EMF LTDB configuration at EMF

Jira for issues tracking:

If you have an issue during OpcUaLarLtdbServer (peripheral) operations please:

  1. Create a sub task on ATLLARONL-435 ticket
  2. Assigne Etienne FORTIN


All command are made for a bash shell



  • NEVER RESTART OpcUaLarLtdbServer without having contacted CPPM experts before. This operation can put the system in bad state
  • Restart felixcore / opcuasca server only if there is an issue and the troubleshooter say to do it !

gtbin // attention not the same as P1 gtbin= /det/lar/project/LTDB

Set up your bashrc to have command

If your bashrc on pc-emf-felix-fe-01 do not contain the specific command to use LTDB's setup (status, ltdbMain ...)

cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/tools

source set_bashrc.sh



This part is only for expert, it may put the system in bad state if used.

(WIP) Felix star setup


Change the FELIX firmware on pc-emf-felix-fe-01 (if needed)

You need a specific flavor of firmware on the pc-emf-felix-fe-01's felix : the LTDB one

Take the latest release on the felix website : https://atlas-project-felix.web.cern.ch/atlas-project-felix/user/releases.html

To change it :


ssh -X pcemf-felix-01
source /data/FELIX/setup.sh
cd /data/ScriptInitFelix
./disable-minipod.sh    #If forgotten you may have to repower the FE crate
sudo /usr/local/bin/flxpci remove # DON'T FORGET THIS STEP, IF SO YOU MUST REBOOT THE COMPUTER
fflash -f 3 -L -b 1
rm fflash-tmp.txt # this file is created when you do fflash but if someone else did it before, he is the owner of this file and you can't do fflsh. So please clean it (remove) after fflash command
sudo shutdown -r now    ( # there is a bug in flxpci since we are in CC7 don't execute sudo /usr/local/bin/flxpci rescan)


ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB
source setup.sh
cd directory_of_your_felix_firmware
fflashprog -c 0 -f 3 LEFIRMW.mcs prog
fflashprog -c 0 -f 0 LEFIRMW.mcs prog
sudo shutdown now -r

to verify use :

cat /proc/flx
The firware version ans build date should match with the one you flashed If not you need to shutdown the computer and restart it manually

Felix configuration and felixcore start

Kill felixcore if running before you restart it.
ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/
cd Felix/

To check if felixcore is launched:

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/tools/misc
./status.sh #you need to edit your bashrc to have this command

To stop this server:

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
#note the felixcore's PID
kill -9 PID

Ping SCA

To test if all is good you can do a ping of all sca with this scan: The result have to be exactly the sames.

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
cd /det/lar/project/LTDB/tools/scanSca
source setup.sh
./scan.sh -l 1

-------------------------LINK 1---------------------------
----------------------Wendy position 9---------------------
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 3d

----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 7d

----------------------Wendy position 2---------------------
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink bd

----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink fd

----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 13d
elink 13d found SCA, serial=31482
elink 13d found SCA,LTDB 090 : SCA 1
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 17d
elink 17d found SCA, serial=31618
elink 17d found SCA,LTDB 090 : SCA 5
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 1bd
elink 1bd found SCA, serial=31598
elink 1bd found SCA,LTDB 090 : SCA 4
----------------------Wendy position 1---------------------
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 1fd
elink 1fd found SCA, serial=31554
elink 1fd found SCA,LTDB 090 : SCA 3
----------Scanning Adress for auxiliary elink 23d
elink 23d found SCA, serial=31506
elink 23d found SCA,LTDB 090 : SCA 2
------- Result --------
Number of SCA found : 5

Launch OpcUaScaServer

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01 
cd OpcUaScaServer/

To restart the server :

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01 
#note the ScaServer's PID
kill -9 PID

To see the logs the server :

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
#note the last_log_file
tail -f last_log_file

Launch OpcUaLarLtdbServer

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
cd OpcUaLarLtdbServer/

To see the logs

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
#note the last_log_file
tail -f last_log_file

The lasts log lines have to be:

 Server opened endpoints for following URLs:
2019-07-30 12:08.17.340425 [BaseQuasarServer.cpp:334, INF] ***************************************************
2019-07-30 12:08.17.340509 [BaseQuasarServer.cpp:335, INF] Press CTRL-C to shutdown server
2019-07-30 12:08.17.340552 [BaseQuasarServer.cpp:336, INF] ***************************************************

To check if the server is launched :

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01

To stop this server:

ssh -X pc-emf-felix-fe-01
#note the LarLtdbServer's PID
kill -9 PID

In the case of the pc-emf-felix-fe-01 is powercycled, one need to reopen the port with :

sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 48030 -j ACCEPT


Launch GUI

ssh -X pcatllarltdbemf
export PATH=/opt/WinCC_OA/3.16/bin/:$PATH
WCCOAui -proj ATLLARLTDB -p main.pnl

Main panel

The main panel is :


Click on the lonely colored LTDB, we would see the crate's panel, with one LTDB :


This pannel shows the status of all boards and controls the transition for the full system (At EMF only one board for now). A green color on one board means that this board is in good state, a red one that there is an error. The differents states and transitions of LTDB are :


To be ready for data taking the global state must be configured and LTDB green.

For stability issue, you can check the links status by pressing the corresponding button. If the LTDB stay green after that the system is ready ( automatically done after configure).

"Copy state" will copy into clipboard the full status of the system, you can paste it into elog or mail.

Now you click on the part 4, the green zone for E01 for example...appears le LTDB control panel of this E01 LTDB board. Description in the following chapter.

Ltdb monitoring/control panel

In the control panel, as the previous panel, you have the differents transitions: in grey, the transitions that have been yet done.
Every thing is ok if no red messages / no red zone.
The state of the LTDB you are looking should be coherent with the global state: a reminder at the top of the panel.

HOW TO SEE Monitoring: Clicking on the LTDB zone, you can have a look to differents parametres that are monitored: for the moment sca temperatures

Attention: After doing "CONFIG", it's better to click on the "Links Status" to update it.

* LTDB control panel:


* monitoring LTDB panel:

Errors messages:
Follows instructions in the message: go back to the OFF state that means do transitions UNCONFIG and SHUTDOWN in this windows and after returns to the current Global state (here CONFIGURED) doing INIT and CONFIG in this windows (LTDB control panel)


the status of the LTDB is RED= After CONFIGURE, "Links Status " is BAD => Expert can do a scan of the LOCx2 (Expert mode )

3) the log window: Liste of error code and recovery mesure: OpcUaLarLtdbServerTroubleshooter

-- EtienneMarieFortin - 2019-06-17

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf 08-10-19-SCA_RECOVERY.pdf r1 manage 244.9 K 2019-10-08 - 17:13 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng Adc.png r1 manage 59.2 K 2019-06-26 - 10:21 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng Capture_d’écran_de_2020-04-16_13-21-39.png r1 manage 48.5 K 2020-04-16 - 14:01 EtienneMarieFortin  
JPEGjpg ControlPanel.jpg r1 manage 75.4 K 2020-05-29 - 11:53 DanieleLaugier  
JPEGjpg EcranPP.jpg r1 manage 58.9 K 2020-05-13 - 11:31 DanieleLaugier  
JPEGjpg Erreur1.jpg r1 manage 38.8 K 2020-05-13 - 11:35 DanieleLaugier  
JPEGjpg Erreur2.jpg r1 manage 39.1 K 2020-05-13 - 11:35 DanieleLaugier  
JPEGjpg LTDB-panel-comments.jpg r1 manage 85.9 K 2020-05-13 - 11:33 DanieleLaugier  
JPEGjpg LTDB_panel.jpg r1 manage 49.0 K 2020-04-23 - 14:21 DanieleLaugier LTDB control panel
JPEGjpg Monitoringpanel.jpg r1 manage 42.2 K 2020-04-23 - 14:37 DanieleLaugier monitoring LTDB panel
PNGpng StatusPeripheral.png r2 r1 manage 39.1 K 2019-10-08 - 17:09 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng config.png r2 r1 manage 24.0 K 2019-10-08 - 17:15 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng configure_1c1.png r1 manage 36.9 K 2019-06-25 - 16:21 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng elinkconfigSteps.png r1 manage 180.7 K 2019-06-17 - 11:35 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng locx2_pannel.png r1 manage 101.4 K 2019-06-26 - 09:25 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng ltdb_panel.png r1 manage 58.6 K 2021-10-19 - 14:16 MathieuBiaut  
PNGpng ltdb_state.png r1 manage 14.6 K 2020-04-16 - 13:44 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng main-desc.png r1 manage 48.5 K 2020-04-16 - 14:01 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng main.png r1 manage 24.0 K 2019-07-03 - 22:30 EtienneMarieFortin  
PNGpng main_panel.png r2 r1 manage 199.7 K 2021-10-19 - 14:18 MathieuBiaut  
JPEGjpg pannelPrincipalAvec_Erreur.jpg r1 manage 43.5 K 2020-05-14 - 16:09 DanieleLaugier  
PNGpng startProject.png r1 manage 156.6 K 2019-06-25 - 16:03 EtienneMarieFortin  
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