuisance parameters, based on the measured/estimated values my analysis had for them. Therefore the groupings for each term in this pdf are: data = Parameters of interest = Nuisance parameters =

Here is the code to construct this model inside a workspace. You are required to define a range for each of the variables involved, otherwise the numbers are constants, unable to fluctuate as part of the fitting procedure to follow. You could use infinities (given by +INF and -INF) for the limits but it is better to pick sensible values, e.g. lower limit of 0 - this gets called a truncated gaussian but is only significantly different from a regular gaussian if the mean of the gaussian is within a few st.dev of 0, which isn't the case in this example.

using namespace RooFit; 

   //construct the model
   RooWorkspace w("w");

   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b[41.7,0,100],41.7,4.6)"); //constrained b to be positive - "truncated gaussian"
   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_acc(nuisance_acc[0.71,0,1],0.71,0.09)"); //constrained acc in range 0-1
   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_lumi(nuisance_lumi[5.0,0.0,10.0],5.0,0.195)"); //constrained lumi from 0 to 10.0
   w.factory("prod::s(sigma[0,100],nuisance_lumi,nuisance_acc)"); //constructs a function
   w.factory("sum::mean(s,nuisance_b)"); //another function
   w.factory("Poisson::pois(n[61,0,100],mean)"); //a pdf (special function)
   w.factory("PROD::model(pois,constraint_b,constraint_lumi,constraint_acc)"); //another pdf

   //define RooArgSets for convenience
   w.defineSet("obs","n"); //observables
   w.defineSet("poi","sigma"); //parameters of interest
   w.defineSet("np","nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,nuisance_acc"); //nuisance parameters

   RooDataSet data("data", "data", *w.set("obs"));
   data.add(*w.set("obs")); //actually add the data

The prod and sum lines of the model could have been combined into one generic function line using either of the following:


The whole model could in fact be done in one line, because the factory method allows terms to be nested...


Maximizing the likelihood

You turn the model into a likelihood function by specifying (i.e. fixing) the data (i.e. observables) in the model: . You then maximize the likelihood, technically by forming the negative log likelihood function () and minimizing that. The value of all the free parameters (poi and np) after this minimization are the maximium likelihood estimators for those parameters, and get labelled with a hat, e.g. , .

To do this in Roofit, ask the model to create the NLL...

RooAbsReal* nll = w.pdf("model")->createNLL(data);
... before minimizing it, lets take a quick look at the function (its not pdf any more, it's just a plain RooAbsReal). First note that roofit determined which terms of your model do not involve your observables defined in the dataset you gave it - these are constraint terms and roofit will tell you:
[#1] INFO:Minization --  Including the following contraint terms in minimization: (constraint_b,constraint_lumi,constraint_acc)
Technically your NLL is formed of the nll part (a RooNLLVar) in a RooAddition with a constraint part (RooConstraintSum). I don't yet understand the technical workings of this, you can inspect it like this:
root [20] nll->Print("v")
--- RooAbsArg ---
    (0x5d13d10,V-) RooNLLVar::nll_model_data "-log(likelihood)"
    (0x5d639f0,V-) RooConstraintSum::nll_model_data_constr "nllCons"
    !set -> 
      1)         nll_model_data
      2)  nll_model_data_constr
root[21] nll->getComponents()->find("nll_model_data")->Print(); //etc etc
To plot the nll, we want to inspect it after having projected it onto the parameter of interest axis (note: projecting I think means integrating up over the other parameters at each point along the poi axis. This is called marginalizing in bayesian statistics methods, which is different to profiling, where instead of integrating at each point along the poi axis you maximize the function by floating all the other parameters but keeping the poi fixed at each value along the axis - lots of maximizations!). Here's a the plot...
RooPlot* frame = w.var("sigma")->frame();
nll->plotOn(frame,ShiftToZero()); //the ShiftToZero option puts the minimum at 0 on the y-axis
We can see the minimum is about where we expect it to be (about 5), but lets run the minimizer (minuit) to find it for sure, and also evaluate the uncertainty on the parameter estimate for sigma. Here you have three choices: migrad, hesse or minos. The first two involve assuming the nll function is parabolic about the minimium. This is approximately true at least for the projection shown above, but a common choice in HEP for parameter estimator errors is the minos method: this instead forms the profile likelihood ratio for the poi

where is the parameter of interest, are the other parameters, are the values of the nuisance parameters that maximize the likelihood for that particular value of (these are called the profile maximum likelihood estimators) and the denominator is simply the maximum likelihood value and acts as a normalization.

After forming this pll function, the errors are taken as the point where two times the negative log of this function is equal to 1. This comes from statistics results suggesting is distributed so 1 sigma of the distribution is located less than 1. So the lower and upper errors are just the limits of this region.

RooAbsReal* pll = nll->createProfile(*w.set("poi"))
I've zoomed in and drawn a line on the plot to show where we expect the errors to be (pll is just the negative log of the profile likelihood ratio, hence the line at 0.5 instead of 1). So by eye we are expecting sigma to be about 5.5, with lower limit of about 3.0 and upper limit of about 8.0.

If we run the minimizer now, followed by minos for the errors...

RooMinuit mini(*nll);
mini.minos(*w.set("poi")); //could give no arg list and it will calculate minos errors for all the parameters

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) values for the parameters get propagated back to the variables inside the RooWorkspace, and the minos asymmetric errors get calculated for the poi. You'll see this in the printout, but you can save the information to a "RooFitResult" object like this:

RooFitResult* res = mini.save("myResult","My Result");
res->status(); //should be 0 for success!

To access the info about sigma:

w.var("sigma")->getVal();w.var("sigma")->getErrorLo(); w.var("sigma")->getErrorHi();

So drawing these low and high limits on our plot we get this (note that getErrorLo() returns a negative number by convention):

Thus confirming that the minos method has done what we expected it to do for calculating the errors.

Note that all this can be accomplished in one line, using the fitTo method, where you fit the original model to the data - the default roofit fitting method is to maximize the likelihood function constructed from the dataset you give to the model....

RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(data,Minos(*w.set("poi")),Save(),Hesse(false));

So the final result I have for this model is which is in line with our quick estimate from earlier.

Section 1 full code

   using namespace RooFit; 

   //construct the model
   RooWorkspace w("w");

   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b[41.7,0,100],41.7,4.6)"); //constrained b to be positive - "truncated gaussian"
   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_acc(nuisance_acc[0.71,0,1],0.71,0.09)"); //constrained acc in range 0-1
   w.factory("Gaussian::constraint_lumi(nuisance_lumi[5.0,0.0,10.0],5.0,0.195)"); //constrained lumi from 0 to 10.0

   //define RooArgSets for convenience
   w.defineSet("obs","n"); //observables
   w.defineSet("poi","sigma"); //parameters of interest
   w.defineSet("np","nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,nuisance_acc"); //nuisance parameters

   RooDataSet data("data", "data", *w.set("obs"));
   data.add(*w.set("obs")); //actually add the data

   RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(data,Minos(*w.set("poi")),Save(),Hesse(false));

   if(res->status()==0) {
   } else {
      cout << "Likelihood maximization failed" << endl;


2. Setting Frequentist Limits


To set a frequentist limit at, say, 95% confidence limit (CL), we must find the value of the poi where the probability of getting a result at least as incompatible as the data we got under the assumption of that poi value is 5% ... i.e. we want the p-value=0.05. To determine a p-value we must define a test statistic. We'll start by using the , or to follow the literature:

where is the profile likelihood ratio, and is the poi. This means each different value of the poi has its very own test statistic. Low values of indicate good agreement with that choice of . We need to find the that has its corresponding for the observed data at a p-value of 0.05, using the distribution of assuming that that value of is correct. Mathematically, we want to find satisfying:

The is to indicate that when generating toy mc (or otherwise) in order to build up the distribution of the test statistic, you should choose all the nuisance parameter values to be the ones that they took for the conditional MLE when you formed the likelihood using the observed data and fix the poi value to . I.e. you generate pseudo-data for all the observables in your model, but to do this you have to choose values for all the parameters, which you do in the way described here. But then for each time you have generated pseudo-data (toy mc) you then allow the parameters to float as usual for when you determine the value of the test statistic.

Finding the test statistic distribution

We start from the example problem in section 1. When we computed and drew the profile likelihood ratio we were drawing the observed value of each of the test statistics (without a factor of 2) for each possible value of . So clearly where this curve (the red curve) is 0 is where there is the most compatibility between that particular model and the observed data. So at what point along the poi axis is the observed test statistic at the p-value=0.05 critical point?

One way is to use the asymptotic formulae for the distribution of our test statistic (Cowan, Cranmer, Gross, Vitells).

The distribution is non-central distributed, with non-centrality parameter: where is the st.dev of the unconditional MLE (the mean value of is obviously the value , since we would expect on average for the best fit value of to come out as the underlying value that is used to generate the distribution). Thankfully we do not need to determine just yet because we want to know the distribution in the case where - so this gives a non-centrality parameter of 0, and so the test statistic is distributed according to a central (i.e. regular) distribution with 1 d.o.f; aka Wilk's theorem. All this holds for the case of one poi, mutiple poi I will come to later.

So the p-value quantity is just given in ROOT by a chi2 distribution with 1 dof:

p_mu = TMath::Prob(t_obs,1.); // = 1 - (2*ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sqrt(t_obs),1.) - 1);

(Remember, a chi^2 value of x corresponds to being sqrt(x) st.dev away from the centre of a normal distribution, so we are computing the fraction of the normal distribution within sqrt(x) st.devs of 0, and subtracting that from 1).

So taking the problem from section 1, we can plot these p-values easily with the following code:

 RooAbsReal* nll = w.pdf("model")->createNLL(data);
   RooAbsReal* pll = nll->createProfile(*w.set("poi"));

   RooFormulaVar p_mu("p_mu","p_{#mu} using asymptotic formulae","TMath::Prob(2*@0,1.)",RooArgList(*pll));

   RooPlot* frame = w.var("sigma")->frame(Range(0,30));

   TLine l;l.SetLineStyle(2);

To give this:


So where the curve intersects the dashed line are the 95% CL limits (CL(s+b) limits). You can extract the location of this as follows:

double limit = p_mu.findRoot(*w.var("sigma"),0,30,0.05);

Note that if you had multiple roots to find, you would need an iterative procedure to find them all, one by one - a simple while loop would do. Here I get about 11.5 as the upper limit

Two-sided vs One-sided test statistics

What we've done here is called a "two sided confidence limit", finding the confidence interval for a given confidence level. In section 1, we found the confidence interval for a 1sigma confidence level - the upper and lower limits on the MLE of our poi correspond to where the curve above cuts the y=0.317 line (1sigma=68.3% confidence). All we've done so far is find a way to find the upper and lower limits for any confidence level. The reason it is called "two sided" (not to be confused with "two-tailed" and "one-tailed" tests which refer to how the p-value is defined... we always use one-tailed p-values here) is because we allow our test statistic to say that a downward fluctuation in data with respect to a particular hypothesis (i.e. a case where ) represents a disagreement with that particular hypothesis (i.e. gets a test-statistic value that is not necessarily close to 0). The atlernative is a one-sided test, where you use a modified test statistic that takes value = 0 for any where the unconditional MLE of () for the data being tested is higher than . We call this and it looks like this (the purple curve)...

qmu testStat2.png

This was drawn by making a custom function in RooFit, where the value of the function is set to 0 for values below the MLE. To make a custom function, first do:


Then in the evaluate() method of the generated cxx file, add:

Double_t pllVal = profileLL; //need to evaluate profileLL first

   const RooProfileLL* ll = dynamic_cast(profileLL.absArg());
   if(ll) {
         const RooArgSet& s = ll->bestFitObs();
         const char* poiName = s.first()->GetName();
         Double_t bestFit = s.getRealValue(poiName); //assume first is the poi
         if(bestFit > ll->getVariables()->getRealValue(poiName)) return 0;
   return pllVal; 

You'll need to also add the include for the RooProfileLL class: #include "RooProfileLL.h"

Then you can compile that class and use it like this:

.L RooOneSidedProfileLL.cxx+
RooOneSidedProfileLL opll("opll","opll",*pll); //pll is the pointer to your profilell function made earlier

This new test statistic has a different asymptotic formula for its distribution to the previous test statistic : it is the sum of a delta function (at 0) and a chi^2 distribution, with a factor of 0.5 in front of both. This makes sense: if you throw toys (pseudo-data) under the assumption of the given value of , we expect the unconditional MLE to fluctuate according to a gaussian with mean = . So if you want the distribution of for this same value of , half the time you'll get exactly 0 from the test statistic (the came out bigger than ) and half the time it will be the same as what would have given you.

How does this alter the cumulative distribution and the subsequent p-value? The p-value is the fraction of the distribution further from 0 than the observed test statistic value. But now half of the distribution has shifted to sit exactly at 0 (because of the delta function). So the cumulative distribution (i.e. integrating from 0 up to some value) is half whatever it was before, plus 0.5 from the delta function that appears at 0. The cumulative distributions are thus given in terms of the cumulative distribution of a normal distribution, as:

Test statistic Cumulative Distribution Code
2*ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sqrt(t_obs),1.) - 1;

And the p-values as thus given by 1-Cumulative Distribution:

Test statistic P-Value Code Value of test-stat @ pVal=0.05
2*(1.-ROOT::Math::normal_cdf(sqrt(t_obs),1.)); or TMath::Prob(t_obs,1.); (delta-log-likelihood value is t_mu/2 = (1.959^2)/2 = 1.92)

(Note that the value of the sqrt of the test statistic that gives you a p-value of 0.05 corresponds to the one-tailed or two-tailed nSigma points for a 95% interval. I.e. 95% of a normal distribution is within +/-1.959sigma .... so the two-sided test stat corresponds to the 95% confidence interval where the 5% outside the interval is two-tailed. The is correspondingly one-tailed: 90% of normal distribution is within +/-1.64sigma, so only 5% is above the upper limit i.e. one-tailed.)

So drawing this new p-value on our plot....

RooFormulaVar p_mu_q("p_mu_q","p_{#mu} from one-sided pll asymptotic formulae","ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(sqrt(2*@0),1.)",RooArgList(opll));

and with a bit of tidying up, we see the following plot:

qmu tmu testStat2.png
So we see that the one-sided upper limit is slightly smaller than the two-sided upper limit. Generally the latter is favoured in the case where you actually want to set an upper limit on new physics. The former is fine for confidence intervals (i.e. 1sigma errors) on actual parameter estimates, as done in section 1.

In fact, a slightly different test statistic is used in ATLAS for upper limits on new physics, which I will call the bounded one-sided test statistic. This is for cases where the null hypothesis value of the poi is believed to be the lowest value it could physically take (typically this would be 0 if your poi was the signal strength for a new physics signal), and so cases where your observed data (or the pseudo-data used to build up the test statistic distribution) give an unphysical MLE for your poi (less than the null hypothesis value) are modified to use the likelihood function value where the poi has been set to its null hypothesis value.

A note about CLs limits

Note that gives you the CL(s+b) confidence limit. To do a CL(s) limit you will also need to know the distribution of the test statistic, but under the assumption of some other value of the poi, which represented the background only (null) hypothesis. i.e. you need to know:

where is the null value of the poi (Note: the literature often defines this quantity to be instead, where now represents the probability of observing greater agreement with the null hypothesis than the observed data. I break with the convention because it seems more natural to think of p-values always being defined to the same side of the observed test statistic). When setting an upper limit on an alternative hypothesis, you want the p-value for the alternative hypothesis to be small, but simultaneously want the p-value of the null hypothesis to be big (i.e. the null is right and the alternative is wrong). So you to penalise the cases where the null hypothesis p-value comes out small as well, so for CLs we find the value of where the following quantity is 0.05:

So in the cases where the alternative hypothesis test statistic distribution actually sits pretty much on top of the null hypothesis distribution (i.e. no sensitivity), then the p values come out very similar, and this new p-value therefore becomes very large, no matter how small the alternative hypothesis p-value is.

If we want to use the asymptotic formulae we will need a way to estimate , which is the st.dev. of , which we can do using the asimov dataset, as will be explained in chapter 4.

Section 2 full code

   using namespace RooFit; 

   gROOT->ProcessLine(".L RooOneSidedProfileLL.cxx+"); //see details in section for how to make this file

   //construct the model
   RooWorkspace w("w");

   //all in one line!!
               Poisson::pois(n[61,0,100], \
                  expr::mean('sigma*nuisance_lumi*nuisance_acc+nuisance_b', \
                  sigma[0,100], nuisance_lumi[5.0,0.0,10.0],nuisance_acc[0.71,0,1],nuisance_b[41.7,0,100])), \
               Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b,41.7,4.6), \
               Gaussian::constraint_acc(nuisance_acc,0.71,0.09), \
               Gaussian::constraint_lumi(nuisance_lumi,5.0,0.195) \

   //define RooArgSets for convenience
   w.defineSet("obs","n"); //observables
   w.defineSet("poi","sigma"); //parameters of interest
   w.defineSet("np","nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,nuisance_acc"); //nuisance parameters

   RooDataSet data("data", "data", *w.set("obs"));
   data.add(*w.set("obs")); //actually add the data

   RooAbsReal* nll = w.pdf("model")->createNLL(data);
   RooProfileLL* pll = dynamic_cast(nll->createProfile(*w.set("poi")));

   RooFormulaVar p_mu_t("p_mu_t","p_{#mu} from pll using asymptotic formulae","TMath::Prob(2*@0,1.)",RooArgList(*pll));

   RooPlot* frame = w.var("sigma")->frame(Name("plot1"),Range(0,22));

   double limit = p_mu_t.findRoot(*w.var("sigma"),0,30,0.05); //for example, to find the 95% limit

   RooOneSidedProfileLL opll("opll","opll",*pll);


   RooFormulaVar p_mu_q("p_mu_q","p_{#mu} from one-sided pll asymptotic formulae","ROOT::Math::normal_cdf_c(sqrt(2*@0),1.)",RooArgList(opll));

   TLine l;l.SetLineStyle(2);

3. Going Further with our model

Global vs Non-global observables

Its time to understand what we mean by a global observable and a non-global observable. Global observables are said to be associated with auxiliary measurements. But here's another (better?) way to think of it....

In the model we have done so far, we have been calling the number of events our observable. But instead, lets move to our observable being a new quantity, called "dummy", and instead move the number of events "n" to be the number of events in our dataset. "Dummy" always takes the value of 1, for every event in our dataset - we'll use a RooCategory to represent it. So what does our dataset look like for the example problem in section 1? We had nObs=61, so to represent this in our new setup we have:

RooDataSet data("data","data", *w.set("obs"));
for(int i=0;i<61;i++) data.add(*w.cat("dummy"));

Now we need to modify our model a little bit - for any given event, the pdf for the "dummy" observable is just going to be Probability(dummy=1)=1. The interesting part now moves into what is the probability of us getting this many events (entries) in our dataset. What we need to form is what RooFit calls an Extended PDF. These can be constructed using the RooExtendPdf class, but can also be done via the RooAddPdf class (and hence the SUM method of a RooWorkspace factory) where you specify that you want to sum up a pdf with a co-efficient in front of it. If the number of coefficients matches the number of pdfs you are summing up, then the pdf is "extended" and effectively acquires an additional poisson term in front of it to describe the number of events expected. Specifically, our model looks like this:

Note that M is not a pdf - it is not normalized to 1, it is normalized to , whatever that value might be.

In code, we do it like this:

w.factory("expr::mean('sigma*nuisance_lumi*nuisance_acc+nuisance_b', \
                  sigma[0,100], nuisance_lumi[5.0,0.0,10.0],nuisance_acc[0.71,0,1],nuisance_b[41.7,0,100])");

   w.factory("SUM::model(mean*PROD::constraints(Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b,41.7,4.6), \
               Gaussian::constraint_acc(nuisance_acc,0.71,0.09), \
               Gaussian::constraint_lumi(nuisance_lumi,5.0,0.195) \

The generated "RooAddPdf" model is different to our previous model, in that we can now do:


and this tells use, for whatever the current values of the pdf parameters, what the expected number of events is i.e. what the value of "mean" is:

w.func("mean")->getVal(); //will have the same value as expectedEvents(..) above

Why have we done this? We're paving the way to have our dataset actually hold a continuous value observable instead of just dummy, where we could include the pdf for this continuous observable multiplicatively into our model. More on that later.

At this stage you should be able to proceed as in Chapter 1, and fit your data to the model and extract the MLE of your signal cross-section. The only thing you have to add is that you must tell RooFit to explicitly include the constraint terms for each of the nuisance parameters (if you don't, it will try to be clever and discard them before running minuit, and that wont get you very far!!). Thankfully we already defned the RooArgSet "np" of all the nuisance parameters, so we're good to go:

RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(data,Minos(*w.set("poi")),Constrain(*w.set("np")),Save(),Hesse(false));

So here's how we define a Global Observable: it is an observable which is the same value for all entries in your dataset. When we come to generating pseudo-data, we should only need to generate the global observables once per pseudo-dataset... you don't want the values to change between the rows of your dataset. When working with extended pdfs, a global observable is a pdf parameter that you will want to be held constant at some particular value (its observed value, or the value it takes for your pseudo-data) when you run fits with your model (on the observed data, or the pseudo-data), but you want the the value of this parameter to be able to change each time you generate new pseudo-data. So in our model, what are the Global Observables? The nominal value of the luminosity is one: if a parallel universe you ran their own version of your analysis on their parallel universe LHC, they would probably measure a different nominal value of the luminosity. The same goes for your nominal background estimate and nominal acceptance (they clearly have uncertainties, they're effectively an observable in what is called an auxiliary measurement. Your parallel universe you may have got slightly different MC from their generator and therefore predicted a slightly different background component, and so on).

OK so we go back to our model and throw in that these nominal values are no longer constants, but are additional parameters (with a range) that we hold constant when running fits. Before doing this, see that when we ask our pdf what its parameters are, we get the following:

root [23] w.pdf("model")->getParameters(w.set("obs"))->Print(); //the argument of getParameters is to tell the model which parameters are not in fact parameters but are actually observables
RooArgSet::parameters = (nuisance_acc,nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,sigma)

Now if we go back and modify the model to read:

w.factory("SUM::model(mean*PROD::constraints(Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b,b0[41.7,0,100],4.6), \
               Gaussian::constraint_acc(nuisance_acc,acc0[0.71,0,1],0.09), \
               Gaussian::constraint_lumi(nuisance_lumi,lumi0[5.0,0,10],0.195) \

When we ask for the parameters of the model we now get:

RooArgSet::parameters = (acc0,b0,lumi0,nuisance_acc,nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,sigma)

Having defined the poi, the nuisance parameters and the observables as "sets" in the workspace, we can now automatically say which parameters are global observables: they're the parameters that are neither nuisance parameters, poi, or observables that will appear in the RooDataSet):

RooArgSet* globalObs = w.pdf("model")->getParameters(RooArgSet(RooArgSet(*w.set("obs"),*w.set("np")),*w.set("poi")));
RooArgSet::parameters = (acc0,b0,lumi0)

If you tried to run a fit as this stage, you'll be in big trouble... you need to hold the global observables constant because they aren't going to be constrained by your dataset you're fitting to (the dataset doesn't have the nominal values for these observables in the rows of the dataset)....

   TIterator* iter = globalObs->createIterator();
   for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
      RooRealVar *rrv = dynamic_cast<RooRealVar*>(a);
      if(rrv) rrv->setConstant(true);

Note: In RooStats (if we ever get there smile ), the user is asked to specify the observables, global observables, and the poi - the nuisance parameters are the ones that are automatically determined.

Test statistic distribution from Toy MC

Lets try to generate the distribution of one of our profile likelihood ratio test statistics, by generating pseudo-data under the assumption of a particular value of the poi (which need not be the value of the poi used to form the test statistic). We'll call the assumed value of the poi , with the value of the poi used to form the likelihood ratio test statistic given by . Hence we with to find, e.g. (for the one-sided test statistic):


So to generate a pseudo-dataset, we first need to generate pseudo-data values for the global observables (the observables not present in the RooDataSet we plan to make). RooFit gives you a method to do this:

RooRandom::randomGenerator()->SetSeed(111); //in the interest of reproducibility of results
RooDataSet* pseudoGlobals = w.pdf("model")->generateSimGlobal(*globalObs,1); //the 1 is to generate one set of values only

DataStore modelData (Generated From model)
  Contains 1 entries
    1)   acc0 = 0.698192 C  L(0 - 1)  "acc0"
    2)     b0 = 38.6157 C  L(0 - 100)  "b0"
    3)  lumi0 = 5.07694 C  L(0 - 10)  "lumi0"

But we should keep in mind that these toy MC values of the global observables were generated with a particular set of values for the nuisance parameters (and the poi) in the model. The recommendation is to use the conditional MLE values of the nuisance parameters, for the particular values of the POI that we are generating pseudo-data under the assumption of, constructed using the observed data. I.e. we should use . A bayesian approach would involve randomizing the nuisance parameter value.... something we can come back to later.

So, lets first conditionally maximize the nuisance parameters, holding the poi constant (the global observables should be set to their nominal values still, and also held constant). We'll do this for a poi value of, say, 10fb.

w.var("sigma")->setVal(10); w.var("sigma")->setConstant(true);
RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(data,Minos(false),Constrain(*w.set("np")),Save(),Hesse(false)); //conditional MLE nuisance values have now been set
w.set("np")->Print("v"); //optional - to see the conditional MLE values for the poi=10 parameter point

So now we're ready to generate our toyMC global observables. This time I get:

RooDataSet* pseudoGlobals = w.pdf("model")->generateSimGlobal(*globalObs,1); //the 1 is to generate one set of values only
DataStore modelData (Generated From model)
  Contains 1 entries
    1)   acc0 = 0.641359 C  L(0 - 1)  "acc0"
    2)     b0 = 35.6624 C  L(0 - 100)  "b0"
    3)  lumi0 = 5.04248 C  L(0 - 10)  "lumi0"

As expected, for a poi value higher than the MLE estimate for it, we see the background estimate has gone down compared to our nominal value... this has been caused by the nuisance parameter having a conditional MLE value pushed down by the large poi value.

We now need to set the global observables in the model to these values, and then generate our actual (nonglobal) observables:

RooArgSet* allVars = w.pdf("model")->getVariables();
const RooArgSet* pseudoGlobalValues = pseudoGlobals->get(0);
allVars->assignValueOnly(*pseudoGlobals->get(0)); //this is a clever way to copy all the generated global observable values over to the model... it will change values of the global observable parameters, even if the parameters have already been setConstant
delete allVars; delete pseudoGlobals;//cleanup

Now you're ready to generate the pseudo-dataset. (.... this may not be needed... need to check....->>Make sure your global observables have been setConstant before doing this - you want them to stay fixed to the pseudo-values you have just generated while you generate the pseudo-values for your observables)

RooDataSet* pseudoData = w.pdf("model")->generate(*w.set("obs"),Extended());

We need the "Extended" option, otherwise the number of events generated will always be equal to the expected number of events, which is whatever the value of "mean" is at this point. What you get is actually a dataset with 1 entry, but it has a weight of x, where x is the pseudo number of events. This is just an alternative way to work with a dataset, rather than having a dataset with no "weight" field, so all entries have weight=1.

RooDataSet::wu[,weight:weight] = 1 entries (60 weighted)

We then use this pseudo-dataset (60 events, with acc0, b0 and lumi0 nominal values set to the values generated above) to evaluate the test statistic. Lets evaluate the one-sided profileLL that we invented in chapter 2.

RooAbsReal* pseudo_nll = w.pdf("model")->createNLL(*pseudoData,Constrain(*w.set("np")));
      RooProfileLL* pseudo_pll = dynamic_cast(pseudo_nll->createProfile(*w.set("poi")));
      RooOneSidedProfileLL pseudo_opll("pseudo_opll","PseudoData One-Sided ProfileLL",*pseudo_pll);

This looks like this:

opll pseudoData.png
We can choose to evaluate this test statistic at a value of the poi we would like to test. We've generated it under , so lets evaluate it at . To evaluate the test statistic just do:
w.var("sigma")->setVal(15);double q_mu = pseudo_opll.getVal()*2; //we didn't include the factor of two in our custom function

But note: The explicit evaluation of this test statistic causes a minimization to occur, which modifies the values of the model parameters (non-observables). So you need to make sure before you generate any further pseudoData you set the parameters back to where you want them. So just after you did the fit with the real data, take a snapshot of the nuisance parameters and use that (along with your chosen value of the poi) to reset the parameters before each pseudoData generation:

RooArgSet* npValues = w.set("np")->snapshot();
for(int i=0;i&LT;nToys;i++) {
  RooArgSet* allVars = w.pdf("model")-&LT;getVariables();
  allVars->assignValueOnly(*npValues);w.var("sigma")->setVal(10); //reset the poi and nuisance parameters

So in this way we can sample our test statistic (at whatever value of we want) under the assumption of a particular value of the poi=. You could then histogram these values to take a look at the sampling distribution of your test statistic. But instead we'll use this opportunity to use our first ever roostats class: SamplingDistribution (and SamplingDistPlot, which visualizes a SamplingDistribution).

A SamplingDistribution just holds a set of values (which may be weighted, but if no weight given then the weight is assumed=1) that define some distribution. I.e. its an unbinned histogram :-P. We construct it using a vector of doubles (with an optional second vector of doubles to represent the weights, which we don't need for this example)...

using namespace RooStats;
   SamplingDistribution sd("opll_sd","One-sided pll test stat @ sigma=10",testStatValues,"q_{#mu}");

testStatValues is your vector of values, the rest of the arguments are just convenient names, titles, and variable names, which I have yet to figure out the use of!

We then visualize the SamplingDistribution by adding it to a SamplingDistPlot.

SamplingDistPlot sdp;
   sdp.SetLineColor(kMagenta,&sd); //for example, to change the coloring
   sdp.AddLine(observedTestStatValue,0,observedTestStatValue,0.2,"q_{#mu}^{obs}"); //where I saved the value from earlier
   TCanvas c2; //to draw the plot to a new canvas
   cout << "P-value = " << 1.-sd.CDF(observedTestStatValue) << endl; //to get the p-value of the observation

This gives me (after doing 2000 toy MC pseudo-data generations):

This is the distribution . The pvalue I get is 0.0715. So the observed data doesn't appear very compatible with the hypothesis of . We conclude this from using a test statistic that was really designed for testing a hypothesis of , but a small p-value is a small p-value, so that's that.

Bounded and Unbounded test statistics

I'll get back to this...

4. Asimov datasets

Estimating the standard deviation of the poi MLE

The Asimov dataset is a fake dataset which you create where if you then maximized the likelihood associated to this dataset, you would get the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters to be the (assumed) true values of the parameters. So if we assumed that the true signal cross-section (our poi) was given by , what should our observables (global and non global) be set to such that we end up with ? We also need to specify what the assumed values of the nuisance parameters will be too - as these assumed values will constrain what the global observable values should be in the Asimov dataset. We will choose these values to be the conditional MLE values obtained using the observed data with , i.e. . This is because we are forming the Asimov dataset in order to determine the standard deviation of , which, for asymptotic formulae of test statistics, is assumed to be gaussian distributed with mean and some standard deviation we'll call . And the recommendation for nuisance parameters was to use the conditional MLE values obtained with the observed data. (Note to self: Investigate making asimov datasets with pdf->generate(*observables,ExpectedData()) )

We start with the example problem we have been using throughout this tutorial, but using the form of the model where the global observables have clearly been promoted to "observable" status in the Gaussian constraint terms (i.e. a true frequentist construction). We'll keep the model in its extended form, and this time set up the observed data using the "weights" feature of a RooDataSet:

   RooWorkspace w("w");
   w.factory("expr::mean('sigma*nuisance_lumi*nuisance_acc+nuisance_b', \
                  sigma[0,100], nuisance_lumi[5.0,0.0,10.0],nuisance_acc[0.71,0,1],nuisance_b[41.7,0,100])");

   w.factory("SUM::model(mean*PROD::constraints(Gaussian::constraint_b(nuisance_b,b0[41.7,0,100],4.6), \
               Gaussian::constraint_acc(acc0[0.71,0,1],nuisance_acc,0.09), \
               Gaussian::constraint_lumi(lumi0[5.0,0,10],nuisance_lumi,0.195) \

   w.factory("n[61.0,0,2000]"); //the weight variable for the dataset entry

   //define RooArgSets for convenience
   w.defineSet("obs",""); //observables
   w.defineSet("poi","sigma"); //parameters of interest
   w.defineSet("np","nuisance_b,nuisance_lumi,nuisance_acc"); //nuisance parameters

   RooDataSet data("data","data", *w.set("obs"), "n"); //n is the weight variable
   data.add(*w.set("obs"),61.0); //add an entry with weight=61.0

   //identify the global observable parameters and make them constant (to behave like observables in fits)
   RooArgSet* globalObs = w.pdf("model")->getParameters(RooArgSet(RooArgSet(*w.set("obs"),*w.set("np")),*w.set("poi")));

   TIterator* iter = globalObs->createIterator();
   for (RooAbsArg *a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next(); a != 0; a = (RooAbsArg *) iter->Next()) {
      RooRealVar *rrv = dynamic_cast(a);
      if(rrv) rrv->setConstant(true);

Now we find the nuisance parameter values for the value of the poi that we wish to assume, which we can do by holding the poi constant and running the fit...

w.var("sigma")->setVal(10); w.var("sigma")->setConstant(true);
   RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(data,Minos(false),Constrain(*w.set("np")),Save(),Hesse(false));

   RooArgSet* np_cmle = w.set("np")->snapshot(); //conditional MLE values for mu=10

The values I got are:

 1) 0x1fd49ef0 RooRealVar::    nuisance_b = 38.707 +/- 4.18845  L(0 - 100)  "nuisance_b"
  2) 0x1fd49190 RooRealVar:: nuisance_lumi = 4.96521 +/- 0.19396  L(0 - 10)  "nuisance_lumi"
  3) 0x1fd49840 RooRealVar::  nuisance_acc = 0.652868 +/- 0.0822396  L(0 - 1)  "nuisance_acc"

These are therefore the expected values for b0, lumi0 and acc0 - i.e. we should use these values for our asimov dataset. The corresponding expected number of events, which will be our nObs for the Asimov dataset, is given by the value of the "mean" function in our model:

w.function("mean").getVal();  //this gave me 71.11 with the above nuisance parameter values

It's not a problem that this value is non-integer. So our Asimov Dataset is given by: nObs=71.11, b=38.707, lumi=4.965, acc=0.653. Lets plug make this dataset (which includes manually setting the global observables in the model), and check that fitting the model to this dataset gives us back :

   RooDataSet asimovData("asimovData","Asimov Dataset", *w.set("obs"), "n");

   RooFitResult* res = w.pdf("model")->fitTo(asimovData,Minos(false),Constrain(*w.set("np")),Save(),Hesse(false));

This gives me:

RooRealVar::sigma = 10 +/- 3.28692  L(0 - 100) 

Hurray, everything works and we have our Asimov dataset!

This dataset is useful because we can now extract for use in the asymptotic formulae, by using the relationship:

Where is the profile likelihood ratio formed with the asimov dataset. So lets evaluate this quantity and extract our estimate for . But which value of do we choose to calculate it at? Does it matter? Lets express as a function, just to see how stable things are across the possible values...

RooAbsReal* asimovNLL = w.pdf("model")->createNLL(asimovData,Constrain(*w.set("np")));
   RooProfileLL* asimovPLL = dynamic_cast(asimovNLL->createProfile(*w.set("poi")));

   //sigma^2 = (mu-mu')^2/(2*asimovPLL)

   RooFormulaVar muhatSigma("muhatVariance","#sigma_{#hat{#mu}}","sqrt(pow(@0-10,2)/(2*@1))",RooArgList(*w.var("sigma"),*asimovPLL));

   RooPlot* frame = w.var("sigma")->frame(Range(0,22));

And I get:

so not exactly independent of the choice of (remember, "sigma" on the x-axis is the parameter of interest in this model, aka ). The recommendation is to evaluate at the value of that you plan to test - i.e. the value you will use to form the test statistic e.g. .

Now we're ready to use asymptotic formulae to calculate CLs limits!

CLs from asymptotic formulae.

As explained earlier, the CLs limit is the value of where the following holds:

where is the test statistic you choose to form (for a CLs upper limit, this will probably be a one-sided test statistic like in fact). So we effectively need to pick a value of , evaluate its (asymptotic) distribution under the assumption of , and again under the assumption of . Then calculate the p-values from the position of the observed value of the test statistic, and compute the above fraction. If its too big, we need to move to a value of further away from , which will hopefully lead to a smaller value for , without significantly altering the value of (we are setting an upper limit because we believe the observed data is compatible with the hypothesis, so the p-value for any test statistic under this hypothesis we expect to be large~0.5).

Expected limits from Asimov dataset

Still to do...
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PNGpng nllPlot.png r1 manage 10.4 K 2013-01-05 - 15:30 WillButtinger  
PNGpng nllpllPlot.png r2 r1 manage 11.2 K 2013-01-05 - 16:06 WillButtinger  
PNGpng nllpllPlot2.png r1 manage 11.4 K 2013-01-05 - 16:43 WillButtinger  
PNGpng opll_pseudoData.png r1 manage 14.0 K 2013-01-13 - 19:02 WillButtinger  
PNGpng pValuePlot.png r1 manage 11.1 K 2013-01-07 - 19:21 WillButtinger  
PNGpng pValuePlot2.png r1 manage 13.1 K 2013-01-12 - 15:18 WillButtinger  
PNGpng qmu_testStat.png r2 r1 manage 14.3 K 2013-01-07 - 19:28 WillButtinger  
PNGpng qmu_testStat2.png r1 manage 16.2 K 2013-01-12 - 15:23 WillButtinger  
PNGpng qmu_tmu_testStat.png r1 manage 17.5 K 2013-01-07 - 20:34 WillButtinger  
PNGpng qmu_tmu_testStat2.png r1 manage 17.5 K 2013-01-12 - 15:27 WillButtinger  
PNGpng sampDistPlot.png r1 manage 5.6 K 2013-01-13 - 20:00 WillButtinger  
PNGpng sigmaMuHat.png r1 manage 9.2 K 2013-01-15 - 12:16 WillButtinger  
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